“Over two hundred years. Yeah, yeah, I get it.”
Again, he looks surprised, but in a few moments, he’ll understand how it is I knew he was going to say that. “Well, do you care to help or not?”
“Of course I want to help. What kind of question is that?”
Chuckling at his enthusiasm, I lay my hand on his shoulder and walk us back through the ward. As we pass, I also release the memories of his that I’m holding hostage in the Memoria stone.
Gripping his elbow to steady him as he sways, I pass over one of his own healing vials to ease the sickness that comes every time this happens, and I wait for the tongue-lashing that’s to come.
“Orien Caduceus Vito, I should have your neck. Countless times you’ve done this to me.”
“Yes, and I’m sorry, for the millionth time, but it will all make sense soon. I swear. Plus, as you most certainly remember, you agreed to help me in here and knew you’d be giving away your memories until the time was right for them to be returned.”
“Fine, yes, yes, I remember,” he says, waving me off as he looks around at all the work we’ve put into this wing.
He knows, at least for the moment, that I’ve never lived here. I do work and use the amplifier room in this wing, but I’ve reserved, decorated, and redefined this space for Willow and the boys. They’ll need a space that is theirs without the dark cloudy memories that the east, west, and central wings carry with them.
I haven’t even allowed my sister entry here.
“So what’s the finishing touch?” Gaster asks.
“A willow tree. Right here,” I say, pointing to the empty spot between the bookshelves.
“A willow tree? Really?”
“Yes. It’ll make sense soon enough.”
I describe in detail exactly what I want, need, the tree to look like. Down to the texture of the bark. I leave nothing out and by the third time I ask him if he can picture what I’m describing, he gives me a warning glare and I shut up.
With a huff and an eye roll that cause me to laugh through the tears that want to fall, I watch silently as he gets to work.
My entire life, Gaster has amazed me. The millennia he’s been alive have taught him so much, and it’s fascinating, an honor to be able to witness it up close and personal.
Fuck, I’m going to miss him so much. So fucking much it hurts.
As a single tear finally falls, I quickly wipe it away before he turns around and sees. Over the years, I’ve mastered blocking my aura from him, but with the knowledge of what’s to come in the next few hours, I have no confidence in my ability to hide my emotions from him.
Like the unreal expert craftsman he is, an exact replica of Willow’s tree in her forest begins to grow. It’s absolute perfection and I beam as it flourishes before my eyes.
“To your liking, CC?” he asks sarcastically and rubs his hands together.
“It’s more than I could’ve expected, Gaster,” I say, choking back the emotion clogging my throat.
“What’s wrong, my boy?” he asks, immediately sensing an issue.
“Everything’s fine. Just as it’s supposed to be. Thank you so much for helping me with this, with all of this. It’s perfect.”
He stares at me, unconvinced, but I don’t waver. I don’t allow my heartache and grief to shine through. Instead, I smile brighter, relishing the memories of him and all he’s done for me. All the stages of love he’s shown me and will continue to show my Willow.
“Well then, what are you up to for the rest of the day?” he finally asks.
“I have some errands to run, but I’ll be by your cottage in a little while if that’s okay?”
“Of course it is. I’ll be there with the tea ready.” The smile on his face stabs me right through my heart, but I suck it up and allow the pain to sink beneath my skin. “I guess this is the part where you steal my memories back?”
“Yeah, this is the part,” I whisper softly.
I want to laugh at his sigh, but I can’t bring myself to do it. It’s taking every bit of mental strength I have to shove down the urge to spit the truth out, tell him today is my last day in this realm with him, but I can’t do that, for it’ll ruin the last two hundred years of work.