Page 24 of Gift from the Wing

“You continue to encourage him, and he’s going to burn the forest down. Tillman will have a field day.”

“He needs encouragement. He shouldn’t fear what he is capable of but embrace it fully. You have books on the dragons of Essemist Keep, yes?”

“Of course I do.”

“Allow him to read some. It’ll do him good. It’ll give him something to enjoy learning,” I say.

Gaster snorts, shaking his head while he lays out everything I’ve brought with me across his dining table. “The boy hates to read, but I will offer them to him if you insist. Now, tell me, what is it we’re doing?”

Pulling the Memoria stone from around my neck, I reveal its appearance and slyly smirk at his audible gasp. Tracing my finger over it, I carefully remove it from the leather wrap I’ve always carried it in.

“By your astonishment, you know what this stone is, yes, old man?”

“Where in the realm did you procure a Memoria stone, Orien Caduceus Vito? You know the dangers that come with this stone,” he harshly whispers, looking out his window as if someone is spying on us.

“I do, but it won’t be in my possession for much longer. It’s going to be put somewhere safe, but I need you to do something for me before then.”

He looks at me warily before giving me a clipped nod. I could laugh at how many times I’ve received that look in my lifetime. It’ll never get old. If only he remembered all the shit I’ve asked him to do.

“I need you to wrap the stone in the silver. Make it into a necklace. I need it to be intricately knotted and barricaded in the casing of a willow tree. Use your imagination on the design,” I say softly, passing the stone over to him. I hold in my chuckle as he holds it in the palm of both hands as if it’s a newborn.

“That’s all?” he asks quietly.

“No, but that is step one. Take your time. Whilst you do that, I need to borrow some parchment,” I say, gently clapping his shoulder as I walk by him, to which he glares at me.

Leaving him be in his living room, I make my way to his small, crammed full of shit office, and sit at his desk. Staring around the space, I think about all the things he’s taught me in here. I mourn the thought that after today, he will move all of this out and spread it across his cottage. But I take comfort in the fact he’ll make this area a guest room that Willow will one day use when my boys act like fools.

Laughing to myself, I pick up the pen and stare down at the parchment in front of me. I write one small letter, a joke if you will, then my laughter slowly turns to sobs as the words flow freely on the next parchment.

Knowing Caspian, he’s away in his pocket dimension or eliminating the wrong that walks this realm. I don’t want to admit it, but it’s probably for the best we do not see each other today. Caspian has a sixth sense of when death is in the air, and he would stalk me if he knew my time has come.

So I pour my love into the parchment. I let what I can of the truth flow out so he understands the decisions I made. I let him know just how much I love him and how proud I am of him. Not many are made the way he and Willow are. They will find strength and balance in one another that no other will understand.

She will find the missing parts of herself in each of them.

Together, the five of them will make each other whole.

Sealing his letter up, I mutter to it quietly, “Conceal the sight from his prying eyes, only reveal my words when his heart accepts the ties.”

Opening a transport, I send the letter to a place he will only find once the time is right. Not a moment before, not a moment after. When he needs it the most, it will reveal itself.

Blowing out a steady breath, I move to the next piece of parchment and smile down.


Happy birthday, filia mea.

Wear the necklace and don’t take it off, no matter what.

It will all make sense soon.

CC, xoxo

After folding her letter up, I bring it to my lips gently. This will accompany both the worst and best birthday present I could ever give her.

Standing, I grab an envelope and hold on to the pen as I make my way back out of Gaster’s office and into his living room. As I step into the room, he lets out a great sigh, and I watch as he slowly lowers the necklace down on the table. I don’t have to see it to know whatever he did is going to be perfect, but still, I grow nervous with every step I take.

I hum happily as my eyes catch sight of it.