Page 174 of Gift from the Nexus

A low purr rumbles from Tanith’s throat as she tilts her head and Gaster bows his head to her in acknowledgment before walking and sitting in the grass in front of her. I’m gonna have to question the old man because he’s obviously been holding out some information on me. The way she feeds explains perfectly to me how dragons are so intelligent. I’ve figured it was their age.

“Come on, let’s get the girls some food before they get hangry,” Tillman says as a way of distraction since we’re all just standing here gawking.

He ushers us all toward the table with a flick of his hands, laughing while the girls shoot him unsavory looks. Theydon’t complain too much, though, as the three of them park themselves right in the middle of the table together and pick up their elated conversation as if nothing’s happened today. The chair beside me gets pulled out and I don’t even have to look to know it’s Keeper. I can already sense him.

“Is it okay if I sit here?” he asks. Again, so damn respectful. It makes it harder to want to be an illogical ass when he’s so nice.

Clearing my throat, I gesture to the chair. “Yeah, sure.”

“So is this where you grew up?” he asks, looking behind him at the huge house and across the stretch of green.

It’s a paradise, and I wish like hell I could say yeah, my whole life. The last fourteen years have done a pretty great job of wiping away the first half, but the brothel and farm will always stick with me to an extent.

I’m not ready to discuss that with him. Not yet. I don’t want to tell him mom was so loving and caring, but she loved her drugs just as much. Or maybe she needed them. Hell, I don’t know. I think he’d be proud to hear I ate Rodrick. He seems a little crazy like that, but I don’t want to dive into that trauma this early on.

“I’ve lived with my brothers since I emerged at fourteen. We bounced between the palace and here.”

“Where were you—”

“Maybe that’s a discussion for another time,” Willow says, cutting in and coming to my rescue. “Let’s talk about something else while the whole family’s here.”

“Yeah, like what the hell you did that put us all on our asses and nearly drained you,” Oakly says, snarky.

Little wanderer sighs and rolls her eyes. “We’ll wait for Gaster, then I’ll just show you all so I don’t have to repeat it.”

Corentin’s shoulders relax, and I hide my chuckle ’cause his ass has been burning up with questions. He nods behind me and seconds later, food starts to be placed across the table. Amurmuring of thank yous sounds from everyone until a member of the kitchen staff sets a silver chalice down in front of Keeper.

“Ah, thank you very much,” he says appreciatively.

“Can I ask a personal question?” Willow asks, and no one holds in their laughs this time. We knew it was coming.

“You may ask me anything, Adored.”

“Okay, good, ’cause I actually have a lot of questions, but first, can you eat food? Or only blood?”

“Blood is going to sustain my life force and tame my bloodthirst. It will keep me alive and well, but I like to indulge in food because it tastes wonderful. I don’t require it the way you all do.”

“Fascinating. Why do you call me Adored? You called me the Adored of the Keep to Bryce?”

“Because that’s your title. I’m the heir to the realm. I’m the lord, as is Draken, as is Corentin, Tillman, and Caspian. Brothers of his are sons of mine. You’re their beloved. The beloved of an heir is called an Adored,” he answers without hesitation, but the entire table freezes.

“Did he just—”

“Recognize us all as heirs of yet another realm. Yes,” Caspian answers factually, but he doesn’t seem nearly as shocked as everyone else.

“What are we talking about?” Gaster asks cheerily, breaking up the extended silence. He comes up behind Willow and gives her a tender kiss on her head before moving to the empty seat beside Keeper.

“Why Keeper calls me Adored,” Little wanderer says after clearing her throat.

Gaster coughs with wide, knowing eyes before extending his hand out. “Keeper, it’s nice to officially meet you. I apologize for not showing my respects earlier, but Tanith caught my full attention. I’m Gaster Cato.”

“No apologies needed. She tends to do that when she smells knowledge in the air. You must be teeming with it for her to zero in on you so quickly,” Keeper says when he shakes Gaster’s hand back.

“He’s really old but won’t tell anyone how old,” Willow says sarcastically, making everyone laugh.

“You must excuse my granddaughter. She likes to tease.”

“You are family as well?” Keeper asks.