Down the parchment, it reads just as it did the day Willow’s mom filled it out, but at the bottom, a clause was included that the land would pass to her children in the event of her death.
Willow covers her watery smile with her hand as she says thank you and passes the paper back to Lyker. Her heart is beating so fast I can feel it through her fingers that lace tightly again with mine. Hopefully, now any worry about whether her mom wanted her to have that house alongside Lyker will vanish.
“That’s a perfect place for an academy,” Lyker finally says, smiling proudly.
“I swear to you, we’ll do this with you. You won’t bear all this responsibility alone,” I tell him seriously.
“I know. Tillman will have to come show his scary face every now and then. Remind everyone who the boss is.”
“Scary? I got the prettiest face out of all of us,” he teases, causing everyone to laugh at the obvious shit talking. His stern glare is one of the scariest looks I’ve seen.
The laughter breaks up the tension that was building in the room and everyone falls much more relaxed, even though I’m not done. Those two issues, though, were the biggest.
“What’s next on the agenda? I’m ready for dessert,” Oakly says, reaching across the table to battle Draken for the last handfuls of pastries.
She wins, by the way.
“Well, now that you’ve drawn attention to yourself, you are,” I say and she nearly chokes on said dessert she just shoved in her mouth.
When Jamie quits pounding on her back, staring at her as if she’s going to fall apart, they both turn to glare at me.
“You. I don’t believe you should continue at the academy.”
Her evil, narrowed eyes shatter and her face crumbles instantly, but I quickly hold my hand up for her to let me continue before she has a meltdown.
“I’m not kicking you out. Just like Willow, I think it’s in your best interest to be finished with your studies. Let’s be honest here, Oakly, you’re already the top of your class academically, as a first year. The time you’ve spent with Gaster, Willow, and San has propelled you far past even the fourth years. There’s nothing left that the academy can teach you. You’re needed elsewhere now.”
“But what about my Archivist Aid? Final test? Certificate of Completion? I can’t just be done. I don’t have anything to prove it,” she says frantically.
I can’t help but smirk at her. I really appreciate the fact she wants to prove herself, do things the way they’re supposed to be done, but certain situations call for certain measures.
Also, I think sometimes she forgets who her sister truly is. If she hasn’t figured out already or if she’s simply forgotten that she has a place at the palace alongside all of us by now, I’ll let her figure it out in her own time.
“All will be awarded to you properly. You’ll receive a Certificate of Completion for the academy, E.F. training, and Archivist Aid. All signed off by me, my mom, and Gaster.”
She looks at her men dumbfounded as if she just can’t wrap her head around this. Gaster gives her an encouraging nod. My mom gives her a warm, reassuring smile, but when her look falls to Willow, my princess squeals.
“Why the hell do you look so lost?”
“This is real?” she asks quietly.
“Fuck yes, it’s real! You’re done with the academy,” Willow shrieks, causing the whole table to erupt into cheers.
Which causes Oakly to cry.
“Stop all that,Perfecta Anima.You know better than anyone you deserve it,” Cas says, but it’s missing its usual coldness.
Oakly snorts, wiping her face clean. “You’re right, asshole. I definitely do.”
Cas rolls his eyes, but the two of them still smile, and that seems to light my princess up with happiness. The bridge that’s been gapped between the two of them makes her overjoyed and I’m so happy to see my brother moving past issues, not even caused by Oakly, but regardless, he’s taking baby steps starting with her.
“Last topic,” I say, quieting everyone once more. “I was going over reports this morning. With the exception of Willow’s kidnapping and Oakly’s, Ry’s, and San’s, the Mastery hasn’t attacked anyone since then. Nowhere in the realm has reported anything from them.”
“What do you think is going on?” my mom asks.
“They’re gearing up.”