This realization started festering in my mind the moment Elementra told me Gima had made her decision. Regardless of if she lived or died that day, I knew in my heart she was no longer a part of our magic system.
“Holy shit,” Oakly mumbles.
“I know.”
“No, I mean, yes, everything you just told me is very eye-opening and I’m going to digest it, but just taking it in, if all that is true, the Summum-Master would’ve been one of those, hell, maybe even the first to lose his relationship and he’s figured that out.”
My head twitches at the startling realization of what she’s saying. Faster than my mind can comprehend, everything starts playing out for what it is.
“Shit. That’s why he started stealing gifts. Why he had to travel to other realms to gather other magical shit. Oh my fuck, why the asshole relies on my blood so much. He’s trying to recreate his own magic system becauseElementra’s withdrawn hers and he’s still as powerful and strong as he is because he continues to take from people who are blessed by her. Shit.”
My shoulders slouch as the flurry of words falls from my mouth just as fast as they race across my brain. Oakly’s still staring at me wide-eyed but with a huge smile across her face that slows my erratic heart.
“You’re so damn smart, Mrs. Master Archivist. I don’t know what the hell I’d do without you.”
“Same goes for you, Willy. Thank you,” she says with tears welling in her eyes and I know that thank you is loaded with more than just the compliment I gave her.
The light shining in her eyes is so bright I see the reflection of myself when I fall into them. I see the broken pieces of my best friend mending themselves back together, and I know, after this flight, she’s going to be herself again. But better, stronger, and freer.
“Very good, filia mea. I’m so proud of you.”
“As am I, Adored. You are wise beyond your own belief.”
“That she is, Golden one.”
My laugh at the two of them is a watery one and I lean my head against Oakly’s, where she parks it on my shoulder. I savor this moment as the love from her bond and CC’s pulses through me and my tie—that I still don’t understand—from Tanith has my dragon purring softly.
“Well, Seeker, are you ready to meet the Matriarch? She just arrived back at the palace,”Tanith says slyly.
“Oh shit. I forgot about that,” Oakly says, popping up fast as lightning. “No, I’m not ready. I look a whole-ass hot mess. My eyes are swollen, hair’s a disaster.”
“Nonsense. Those are ridiculous concerns. My lord says she’s waiting for us to return, so we shall,”Tanith says with a small laugh, then turns us around on the drop of a dime.
And Oakly’s jaw drops just as fast.
“Looks like it’s time for you to meet my mother-in-law.”
“Fuck me. I should’ve stayed outside with the guys. I’m gonna puke.”
“You’re being crazy. Plus, they just came to give us quick kisses and check on us. If you had stayed with them, you would’ve had to go work out.”
“Damn it, you’re right, but still, this is petrifying. She’s breathtaking. Literally, I can’t breathe.”
I smile warmly as Aurora crosses her foyer to us and yeah, I admit, she’s stunning. She looks like an angel gliding through the rays of light, but regardless, Oakly’s nervousness is for nothing. Aurora is by far the easiest person in the realm to get along with.
Well, as long as you’re not threatening her family.
“I’m so happy to see you, girls. Uh, Oakly, it’s amazing to finally meet you,” Aurora says, wrapping Oakly in a hug that takes her by surprise. “Thank you so much for coming and having a girls’ day with me.”
Just like the day Gaster called her his granddaughter, she looks seconds from passing out and I hide my snickering behind my hand.
“She just thanked me. What the hell do I say?”
“I don’t know, Oakly, maybe something like, it’s wonderful to meet you, thank you for having me, you’re beautiful. Any of that would do.”
“I’m wonderful to meet. I mean, beautiful…I, shit,” Oakly stutters, slapping her hand to her forehead, and I die laughing.
Aurora starts as well but quickly covers it with a cough, then smiles fondly at her. “Don’t be nervous, please. You’re family. Family should always feel comfortable.”