Page 23 of Run

“I should have just taken you home with me right away.” I mumble under my breath as I slowly stalk over to the bar.

Her back is facing me, so that she can’t see me, but as I near them, her words falter, and she stops stroking his jacket sleeve. When I step behind her, holding up my finger to the barkeep, I can hear her sniff the air quietly and see the goosebumps rise on her bare shoulders. Her freckles seem to move with the rising of the little prickles of recognition, calling for me to touch them. Again she recognizes my scent like a fucking bloodhound, and that is making me more feral for her.

Ed notices the change in her as well and looks over her shoulder. His icy blue eyes lock on mine behind the mask, and they grow wide when he sees me nod slightly towards her, curling up the corner of my mouth not covered in a silent sneer.

He’s a ruthless business man, a heavy player here at Le Chateaux, and he's smart. He’s intelligent enough to know that to take anything further with her would be a death sentence. He was, after all, in the crowd outside the playroom last Friday, another witness to what happens when the men here don’t play by my rules.

“H.” He says softly, grabbing his glass of scotch from the bar and standing up, adjusting his suit jacket.

He turns and walks away, leaving Lily alone at the bar, like sacrificing the lamb to slaughter in his place.

“Hey. Ed.” She calls out after him, raising her hand as if she could pull him back.

He’s too far away already though, scurrying away with his tail held firmly between his legs, scared away by the big bad wolf that lurks behind her.

Chapter Fourteen

“Well, that sucks.” Lily murmurs to herself, sipping her fruity umbrellaed drink, with her back still towards me.

She’s aware of my presence, I can feel it, I can hear it in her little sighs, but she remains facing away until she feels me brush “accidentally” against her bare back.

Oh God you’re so soft.

“Excuse me. I do apologize.” I say, bending down, my lips precariously close to her dainty ear and the beautiful diamond drop earring that dangles from it.

“It’s…” Her words fall short, her back tensing, her muscles tremoring enough that they disrupt the aura around her.

I can feel her vibrating in both fear and a wanting curiosity. She knows I’m the one who saved her twice this week. She can tell that it was me the other night, who drug the man who touched her inappropriately out of her apartment. She knows I’ve been watching her, even if she hasn’t been able to completely figure out how yet.

“Everything alright Miss?” I ask her, placing my hand on her shaking shoulder, feeling her jump a little under my touch.

“Ummm, yes.” She practically pants, uncrossing her legs and turning around halfway so she can see me from the corner of her eye. “All good.”

My hand grips her just a little harder, and I lean in just a little bit closer, smelling the subtle floral perfume on her neck being heated by her rapid pulse. I can see the flutter in the skin, telling me that her heart is racing, and I want nothing more than to flatten my tongue and lick across it.

“You sure about that, princess?”

“It’s you. Isn’t it?” She asks shakily, finally turning the rest of the way to face me, trying to brush my hand from the contact on her naked skin. “The one who took me home, the one who broke into my apartment.”

“And what would you do if I told you yes?”

“I…I…don’t know.”

“Would you run out of here screaming? Or would you spread that pretty little cunt of yours for me again?”

The gasp from her pouty lipped mouth is so loud that the couple at the other end of the bar stops their conversation and looks over our way. The middle-aged woman with a glass of white wine in her manicured hand looks at my dear Lily in question, as do I and her male companion. All eyes are on her awaiting her response.

“You were watching.” She whispers, looking up at me, her stormy grey eyes searching my masked face.

“Yes I was, and it was beautiful.”


“It’s a secret.” I chuckle, gripping her shoulder tighter in my hand, watching her goosebumps rise more, and her nipples pebble under the silky fabric of her dress.

“Just like it’s a secret who you are?” She asks on a big swallow, her throat moving so sexily as the saliva slides down it.

God, how I wish it was my cum instead.