“I wish you wouldn’t. I did it all for you.”
“Did what?”
“I think you know.”
The realization smacks her in the face so hard that she whips her head to the side. She tries to pull away from me, leaning to the side, trying to release my grip from her shoulders, but I’m too strong for her. Even when the apprehension turns to panic, I hold on tightly to her, quietly shushing her and whispering words of encouragement to her. She’s having none of it, and the shriek that squeals from her mouth as I wrap her tighter in my arms is like the sound of a dying rabbit, all pained and shrill.
“No!” She screams, bucking her body, trying to dip out from below my arm, but I just hold her tighter, squeezing her to me, placing my lips to her hair. “You’re a killer. You killed him! Help!”
“No one’s going to interject here, princess. Shhh.”
“Don’t call me princess, you, you, you monster!” She cries out, kicking her heeled foot out, connecting with my shin.
It hurts, I won’t lie, but the pain just morphs into a pleasure, my sick pleasure. I like it, and want more of it, and I have a feeling that she’s going to give it to me. As much as I crave it though, I can’t have her hurting herself. I want her unharmed and with me willingly if I can have her that way. I would hate to have to take her against her will. Besides the only one allowed to mar her perfectly creamy skin is me.
“You’re alright. I’ve got you.” I say through gritted teeth at the feelings of pain and pleasure tearing through me.
“Fuck you!Help!”
“Don’t make me do this.” I say, grabbing her face and forcing her to look me in the eyes. “Don’t make it harder on yourself than it has to be.”
She falls still, but only for a single breath before she screams again “Help! Someone help me!”
“Lily. Lily, stop!” I raise my voice, shaking her, trying to snap her out of her terrified response. “I don’t want to hurt you.”
“Help!” She continues to yell out.
The people around us are staring, but no one steps forward to assist her. They all know better. They know not to cross me, especially when it comes to her. Last week’s show was a testament to the lengths I will go to for her, and no one else in our presence wants to have his fate.
“For fuck’s sake, princess.” I growl, giving in to the monster in me that just wants her to shut the fuck up.
My palm comes across her face so hard I could slap the freckles right off her cheek. She stops screaming and looks at me like I just killed a puppy.
“You, you hit me.” She cries out, reaching for the reddened hand print.
If I thought she was putting up a fight before, the effort she throws at me now is impressive. She swings her fists at me, connecting with my leather covered chest, and her feet hit my jeans covered legs. She’s a raving lunatic, hitting and kicking, all while screaming for someone to help her.
“Lily, stop!” I bellow out, but it only makes her fight harder and scream louder. “Shit.” I curse as I grab her wrists and hold them together, making the bracelet on her right one cut into her skin.
Blood trickles from her pale flesh as she struggles against the hold, trying to pull away, but only succeeding in cutting herself more.
“Baby, you’re hurting yourself.”
“No, you’re hurting me, let go of me.” She cries out, thrashing and bucking her body.
When her head swings forward and connects with my nose, I’ve had enough. She’s dripping blood from both her wrists, and now a cut has opened up across her forehead. Her ginger skin breaks and bleeds so easily.
“Fuck!” I yell. “Fuck, fuck, fuck.” I continue to curse as I wrap my thick, jacket covered forearm around her neck. “I’m sorry.” I say, squeezing across her neck. “Please forgive me.”
The spunk flies right out of her as I press against her windpipe and carotid at the same time, paying close attention to her breathing. I want her out not dead, and when her face turns bright red and her hands fall from my grasp all weak and motionless, I know she’s done.
“Fuck baby girl, why’d you make me do that?” I ask her motionless form that’s now slumped against me, breathing shallowly.
She weighs almost nothing to me as I lift her up and sling her over my shoulder. Yet another Friday night where I’m carrying her out of the club. Only this week, I’m taking her out the back door instead of the front, and this time…she won’t be back unless it’s on the end of a leash that’s firmly gripped in my fist.
Fucking women. Can’t live with them, can’t kill them. Well…not this one.
Chapter Fifteen