Page 37 of Run

She reluctantly sits on the edge, and Magnolia is immediately jumping on her, licking her, and just being a goofball. By the time I’m deep in the walk-in closet picking out sweatpants, a t-shirt, socks, and a leather jacket, they are laying down on the mattress snuggling.

“Shouldn’t I get a shower before I put on your clothes?” She asks as I emerge and drop the handful of garments on the corner of the bed.

“You’ll be sweaty when we come back. I’ll wash you then.” I reassure her, bending down, grabbing her by the chin and planting another kiss on her forehead. “I’m gonna get changed, and we’ll go.”


“On that?” Lily squeaks as I fire up the bike in the garage, her eyes huge like dinner plates. “I’m gonna fall off and die.”

“You’ve been on it before baby, you just don’t remember. It’ll be fine. I didn’t drop you then, and I sure won’t today.”

It’s humorous watching her circle around the motorcycle, her fingers lightly dragging over the shiny black paint. When I twist the throttle just a little and give it a baby sized rev, she jumps and laughs, bringing her hand to her mouth, covering her cute little surprised response, but not before I see it. That weird fluttering in my chest changes a little, morphing from pain to something more calming. My princess likes the bike.

That’s my good fucking girl.

“What do I do?” She asks, looking at the small triangle shaped pad on the back of the bike. “Is that where I sit? My big ass won’t fit on that.”

“Your ass is perfect, and yes that’s where you sit.” I grin at her, flipping down the pegs and walking her around to the other side. “I’m gonna get on, and you’ll put your foot here on this peg. Then you‘ll support yourself on my shoulders as you swing your leg over and sit down.”

“So I have to touch you?” She asks, biting her lower lip, fighting her feelings of disgust for me with the lust that’s burning in her so hotly I can feel it radiating through her leather jacket and warming the air in the cool garage.

“If you don’t want to fall, yes.” I answer, grabbing an extra helmet from the wall next to us. I slip it down on her head, adjust the chin strap, and flick on the Cardo. “You’ll be able to talk to me and hear me. See?” I say, pulling on my own black helmet and turning mine on as well. “If you need anything, you tell me. If I don’t hear you, you tap me to get my attention. You got it?”

“Yeah.” She says with a nod, and I can hear her voice clearly through the speakers inside my helmet.

Straddling the bike, I offer her my hand to take and give her a gentle lift when she pushes her foot on the peg and hops on behind me. Her hand on my shoulder makes me shiver with excitement, and when she settles behind me, I pull her arms around my waist and tell her to link her fingers together.

“Hold onto me, the driveway is bumpy. When we get past the gates you can put your hands on the gas tank, here.” I say, tapping the black tank in front of me. “When I go faster hold onto me, when I slow down push against the tank. If I’m stopping make sure not to bonk your helmet on the back of mine. Got it princess?”

“Ummm yeah.”

“Good girl.”

The gasp from her comes through the helmet, making me smile a huge grin behind the tinted visor.

That’s right, my good fucking girl.

The garage door rattles as it opens, and when there’s enough clearance that she won’t have to duck her head, I take us outside slowly, keeping my feet down until we’re on the rutted driveway. The bike kicks up into first gear with a tap of my foot, and we’re off down the now dried path, me carefully counter steering past the biggest of the ruts, trying to make it as smooth a ride for her as I can.

When we stop at the gate, waiting for it to open, and other cars on the street passing by come into view, I feel her tense, but when I pull us out onto the blacktop, she relaxes againstmy back, her arms tightening around my middle, her breaths quieting in my ear.

“Here we go baby.” I laugh, kicking the shifter up, merging into the light traffic.

“Oh my God!” She squeals, her arms grabbing onto me so tightly I need to slide them down a little so I can breathe properly. Only now her hands are precariously close to my leather covered cock, and with each little bump in the road they tap against me.

Oh fuck yes.

The trees that line the country roads speed by, their green leaves a blur as we ride through the outskirts of town. I turn onto side streets and keep us from any straight drive that could show her where we are. Even though I want her to enjoy herself, I don’t want her knowing where we are or how to navigate the area. Just in case. But she doesn’t seem to notice I’m intentionally taking us around in circles and weaving through roads that go nowhere.

“You good back there?” I ask her when she falls silent, and her chin rests on my shoulder.

“It’s amazing.” She sighs through the speakers against my ears.

“Wanna go faster? Do some zoomies?”

“What are zoomies?” She laughs, her little tinkling sounds making my heart patter rapidly.

“Hold on tight baby and lean forward more.” Like the good girl she is, she follows the direction, pressing her chest to my back, tightening her hold on my waist. “Here we go.”