The only issue with that is, he never moved into the south wing.
I hold my breath as the room comes into view, and my eyes search every surface. It’s nothing like you’d except a teenage boy’s room to be like. It’s neat, orderly, a bed perfectly made, and bookshelves that also serve as a headboard.
“What is it we’re looking for, Willow?” Aurora asks.
“I’m not sure yet,” I say as I continue to scan the room. That is until my eyes fall on the very out of place, not matching rug stretched out under the bed. “What’s your favorite color? And Tilly’s?” I ask.
“Mine is yellow. Tilly’s was green,” she says and I smile.
The chaotic green and yellow rug under the bed tells me all I need to know. All my most favorite gifts were given to me in some shade of purple. Colors were a personal touch he put on everything.
“Under the bed,” I whisper.
Moving to the foot of the bed, using my air, I lift the whole thing up and move it to the other side of the room, nearly knocking Oakly and Aurora over since they weren’t paying any attention.
A belly-deep laugh bursts out of me when I gaze down at the note on the rug and the two of them come to stand beside me.
“Oh, that asshole,” Aurora whispers, bending down to pick it up.
That’s all it says, and Aurora laughs until there’re streams of tears rolling down her cheeks. Both happy and sad.
“He seriously just wanted to leave me a note telling me he won hide-and-seek?” she asks.
“No, I don’t think so,” I mumble as I still feel his power pulsing through the room.
Looking down at the rug, its triangular-shaped pattern makes me dizzy as I stare at it for too long. My eyes begin to blur and beg for me to blink, but that’s when I see it.
Arrows pointing upward.
Again, calling my air element out, I use the wind to roll the rug up and squeal in excitement.
“It’s a secret room,” Oakly and I shriek at the same time.
“Orien, you sly creature,” Aurora murmurs.
Impatience and curiosity override all my senses as we gaze down at the small door carved into the floor and I reach for the grooved handle. A shock shoots up my arm and I snatch my hand back, screeching.
“What the fuck?” I cry out, gripping my hand.
“When will you learn, Willy?” Oakly snickers and I shoot her a deadly glare.
“Fair warning, everyone. It’s going to shock the shit out of you.”
They laugh at me, then gently lay their hands to the handle as well, taking the electrocution with ease and grace.
We watch a shimmering web skitter across the surface of the door, then gasp as we hear multiple locks begin to unclick. The sound of metal sliding against metal echoes around the room and I swear none of us breathe until the room falls silent once more.
“After you, Aurora. You’re the one who lost the game,” I whisper as if speaking too loud will disrupt something.
“Funny. You act just like him sometimes, you know?”
Yeah, I know.
Releasing a deep breath, she once again grips the handle, and my heart thunders in my chest as the creaking sound of hinges filters through my ears. A light illuminates a staircase for her to follow down as soon as the door fully opens, and me and Oakly glance at one another with her first step.
“This is so cool. I feel like an E.F. spy.”