“I can’t explain because I don’t know it all. I just know she’s about to tell us to come to the palace.”
“And we have to go?” he asks.
“We don’t have to, per se, but we should. I don’t know all the reasons why, but apparently, it’s time for me to meet her, so time to put my big girl pants on and meet all the in-laws.”
“Everyone else go get their showers, then meet in the breakfast room. Gaster and Keeper are already in there if you want to join them, princess, and I’ll pack your things in a little while,” I tell her as I type out another message to my mom, letting her know I’m going to call her in just a few minutes.
The look in her eyes as she explained what she could to Caspian told me all I needed to know. We’re going one way or another, so no point in putting this off. Might as well get everyone’s asses up and at it.
“I do. I’ll see you all in there,” she says, giving all of us a kiss before heading out.
The mood doesn’t completely sour as we each make our way to our rooms to get ready, but the disappointment in each of us is evident. More than a few measly hours together alone this morning would’ve been nice, but it’s not going to happen now.
I add this occasion to the never-ending mental list of times that should’ve been more special, more drawn out. Every time that’s been interrupted, cut short, I’ve kept up with in my mind so when our life isn’t ruled by hunting the Mastery, then we can make it up to Willow.
Even though Tillman’s and my positions will always demand a lot of us, we’re going to have time to do things together alone as a Nexus. We’ll use the standard month break the academy takes to travel. Every two-day break during the instruction time we’ll do whatever makes her happy. When this war’s over, she can focus on what it is she wants to do. I’ll move mountains to make it so.
If she wants to work with Gaster and Oakly, I’ll make it so.
If she wants to work with the E.F. and Tillman, I’ll make it so.
If she wants to bounce around and do a little of everything with Draken and Caspian, I’ll make it so.
If she wants to do fuck all nothing. I’ll make it so.
I’ll do whatever it takes to let her experience everything she wants to, to the fullest. In the meantime, any opportunity I can find for us to just enjoy the company of one another, I won’t let it pass us by. If it’s just a few stolen hours, I’ll cherish it.
Our time to just live will come. Then we’ll worry about ruling.
Running the silk tie through my fingers, letting the familiar fabric soothe my thoughts, I end up tossing it to the side when it does nothing but irritate me and I unbutton the row of buttons I just did of my dress shirt. I’m not in the mood for formality, routine, rigidness.
Scanning my closet, the hundreds of suits Tillman’s made to my exact liking over the years stare back at me. It’s the same every day. Suit, jacket, tie, dress shoes. I don’t want that right now.
At the very back of the closet, I pull out the pale lavender button-up that makes my skin look a shade darker than it is and my hair lighter in the sun. I’ve never worn it, just tried it on from time to time and looked at myself in the mirror. Why in the realm I ever asked Tillman to make me this, I have no clue, butobviously a part of me knew my princess was coming and she’d want to see me in her color.
With only a little hesitation, I pull the shirt off the hanger, grab a pair of darker pants to pair it with, and dress in the new ensemble before I can change my mind. This ordinary task is probably so simple for others, and I desperately wish it were the same for me. Pick an outfit and go, no other worries. But it’s just not.
I do find a semblance of peace, though, as I button the shirt up, leaving the top two open. It’s routine enough that it feels normal and honestly the weightless feel on my shoulders from not throwing a jacket on is refreshing. I feel like I can breathe.
I don’t bother looking at myself in the mirror. Truth be told, I’d probably change, so I grab my shit I need and make my way to the breakfast room where I can sense in my chest, I’m the last to arrive due to my wardrobe change.
Her eyes burn a hole through me the moment I cross the threshold, and instinctively, I run my hand down my stomach where the button that would close my jacket should be. I only allow myself a slight second of aggravation, then I meet her gaze that I feel raking over me from head to toe.
The heat burning in her pupils lights me up from the inside out. It sears away any doubt I had about dressing down for the day, and the internal battle I was having over a silly outfit becomes null. The way those silver eyes devour me is enough to convince me to let her pick my outfits out daily just so she’ll look at me like this every time she sees me.
“See something you like, princess?” I ask with a self-satisfied smirk.
“I do. Something I like very much. Purple looks perfect on you.” She says as she bites her bottom lip, tempting me to pull her into my lap and replace her teeth with my own.
“Enough. Now that you’ve stolen the spotlight, get on the communicator with Aunt Rory,” Tillman insists, smiling as I shoot him a glare.
“You can have the spotlight, Core. You look good enough that my little wanderer wants to eat you,”Draken chimes in, thankfully saying that mentally rather than in front of Gaster and Keeper.
Her beet red face whips to him and the devilish smile he shoots her has me, Tillman, and Caspian chuckling. Gaster beams around at us proudly. Although he has no clue the conversation being had, he’s sensing our moods and is just going with the flow. Poor Keeper, on the other hand, looks lost.
“This is so exciting. Aurora is going to love you. I’m looking forward to you meeting her, Willow,” Gaster says excitedly.
“We don’t know if we’re going yet, old man,” Caspian says. His tone is light, so Gaster takes no offense and just rolls his eyes, looking back at Willow.