Pleasure, only pleasure is to be found as I feel his soul stitching itself to mine. I see only him, feel only him. His light burns through every part of me.
For a brief moment, that suffocating need calms, and I bathe in the feeling of whatever it is clicking into place. My lungs release the deepest of breaths and for the first time in days, some of the pressure in my chest relents.
Clarity seeps into Corentin’s eyes like he just felt whatever that was as well and he smiles down at me sweetly. Showering me in loving kisses, but unlike him, the relief I felt mere seconds ago is done. It’s being blown away with another force of nature.
My gentle giant easily scoops my body up and switches our positions. He doesn’t waste a second slamming me down on his dick, contradicting the description I just called him. He impales me so fucking fully I feel him in my gut.
He may be allowing me to be on top, but I’m not in charge. All I can do is balance myself on his chest while his massive hands grip my ass and bounce me up and down however he wants.
Fuck, it’s too much.
“It’s not too much, little warrior. This pussy is mine and you can take everything I give you.”
As if he needs to prove his point, make me believe I can take everything he decides to give me, his element glosses across the room and suddenly there’re unbearable sensations everywhere.
He’s armed his brothers with beautiful torture devices of his choosing and they each do as they please with them. Draken’s mouth latches onto one nipple while he attaches a clamp to the other. Repeatedly tugging and releasing in a maddening pattern that my mind can’t keep up with.
Corentin’s finger is coated in a ridged glove and every time one of those nubs hits my clit, I nearly bounce off Tillman’s dick in an attempt to get away. He doesn’t allow me to, though. His punishing grip on my hip just tightens as he buries himself deeper inside of me.
Slamming me down and holding me still, I whimper, begging for him to pick his ruthless pace back up and keep fucking me into oblivion. Then I feel it.
A wet, chilled tip of something circles my ass and my whole body tenses. Caspian’s been preparing me for this, but I don’t think I’m ready and fear has me frozen.
“Easy, little warrior. It’s just a toy. Let him work it in. You’re gonna see how it fills to be full of me everywhere.”
Tillman’s deep, sultry voice has my body trembling on top of him, and now all I can think about is his cock and a toy of his making filling me to the brim. I want that more than anything.
Caspian’s hand pushes my upper body down until I’m chest to chest with Tillman, and his fingertips slowly trail up and down my spine. His dick twitches impatiently inside of me, causing my pussy to clench around him.
Slowly, Caspian pumps the tip of the toy in and out of my ass and the stretch is too much. It’s far more than what his shadows did.
My thighs immediately clamp together around Tillman’s hips, but he softly shushes me, pumping his hips gently as Corentin picks up his strokes around my clit. My body gives in to the sensations as they become mouth-wateringly delicious and as soon as I completely relax, Caspian slips the toy all the way in.
A fever breaks out across my skin and a scream leaves me that has Tillman groaning. He’s literally everywhere right now. Even if his brothers are the ones commanding his creations, it’s only him I feel.
He can’t hold himself back any longer from fucking me like he wants to, and my fingernails dig into his chest, fighting to hold on just so I can take everything he’s offering me. My gentle giant is long gone and below me is a fucking savage who treats my pussy far differently than he treats me. I’ll be lucky if I can walk after this.
“Fuck me. Fuck, little warrior,” he grits out through his clenched jaw, and I feel his muscles tensing. There’s so much pressure building in my lower belly, I feel like I’m being buried beneath a mountain.
He pulls himself all the way out and as soon as he thrusts back into me, holding me down to grind against him, I shatter to pieces.
Stars burst from behind my eyes and our gifts slam out of each other with no command from us as they go plundering through each other’s mind. There’s not a moment in time he could hide from me, nor can I as our gifts expand far beyond reaches we’ve ever met. After sifting through years of privacy, till there’s not a shred of secrecy left, the fabric of our beings weave together.
His soul nestles itself beside Corentin’s and its calm, gentle sowing relieves all the pressure that was just weighing me down. The mountain I was just buried under is nothing more than a bucket of sand. If I wanted to, I could mold that into a castle for us.
Shadows wrap around my waist, lifting me off Tillman as soon as we break our kiss, and I find myself being tied up from the ceiling. My arms stretch far above my head and the tip of my big toe barely touches my bed as Tillman’s and Corentin’s combined cum drips down my legs.
Caspian stands at the edge of the bed, admiring his handiwork while his brothers stand beside him. I’m like a live model that they can position however they want, then put me on display for their viewing pleasure.
“Naughty little Primary.” He tsks as his shadows swirl around his feet, lifting him up on the bed until he’s face to face with me. “Holding a piece of yourself from us while we’ve just grown more obsessed.”
“I didn’t know. And you’re no more obsessed than I already am.” I pant.
It’s the Elementra honest truth. These men are fucking maddening and I’m beyond a lost cause. There’s no part of me they don’t own. My mind, body, literal soul is theirs. I give it all to them willingly. They make me whole.
A devilish smirk spreads across his lips as he begins to drift away from me and I arch my body to follow, but his shadows tighten around me, halting my movements. Only at his discretion am I brought forward until he has me dangling between the four of them in the center of the room.