Page 59 of Run

“H, baby…” Lily says, stepping towards us, her eyes never leaving mine, her gaze never going to the weapon in my hand. “You don’t scare me. I love you, my dark stranger.”

“That can’t be.” I say, shaking my head in disbelief.

Maybe it would be easier to believe her if she didn’t have dried blood smeared across her forehead, or she weren’t wearing something of mothers she must have found in one of the closets I never open. She should be terrified of me, even though I don’t want her to be. She should be afraid of the man who kidnapped her, brought her here, fucked her violently until she bled, hurt her, and everything else I’ve done to her.

“I love you Hedeon. I think I did the night we met, when I watched you drive away. You’re my black knight in shining armor.”

“No, not possible. No one loves me.” I bark out, still restraining the poor blonde woman in my arms, her blood continuing to run down the front of her. “I don’t deserve love, especially from someone like you.”

She’s becoming weak in my grasp as she bleeds out, her body getting heavier and harder to hold up without shifting her in my grip as I watch Lily’s face scrunch up.

My pretty little flower isn’t the delicate rose I’ve envisioned her as. I’ve been wrong this entire time. She’s deadly nightshade, clinging to the walls of this world, looking pretty and desirable but toxic if eaten.

The glimmering object in the front of her waistband comes into view as she comes even closer, methodically stepping one slow step in front of the other. My pocket knife is in her hand, the blade already extended, the handle gripped in her dainty fist.

“Someone like me? The girl you found in a sex club, the one who had a strange man in her apartment for pleasure with no care of her own safety? The girl who went back to that club and danced with the devil when he called upon her, and who didn’t really put up all that much of a fight when said devil took her away to his cellar?”

“What are you saying princess?” I ask her, watching her flip the knife in her hand like a pro.

“I didn’t run. I’m here and I’m not going anywhere unless it’s with you.”

Her eyes look up and down the body of the blonde in my grasp and she peeks her tongue out through her lips, licking them like she’s looking at a tasty meal. It’s how she was when I fed her the meat pies by hand, and she enjoyed them so perfectly.

I can see the evil in her now, the part of her that was hidden so well by my infatuation with the girl who I thought was in trouble. I can see that she put herself in those situations on purpose. The damsel in distress isn’t really that at all. She’s me in female form. Standing before me twirling the knife I use to slaughter people in her fingers, looking at the sacrifice in myarms, drooling like I was before she came out here and delayed my gratification.

“May I?” She asks waving my knife up in front of her face, only inches from my victim who is now limp as a ragdoll in my arms, her consciousness on the verge of disappearing altogether.

“Are you sure that’s what you want? Once you spill blood, you can’t go back. You’ll be part of my world, and it’s not a very nice place to be.”

“As long as I’m in it with you.”

The world has tilted on its axis. Nothing is as it seems. My princess is as cold blooded as me. My father’s cackling in my head has stopped, and my mother’s cries have silenced. The monster in me quiets down, like he’s waiting with bated breath to see what she does.

This shouldn’t be right. It shouldn’t feel like the missing piece to me. Violence and death have always been my way of lashing out at the world that ruined me, but looking at Lily as she sticks the blade into blondie’s chest and twists, it just feels natural. A homecoming of sorts.

I’m gonna cum.

“Me too, my friend. Me too.” I answer the voice in my head before it disappears, and the only sounds left in my skull are my own voice and my own thoughts.

My insanity is being washed away with a river of blood as Lily pulls the knife from the girl and her last bit of life essence flows from her, soaking my shoes, and the ground below us. She slumps dead, her last breath falling from her agape mouth, and her heart ceasing to beat under the tight hold of my arms.

“That was…” Lily says standing still, her eyes locked on the bloody weapon in her hand, her lower lip trembling.

“Fucking beautiful princess.”

How can she be so perfect? Not for the world, but perfect for me?

“I killed a person.” She whispers, looking at the dead girl, then the knife, then up to me.

Her lips twitch again, and it looks like she’s about to cry, but then like a filter washing over her face, she changes. The lips curl up, her cheeks smooth out, and her jaw relaxes. She’s processing it right in front of me and doing a good job. In fact she’s handling it much better than I did the first time, although having your father as your first kill is a little more personal.

“We have to dispose of her baby. Are you ready to take the next step?” I ask her, dragging the corpse with me as I walk towards the steps.

“After you.” She says, her voice emotionless and cold, like how I felt after cutting my father into tiny bits just like he did to mother.

“No with me. Take a limb will you?” I chuckle, tossing the dead body around in my arms, hitting Lily with a floppy arm. “You kill, you clean. I’m not running a free for all around here.”

“Yes, Sir.”