Dyce gives every answer to him freely and the makings of a budding friendship start happening in front of me. My nextthought about how the two of them would be epic to see in battle together sullies my mood slightly because it’s shit that’s one of the first thoughts to come to mind rather than say them just enjoying a conversation together over coffee, but I guess being in the middle of war will do that to your perspective.
“Let’s go over this one more time. There’s Aurora, Dyce, Theo, Roye, and Neil, correct?” I ask quietly as we grow closer to the palace.
“That’s right, princess.”
“Primary, they’re going to introduce themselves to you in just a moment. Relax,” Caspian commands lightly with a chuckle.
“It’s hard to relax, thank you very much. This is nerve-wracking. What if they hate me?”
“Firstly, they won’t hate you. Dyce has made that obvious. Secondly, if by some off the realm chance they do, we leave and never speak to them again,” he says seriously.
“That’s a little extreme. You all couldn’t cut them off if they didn’t like me.” I snort, but no other laughs follow. Gazing at my guys, their eyes are staring through me seriously. “Why…They’re your parents. You couldn’t cut them off for me.”
“I could and would. You’re above them, Primary. You’re above everyone. Elementra herself doesn’t come before you. Make no mistake of that. Our parents are no exception,” he vows, then swoops in for a dark and demanding kiss, silencing me.
“Come on, little wanderer, no more doubt or fear. It’s going to be great,” Draken adds on, pressing into my back and calming the rising nerves.
“You’re right.” I shake my hands out beside me and release the nervous energy.
Everything’s going to be perfect.
They’re going to love me.
They already do, according to Dyce, so suck it up.
My steps falter a little as we approach huge, elaborate wooden doors that are decorated in delicate carvings of the four elements, patterns of vines, riverways, and flames. It’s so detailed, the trees that are engraved look like they’re blowing in the wind.
My breath stalls in my chest as I run my fingertips across the grooves and the love pulsing off the enticing entrance could bring me to tears. I know without being told the guys’ parents made this door. I sense Dyce’s signature on it and the four other unfamiliar presences give away who else they belong to.
I snatch my hand back like I’ve been shocked when Corentin places his against the handle and turns the knob. Both doors swing open, revealing a breathtaking foyer, and the sense of wonder I felt the first time I ever witnessed the academy hits me all over again.
As I cross the threshold, the first thing that catches my eye is the vast expanse of the room. The marble floor beneath my feet is a blended mix of gemstones that shimmers from the warm midday rays and the high, vaulted ceilings that soar above my head are bathed in the light from outside just as I predicted.
I could dance across this floor, and it’d feel like I was gliding over the stars in the night sky.
The center focus of the foyer is a grand split staircase that curves upward, leading to a balcony that overlooks the entire space. Hanging from it are the same flags that decorate the academy’s entrance, and the familiar sight pulls an elated laugh from my chest.
Air, earth, Primary, water, and fire.
I turn in slow circles so I can witness it all. I soak in all the wonder, awe, and beauty of this place. Although it’s elegant and grand, it also feels so homey. There’s a warmth in the air that doesn’t come from the sun outside, but from the essence of thepeople who live here and the sweet hint of jasmine ties it all together.
“Let them give her a tour first, Aurora,” a deep masculine voice faintly echoes from down the hall, and I turn toward the noise.
“I’m more than capable of giving her a tour.” Aurora’s voice is laced with sass, and I hear her shoes pattering across the floor heading our way as she doesn’t heed her Nexus member’s words.
My chuckle floats through the open space, drifting down the hallway I know they’re on, and for a second, there’s a beat of silence as the footsteps and chatter stop. Then a stampede starts, and I know Aurora plus the rest of her Nexus are heading my way.
“Get ready, Willow, she’s gonna be coming in hot.” Dyce chuckles from somewhere behind me and I brace myself.
She, in fact, does round the corner like her ass is on fire with her men hot on her heels trying to stop her, but the second her gaze collides with mine, time seems to stop with her steps.
I’m overcome with happiness, relief, and my smile stretches across my face as I take her in from head to toe. I become solely focused on her. She’s all I see.
Gaster’s words about Aurora and Tilly almost passing as twins come barreling to the forefront of my mind as Tillman’s awakening surfaces. They’re the spitting images of one another. The only difference is Tillman’s mom had curly chestnut hair that she obviously passed to him. Aurora’s is straight and a beautiful blond that has natural high and low lights running through it.
From the distance that’s still between us, I can tell she’s a few inches taller than me, and she looks like what the nonmagical realm would believe an angel resembled. There’s a glow to her caramel skin that’s even more pronounced as I take in her bright aura and her measured steps seem to glide her across the floor.Without meaning to, I fall into the depths of her light blue eyes that have a ring of amber around her pupils.