Ever try riding a crotch rocket with an unconscious curvy woman over your shoulder? Yeah I don’t recommend it. By the time I get us back to the house, taking all back roads again, my back is on fire. If she were at least semi awake, I would have tied her to the bitch seat, but I couldn’t take the risk of her sleeping body falling off and landing on the blacktop.
The dogs are excited to see me, but they know better than to follow the bike this time. The only one who stays on my back tire as we head up the driveway is Magnolia, and I swear I can see a strange look in her deep brown eyes when I park and lift Lily into a better fireman’s carry.
“Don’t say anything.” I tell the dog as she trots along behind me in the garage, watching me and the woman on my shoulder with a guarded curiosity. “I mean it.”
“Woof.” Is all I get from her as I swing open the door to my basement playroom and she hops down the steps behind me, sniffing Lily’s hair that hangs down behind my thighs.
I can’t trust my poor little flower not to freak out and try to run just yet, so unfortunately, down here will be her home until she can show me that I can leave her in the house without having to hunt her down every other minute. It’s not a bad place, there’s heat and running water. There’s even a bathroom off the main room where she can keep herself clean and tidy.
“Hey baby. Time to wake up.” I say, setting her feet on the ground, supporting her slumbering frame so she doesn’t slump to the concrete floor like a bag of rock. “Come on princess.”
“Mmmm.” She moans, her head lolling against my chest, her hair brushing my chin.
I take a deep breath in, smelling the fresh cut flower scent that I find oh so divine in those soft tresses. She’s coming around, her body regaining some rigidity as the muscles recover from her unconscious state.
“Good girl, wakey wakey.” I say, petting her hair, humming to her a little song mom used to hum as she woke me up in the mornings for school.
I can still hear her voice like it was yesterday. Mother always believed the most important parts of the day were the first few minutes upon waking and the last few moments before bed. They could make or break your mood according to her, and she was right. On the days I awoke to her angelic voice I smiled more. On the days I rose to the sounds of my father beating her or worse, I was grumpy and foul. She really was a very smart woman.
I miss her so much.
Lily’s eyelashes flutter so perfectly on her cheeks as her eyes move behind those closed lids. She looks peaceful, but I know that’s not going to last. The panic will return the moment her gaze settles on her surroundings. I wasn’t planning on this and I didn’t have time to put away all my instruments of torture on the workbench, nor remove the repurposed dental chair in the middle of the large room.
I don’t want to strap her to the chair, that would be wrong. It’s the last step before my victims take that ride to their final destination. I need to do something with her though to free my hands so I can make the room more hospitable for her.
The shackles of the cross snap into place quietly with just a little pressure and a turn of the key that secures them. It’s not ideal, but again, it’s what I have right now. I would be lying though if I didn’t enjoy the sight of her trussed up to the wooden beams, with the iron cuffs holding her beautiful hourglass figure in place.
Fucking perfection.
With her restrained to keep her from hurting herself or taking off, I make quick work of cleaning up and making the space fit for a princess. My princess.
“What the…?” Her voice croaks out faster than expected.
Of course I would be standing just feet from her with my arms full of menacing looking tools and sweat dripping down over the top of my mask, running down it like some sort of theatrical tear. Her eyes lock on me, and grow wide, then the thrashing begins again.
“Oh, no, no, no!” She screams loudly, echoing her words off the stone walls around us.
“Easy Lily, easy.” I say, tossing the instruments down into the chair, and brushing my hands off on my jeans. “Shhh, easy.” I say to her, coming up to her, yet keeping a good distance away from her kicking legs.
“Let me go!”
“I can’t do that.”
“The fuck you can’t.” She yells out, swinging her foot out trying to connect with my legs.
“Sorry sweetheart. Once you relax, we’ll talk.” I say, tilting my head, looking at her with a calm expression on the part of my face she can see.
With a tsking and a shake of my head, I go back to arranging her cell, ignoring her screams and pleas to let her go. She struggles for a while, but eventually she falls quiet in exhaustion, except for big breaths in and out. The shrieks turn to small whimpers, and the thrashing slows to an occasional jerk of her restrained hands, trying her cuffs, and failing to break free.
“Do you know how long I have waited for this day? How long I’ve hidden in the shadows, just waiting for the right time to scoop you up and finally make you mine. Do you, princess?” I ask her, standing in front of her watching her closely.
The iron chains that bind her slender, cuffed wrists to the O-ring hooks on the St. Andrew’s cross rattle with each spastic breath she sucks in through her clenched teeth. Her ample chest heaves, and her lithe body trembles at my words. The fear is so paramount that I can smell it wafting from her, as it deliciously scents the dank air of the basement with its sweetness.
She really is the most precious thing I’ve ever encountered, and now she’s mine, all mine. Her presence here is the dawn of a new day, enlightening my world in ways that, until now, I’ve only fantasized about.
“Please. Let me go.” She begs, her hands flexing over her shackles, the blood on her wrists from the fight she put up during her abduction dripping slowly down her fingers.
“I’m sorry my sweetness, but this is your new home now. As soon as you accept it and can be the good girl I know you are, I’ll take you down from there. But until then…” My words fall away, leaving her to finish the sentence with whatever images are flashing through her panicked mind.