Page 21 of Gift from the Wing

He’s going to make a killer leader.

“It’s a solo trip, I’m afraid,” I say as I tap my head again. He knows all too well that means I’ve seen something they can’t know and of all my nephews, he accepts that quicker than any other.

“Well, be careful. Debrief when you get back?”

“We’ll have our time for a debrief. May I ask a favor before I go?”

He snorts, shaking his head as if it’s mental that I still ask permission from him for favors. “Of course. What can I make for you?”

“A couple things if you will. I need a wooden box with yellowish-brown coloring. Like a jewelry box. With a surface as fine, as smooth as you can get it and a bronze hinge that locks it together. A block of silver. And a fireproof stone bowl.”

A booming laugh bursts free of him, one joyous, humorous enough the ground beneath my feet shakes and I can’t help but join in. It’s a wondrous sound when my burly nephew lets it ring free.

“That’s quite the concoction. One I didn’t expect.”

“You never know when all three of those things can come in handy, nephew.”

He runs his hands down his face, wiping away the small laughter still pouring from his lips, and gives me an easy smile.

First, he whips up the block of silver and tosses it in the air a few times before handing it over. Followed by the stone bowl. He’s had to get proficient at making everything fireproof with Draken around and in no time, he passes me a bowl that I have no doubt could survive being dropped in Pyra’s mouth.

Finally…the box. He takes his time with this creation. Mapping it out in his mind before molding the item in front of him. Countless times, he gently runs his hands over the surface, smoothing it out until it’s flawless.He unhooks and hooks the hinge repeatedly, verifying its durability. And lastly, he holds it up to his face and blows away the dust covering it.


“Thank you so much,” I say with a smile.

She’s going to love it.

“No problem, Uncle. I got to hit this trail, then get to the academy, but I’ll see you after this secret mission,” he says, smiling proudly as he hands me the box and turns to take off.

“Yeah, I’ll see you, Tillme,” I whisper.

Tilly and Tillme.

Exhaling, I pull the last few moments from his mind. Only the bits of him making these three items for me. I replace those moments with me telling him how I know he’s going to be a great leader, just like his mom and dads were. Hell, even better.

Turning, heading toward the mansion whilst wiping my watering eyes, I put the items he just made me on the patio table and check my timekeeper.Shit.I’m running out of time, so I don’t waste another emotional second and head straight for the boys’ hallway.

I don’t push my way in, but I do lay my hand on the door that I know will be Willow’s. One day, they’ll make that room just for her. Perfect to her liking.

Passing by Draken’s room, I smother a laugh as his loud, unpitched singing filters through his door, and I decide to come back to him when he’s done taking his shower. Wild one that boy is. His carefree craziness calls to you like a beacon. What joy he’s brought into my life.

When I round the corner, I choose to go to Caspian first before making my way to Corentin. Taking a deep breath, I knock. Then wait. Then knock again. As the silence stretches and no answer comes, a lump forms in my throat and my heart splits open.

I’m too late to see him. He’s already left.

Leaning my forehead to his door, I send him my love, my apologies, my pride. Everything I feel for him, I send into his room.

Elementra, one day, let him understand.

I use my air to dry my face and hide the evidence of my sorrow. Corentin will be able to see right through me if I don’t. I’ve never met someone who’s so finely tuned to everyone and everything around him.

Approaching his door, I choke my fear down. It’s now or never.

Time for your decision, nephew.

Exhaling, I knock at the same time to hide the harsh sound of my breath falling from my lungs and wait patiently.