Little do they know, this isn’t even my space, contrary to their popular belief.
Smirking, finding a semblance of joy in my secrecy, I turn around to glance at the grand bookshelf. There isn’t a row or spot empty. It’s overflowing with my most treasured reads and research, but this space is only a touch of the information I’m leaving behind for them. Everything else they will need can be found behind other doors of this wing and my own room in the central wing. A room believed to be long forgotten.
A tearful laugh falls from my lips as I recount a vision yet to come to fruition. My sweet, sweet Aurora. She’s going to have a field day to find out I was hiding in plain sight, just down the hall from her for years and years.
Checking my timekeeper, I only have ten more minutes before Gaster arrives, so I busy myself with straightening the already straight books and cleaning the already spotless surface of the shelves.
What else is there to do in your last few moments in this realm?
Running my fingers along the spines of the books appreciatively, I stop on the book that has the darkest of bindings and I swallow roughly.
Oh, my boy. Elementra has not allowed me to see much of your future. It’s far too murky and changes as rapidly as the tides, but I hope, pray, by the point in time you see this, Willow’s helped guide your way.
I beg you to find forgiveness in me.
Grabbing the copy of the Book of Shadows, I flip through the pages, letting the memory of how it came into my possession surface.
“I figured I’d find you here,” I say quietly as I enter the lounge of the mansion.
“Yes, where else should I be?” Caspian says, never taking his eyes off his book that he’s furiously scribbling in.
Oncehe finishes the sentence he was writing, he picks up his glass of whiskey, tosses it back as though it’s water, and my throat closes as guilt, regret, and so many other emotions try to take over.
“May I ask a favor of you, Cas? It’s important.”
His eyes shoot up to meet mine and I hold in a breath of relief to find him sober…for now. That relief is short-lived when I spot the resentment in his glare. It tears my heart in two.
Although I understand it.
I understand he feels betrayed, forgotten, and I wish more than anything I could take those emotions from him. But I can’t. It’s not time for him to know what comes yet and even if I did tell him the truth, right now, he’d only hate her more. Not love her as he should.
Therefore, I will endure his bitterness and love him through it.
“You can ask all you want.” He chuffs. His way of saying whether he grants said favor is debatable.
“I need to copy your Book of Shadows, as is,” I say, getting straight to the point. He doesn’t tolerate roundabout ways of things, so might as well get it over with.
“Yeah, not happening.”
“Caspian, please. It’s important.”
He leans back, crossing his arms over his chest, staring me down. I already know what he’s going to ask.
“Tell me why it’s important and I’ll consider it.”
Releasing a deep breath, it’s frustrating all the same even if I knew the question was coming. I wish I could tell him every single secret I hold in my mind. If I could, I would in a heartbeat so it would heal this pain, this hatred within him. That’s not my job, though. I’m not allowed to.
“There is a teenager who recently emerged. They’re having a very rough go. They…they’ve experienced much of the same things you have, and they need some guidance, not just books written based on facts, but experience.”
“What do you mean they’ve experienced much of the same things?” he asks darkly, sitting up a little straighter.
“You know what I mean, Cas, but that’s as much as I will speak on it. It’s not my story to tell,” I say firmly.
He may grit his teeth,but there’s a hint of respect in his eyes. It bothers him not knowing the whole story, but he appreciates me not gossiping as others do to him.
“There’re things in my book that no teenager has business reading,” he says, slamming said book shut.
“There’s nothing written in there that will surprise said teenager. I can assure you. Unfortunately.”