Page 65 of Gift from the Nexus

“Caspian did, actually. He literally said come on, my Primary did something unheard of,” San says curiously.

Glancing over at Caspian, he’s leaning against the wall with his foot propped up, arms crossed. He doesn’t join the banter but shrugs his shoulder with a teasing smirk on his face.

“You’re their Primary?” Trex asks skeptically, suddenly whipping around to look at me.

Draken’s between us in a millisecond flat with a claw pressed firmly to Trex’s throat, growling menacingly in warning.

“I don’t give a fuck you’re his Nexus brother. If you ever speak to her like that again or make a sudden move toward her, I’ll have your insides on the floor faster than you can blink, wannabe Primary thief.”

Trex doesn’t back down, standing tall just as he did with Donald, and I don’t know if he has a death wish or if the threat of death just doesn’t faze him anymore. Honestly, it makes me feel bad for him.

“It’s okay, dragon,” I purr, sliding my hands around his waist before meeting Trex’s eyes. “Yes. I’m their Primary. Their true Primary,” I state firmly, proudly.

Nodding, he meets Draken’s glare head-on once again. “I have nor had any intentions of stealing her. I have no ill intentions at all, just…selfish ones.”

“How about we sit down, okay? There’s a lot that needs to be discussed,” I say gently, pulling Draken toward a seat as Codi directs Trex to sit in the middle where he takes a spot beside him.

“He’s my Nexus brother. The bond snapped in place when Willow summoned me,” Codi says into the awkward silence, informing Ry, San, Nikoli, Jamie, and Oakly. All of whom whip their heads to me, then to Trex.

“Well, shit,” San mutters.

“That’s not going to be a topic of discussion for now. That’ll be for Codi to do and decide with as he pleases after this,” Tillman states firmly.

“How about you just start from the beginning, Trex, and go from there?” I ask after the awkward silence stretches on.

“The beginning…” he says, shaking his head like it’s a daunting task.

“You got defensive with me a moment ago when I brought your brothers up. It’s obviously a sore spot, and I’m sorry. I can’t even imagine, but if they’re the reason for your joining the Mastery’s side, we need to know. Codi deserves to know,” I say softly, knowing I’m possibly pushing a trigger, but I think this is the best place to begin.

The emotions that well in his eyes say it all. It was definitely for them, and when he turns his head to Codi, the last bit of convincing he needs to carry on is found in Codi’s slight nod.

“Dec and Xavier. Those are their names,” he whispers, holding Codi’s gaze for a quiet moment. “We grew up together in Aeradora, literally our whole lives. I was a charge and Xavier’s family took me in when we were seven. All our gifts emerged when we were sixteen, within four months of one another. It was no surprise when Dec and Xavier’s bonds snapped in place, followed a few months later with mine. We’d known our whole lives. Dec said he’d been dreaming about it since he was a kid, and well…we believed him.”

“How old are all of you?” Codi asks.


“Me too,” Codi says softly.

“And you emerged when we did. Dec dreamed about you too. Said he got the best sleep of his life when he dreamed about you, but he was never given your name or knew anything about you, just that you were you.”

“I’m a Sleeper,” Codi says with a surprised look on his face.

“That makes sense,” Trex says nodding, turning from Codi and back to me. “Dec is a Dream Walker but not your typical Dream Walker. He can pinpoint whose dreams he wants to infiltrate, and they’ll never even know he’s there. If he doesn’t want to communicate with you, you’re none the wiser. Xavier isan Illusionist. His illusions are so strong that they’re tangible as if he truly created them.”

“Fuck, this isn’t good,” Tillman murmurs in our minds.

“Why?” I ask.

“Those are extraordinary gifts, little warrior. A Nexus full of some of the top mind manipulating gifts.”

“The Dream Walker, is it like what I do?”

“There’re similarities, but no. From what I understand, with your ability from the sight, you’re supposed to communicate with the person you’re dream walking with. You go to them with a purpose. You don’t choose. From what he’s saying, his brother can basically spy on someone’s, anyone’s, subconscious, and they have no clue,” Corentin says.

Well, shit.

“And your gift is mind transference,” I say aloud.