Page 51 of Gift from the Nexus

A tortured sob mixed with an enraged scream erupts from me, violently shaking the mirrors in the bathroom as I fall apart in his arms.

Panic, rage, sadness grip my heart and tug in different directions, on the cusp of ripping me completely apart. I’ve never in my life been so hurt, heartbroken, and angered at the same time.

“Why…why did you let me look?” I cry out, holding on to Caspian’s arms for dear life, although currently, and irrationally, I partially blame him for my turmoil.

“Because, Primary, you can’t hide from it. The others may allow you to, but I won’t. I know what happens when you do. You can’t hide from yourself or your trauma. That mark is so special, yes, but it doesn’t defy your love for him or his love for you. It doesn’t defy the bond you share together. And I don’t just mean your Nexus bond. The two of you share something that the rest of the realm, any realm, and everyone in them will never get to know or understand. Hold onto that. Hold onto that knowledge and know that what your mark looks like means nothing compared to what the two of you have,” he whispers, holding me as closely and tightly as he can, sinking down to the floor with me in his lap.

As he rocks us back and forth, allowing me my time to crumble, I memorize his words, replaying them over and over until I feel them settle into my soul. I know he’s right. Drakenand I are one of a kind, just the two of us. Tied together by a force stronger than any other in all the realms. Of course I’m devastated by what’s been done to my body, my mark, but how my mark looks has no weight compared to the love I have for Draken.

“I’m sorry for yelling and getting upset at you. I just lashed out.” I quietly apologize as I get the fierce tears to stop flowing.

“It’s okay, Primary, just know I’ll never force you to face anything I don’t think you can handle. You had a reaction we all have, but not all of us recognize it as instantly as you did and apologize for it,” he says just as quietly, almost regretfully, like he’s done the same thing countless times.

“Caspian, if you don’t fucking let us in.” Corentin’s deadly tone slices through the brief pause.

My eyes trace the black wall separating me and the bathroom door and as soon as a sliver of darkness parts, Draken, Tillman, and Corentin burst through the bathroom madder than hornets, ready to lay into Caspian. Until their eyes find me, and the malice on their faces morphs into concern.

“What happened?” all three ask.

Standing us up easily, Caspian holds me steady while I get my balance and then steps back, allowing me to face the three of them. Their gazes instantly notice what I did and both shock and relief flood my senses as they all see I’m okay, technically better than okay.

A flutter of disappointment hits me square in my chest and I whip my head to Draken at the same time the feeling completely dissipates. It didn’t last but a millisecond, but I felt it, and with it comes another round of tears welling in my eyes.


Faster than I can even track the movement, he has me pinned against Caspian, lavishing me in a kiss that speaks a thousand words. His hand intertwines tightly in my hair, tugging my headback while the other grips my hip, softly caressing the skin as he pours his everything into me.

“I won’t lie and say I wasn’t hoping that the marks healed without scarring, little wanderer, but I promise you, it changes absolutely nothing. Not a thing. You’re a goddess, the most beautiful fucking woman I’ve ever laid my eyes on, and most importantly, you are mine, no matter what. Do you understand me?” His possessive, growly voice is a concoction of both man and beast that has me melting like putty in his hands.

He’s mine, no matter what. My dragon.

“Yes, and you’re mine.”

“Fuck yea, I am.”

His warm smile erases all self-conscious thoughts I was holding onto and leaves me feeling blissfully loved.

There’s no denying that for a long time coming, I’ll be sad every time I look at the scars, but I believe that’s okay. It’s not going to hold me back or bring me down any more than I’ve already allowed it to.

“How about you get back in bed? I had the kitchen prepare lunch for our Nexus, Oakly’s, and Gaster, but I’ll tell them to come later, princess,” Corentin says as he guides me out of the bathroom and to the side of my bed with his hand on my lower back, communicator already in his palm.

“No, no. I want them to come, and I want Jamie to check everything out. I feel back to normal, aside from the obvious, but I’d like to test my magic, gifts, and elements, but I’d rather be sure first.”

“Are you sure?” he asks at the same time Tillman wraps his hand around the back of my neck as his element takes hold, dressing me in a flowy lavender maxi dress, declaring, “Then they’ll be here in a few minutes.”

“Thank you, but I should really probably shower first,” I say shyly.

It’s no secret what happened last night, but I’m not about to blurt out I need to wash all the mind-blowing sex off me.

Snorting, while also groaning, Tillman shakes his head and cuts his eye to Corentin. “He washed you when he brought you back in here.”

“Did you now?” I ask, crossing my arms in faux sass.

“I did. Do you really think I’d let you sleep like that and not clean you up?” Corentin asks nonchalantly, not even pausing his rapid typing on his communicator.

I drop the offended charade and grin stupidly at him because what other kind of aftercare would I really expect from him, followed by being held for twelve straight hours while I slept. By the panty-dropping wink he shoots me as he slides his communicator in his pocket and motions us out my door, he knows all too well how pleased I am with his actions.

The rays of the sun bathe my face the moment we step outside, and I take a long inhale of the fresh forest scent the second my foot crosses the threshold out of the mansion. Although it’s midday, it’s not blistering hot and there’s a small breeze blowing in the wind that cools the warmth from my skin.