“It’s such a shame my brothers have neglected to introduce you to this before now, Primary. You have four men to pleasure. Four men who want to pleasure you above all else, and only two available holes just isn’t going to work. No. Like I told you, I’ll be having all of you. You’re going to take my fingers, my shadows, and my tongue in your ass. Maybe, just maybe if I can prepare you enough, you’ll take my cock there tonight as well,” he demands heatedly and before getting any objections from me, he does just that.
Oh. My. Fucks.
None of his dirty, commanding promises could’ve prepared me for what having my ass eaten out would feel like. It’s more than I can explain. And when his shadows replace his tongue, his fingers push back into my pussy, and he latches onto my clit, it’s like he’s proving his point to me that he’d never do anything to my body that wouldn’t bring me the utmost pleasure.
I’m fairly certain with this third orgasm that tears through me, I pass out.
“Good job, Primary. You did so good for me,” Caspian murmurs across my lips and my eyes flutter open.
Pinching my chin softly, he pours some of his water into my mouth and I drink it down greedily. You’d think after that, I’d be worn out, ready to sleep the night away, but I’m not. His huge, hard cock presses into my leg. He’s now changed my position to where I’m lying on the bed and he’s hovering above me.
If his shadows weren’t still tying me up, I’d wrap my arms and legs around him and demand he bond to me this instant.
“Naughty little Primary.” He smirks, no doubt seeing the rising desire creeping back into my eyes.
“Are you sure, Cas?” I ask softly when I feel him line himself up to my core.
“I’m more sure about this than I’ve ever been about anything in my life, Willow,” he says gently but very seriously.
It’s reflected in his burning amber.
He wants to bond. He loves me.
“I love you, Caspian.”
He chuckles darkly, bowing and shaking his head slightly. There’s a feral glint in his eyes when he drags them back up to meet mine.
“Love is such a mediocre term when it comes to what I feel for you, Primary. It’s a force that consumes me, completely, entirely. It’s a depth I never knew I was capable of reaching. You’ve taken the blackened, broken tapestry of my soul that was covered in shadows and scars, each thread composed of pain and hate, and have mended it whole. I’ve drifted to the darkest parts of myself, and for the longest time, I believed that’s where I’d remain. But then you appeared, with your sassy mouth and all-seeing eyes, and like a ray of moonlight, you pierced through the shadows, and everything changed.
“With you, parts of myself that were beginning to rot away have now come back with vigor because you’ve shown me healing isn’t a foolish dream. Standing in your light, Primary, is like standing on the edge of a cliff, staring down into the black abyss below and knowing I can come out of it. There’s nothing at the shadowy bottom that could keep me from you. Because I need you. I need you so fiercely. And I love you with a ferocity that both frightens and frees me, but it barely scratches our surface. If you need those words, I’ll give them to you a thousand times over every day.”
Tears of happiness slide down my face and he watches the vulnerability with a newfound softness. The heat behind his eyes has a touch of tenderness and when he cups my cheeks in his hands, I know he’s about to make us one. He knows he’s not the only one being made whole tonight. I am as well, and we’re going to do it together.
“Every piece of me is yours, Willow Vito. And I’m going to love you for eternity.”
His words are solidified as he slams into me with everything he’s got and my own shadows explode from my body, dragging his out as well.
The darkness encases us fully, leaving nothing to see in this black abyss. All there is to witness is the sound of our bodies moving together as one and the screams of my pleasure.
My shadows wrap around him, and when they command his shadows to free me, they obey, and my arms and legs are around him in milliseconds. Every part of me needs to touch him as he gloriously stretches not only my pussy but the spot in my soul that is and has always been his.
My hands, my mouth, my shadows roam every single inch of him that I can reach. I need to touch him. I need to map out every scar beneath my fingertips and replace theirhorrid memories with memories of me. My essence, my being becoming one with his.
Without our sight of one another in this moment, every stroke of whatever he decides to touch me with sends electricity skirting down my spine. It’s ten times more…more everything. He’s no different. No matter where I caress, he groans, hisses, or breathes my name like he’s barely holding himself together.
Every breath I take between my moans, my pants, my lungs fill with the scent of whiskey and books, and it drives me mad. I can taste him on my tongue and my mouth waters, craving more.
“Give me your light, Primary. I need to see you become mine,” he commands.
There’s no giving him light right now. Our shadows have blacked out the entirety of this room and I’m too close to the edge to even concentrate on anything else other than his cock, his bond, his shadows. Him. I can’t focus on anything but him.
My pussy clenches him tightly as his shadows work every part of me. They circle my clit, tease my nipples, slowly pump in and out of my ass, and he, somehow while commanding all of that, captures my mouth in a punishing, hungry kiss as he slams into me with abandon. The pressure of my fourth orgasm builds rapidly, and when he breaks our mouths apart, breathing my name, a plea falling from his lips, time stops.
Everything stops.
Except my bond.
The purest and brightest shade of white I’ve ever seen slowly trickles from my heart and into his, casting enough light through the shadows for us to see. Shock and surprise cross my face, and it becomes even more pronounced when I look up to see that Caspian sees it too.