Left and right, bodies are being ripped apart by elements, shifters, gifts. War cries ring out with every strike, and the ground seems to tremble a little every time another body falls. There’s a black cloud, coating the grass like a fog, and my heart pounds.
My dark and damaged protector is letting his darkness flow freely.
“You need to get out of here. Now.”
I scream in surprise as a bloodied Trex steps out from the corner of the building, separating me and Dyce as he clutches both of my shoulders, shaking me.
“Willow, you need to go—”
Fierce growling cuts him off as he spins around, blocking me. But it’s not me who’s about to get their asses mauled. It’s one hundred percent him. So I sidestep him and put my hands up to stop Dyce’s attack.
“Why are you trying to help me?” I ask.
He doesn’t respond, just stares at me intently, desperately, and despite the fact he’s been a confusing asshole this entiretime, now that my gifts aren’t being blocked, I can sense his aura and intentions, and he truly means me no harm.
“I’m sorry, Trex.” I mumble before casting us in a ring of my dragon’s fire that rises to his head. “Don’t touch the flames. They’ll burn you to ash and your water element is null against them. But no one will be able to get in to you, so you’ll be safe.”
Stepping back out of my flame, I reach through its barrier and lay the sack of vials and dagger down, barricading them from him so he can’t destroy them, then turn to Dyce. He’s pacing around the ring feverishly, and when he sees me, he bounds toward me, sniffing all around like he’s checking to make sure I didn’t get burned before nudging me forward with his head.
We seem to come in on the side of the Mastery, and he springs in front of me without any hesitation and literally starts biting heads off. I’m either completely desensitized at this point or my dragon’s bloodthirsty nature makes me comfortable with such a vicious death because as he drops headless corpses, I leap over them and let my fingers flow through the shadows swirling around my legs.
A beacon of light shining brighter than the morning rays directly in the center of the chaos catches my eye, and my feet have a mind of their own as they veer from the security of Dyce toward it.
My body and bond are fully in control as I maneuver my way to him, and as soon as I’m within a few feet, I launch myself at him. As if he could sense my approach, he turns just in time to catch me.
“Corentin.” I sob into his neck as he holds me so tenderly like I may shatter if he squeezes too tight.
“Little wanderer,” a deep, broken growl says from behind me, and a purr of longing bubbles out of me, beckoning him closer.
“Where are the others?” I ask.
“Looking for you. We need to finish this and get you home,” Corentin says gruffly, slowly lowering me down and placing me in Draken’s arms.
I’ve been avoiding using the mind connection, not wanting to distract him in any kind of way, but I need him to know I’m safe. I need to lay my eyes on him and Caspian.
“Will, where are you?” he frantically shouts.
“In the center with Corentin and Draken.”
He doesn’t respond, but moments, seconds later, he and Caspian appear right behind Corentin, and I run straight for them. I’m immediately crushed between their embraces, and my muscles scream out in agony in both the best and worst way. My chest swells with their love, their devotion, their immense relief that I’m in their arms, but it’s so painful to be held this tightly, everything hurts.
Slumping forward, Tillman catches me easily and turns me to hold my back to his chest. When I straighten myself, letting my head lull back against him, a deep, threatening growl leaves Draken, Caspian’s shadows shoot out everywhere, and Corentin struggles to keep his light from blinding everyone around us.
Stretching his trembling hand out, Caspian hovers it right at my chest, and I whimper when I realize what they see. His shoulders heave heavily, and his eyes bleed unfiltered, pure, deeply rooted hatred until they’re completely black. He holds my gaze for only a second before his shadows shoot out of him in every direction, carrying his body with them. He’s nothing more than a black cloud that floats through the air, snatching enemies in his shadows with him, then spits them back out as mangled, unrecognizable corpses.
Draken can’t make a sound as he stands tensely, shaking like a leaf as he tries to fight for control over his dragon. When my watery eyes meet his, that’s the straw that snaps hisrestraint, and Tillman scrambles us back to give him room for his shift. Bellowing a thunderous roar, he shoots off into the air, circling the structure and easily picking Mastery members off the ground. With an easy toss, he has bodies flying and burning in one smooth motion.
Corentin doesn’t spare me a glance as he disappears into the light, weaving in and out of bodies. I can’t track his movements he’s so fast, only appearing long enough to kill someone, then he’s gone again.
Tillman keeps me pressed to his chest protectively, sending his element out and attacking any who get close to us as the others continue to annihilate every Mastery member they can get their hands on. As the numbers start to dwindle, a protective ring begins to form around us, starting with my best friend and her Nexus. A sob escapes her as she runs up to me, stopping short just a foot, and grasps my face between her hands.
No words pass between us as she traces every marking on me. I want to reach out and hug her, tell her I’m okay, but that’d be a lie. If Tillman wasn’t holding me up, I’d be nothing more than a heap on the ground right now.
“Jamie will heal you as soon as they’re done.” She quivers, wiping the tears from her face and collecting herself.