Page 47 of Gift from the Wing

My kidnapping.

I don’t conceal the torture Franklin put me through.

Donald. Max. Bryce…Trex.

The cuts, bites, burning, bruises, blood draining.

Or all the information I learned. CC’s guidance.

Sitting on that bathroom floor, giving up on myself for the first time in my life. Our mental link snapping in place.

I don’t hide the vile things said to me that day. I don’t shy away from Donald’s crude words and vulgar intentions. I let it all be seen so my hatred is understood even more than it already is.

The battle. Max’s death. My inability to heal all at once.

Capturing Trex. Capturing Franklin.

The Bane of Essence.

The damage done to my body.

I show the sweet glances Corentin shared with me the morning after our bonding.

What Tillman showed me with his mind about Gima’s part in the academy’s ward coming down.

Finding out that Trex is a pawn in all this and his brother’s need for our help. Franklin’s story about my mother. The past, where Elementra allowed me to see my mom escape the chains in Franklin’s torture room. I show that snippet with pride. She was such a badass.

My gift of Light Bending emerging. How no one could hear or see me in the clearing by our tree.

Nikoli identifying all the ingredients in the Bane of Essence. Jamie rerunning my blood and discovering Lyker is my brother. Going to Terravile to tell him the truth. CC’s memory of my mom coming through the portal. The day she had to leave Lyker behind and return to Franklin.

Our mom’s house. Finding the Willowrrie flower.

Themeaning of my name.

The grueling training Oakly and I were put through in preparation for us to leave for the forest. Then me falling into the past as we vialed up the Bane of Essence.

I skip over Keeper’s past as that’s not my moment to share. That will be a story first for him and Draken to talk about. Hopefully.

Franklin…The Summum-Master’s my grandfather.

I slow down the moment and let his words ring clear in my mind for everyone to hear, but I also don’t hide my loathing, my zero intentions of acknowledging that blood relation. Then with pride swelling in my chest, I show the moment when, with my men, my brother, and Ry, my brother from a bond by my side, we end my torturer’s life. How I sealed his fate using the same powerful words Aurora did when she had to make that same difficult decision.

My dream walking with Tanith and how she instructed me on how to save Keeper.

I can’t show the moment my shadows emerged with Caspian, but I show the morning my water tried to drown me, and my shadows came out to play that day.

The Forsaken Forest.

The moment I moved Oakly out of the way would make me laugh at any other time. She was pissed, to say the least. That humor flees me as Keeper pins me to the tree, baring his fangs, ready to rip my throat out. I allow the words I whispered that the guys didn’t hear the first time around play out loud and clear. They’ve never pushed me for all the information. The revelation of him being Draken’s father was enough of answers for all of them.

The battle saving Tanith.

The rage-filled beating I gave Donald. I wish more than anything I had killed him right then and there. Been done with it. But his time will come. He won’t escape this realm alive.

The Summum-Master’s and my exchange. His dark promises, as well as mine. The explosion of power.

I will be his ruin.