Page 19 of Run

“Yours?” Lily gasps from the bed, but I ignore her.

She knows all too well what’s going on here, and deep down inside no matter how shocked she acts, she wants me to claim her, to own her, to keep her. I can smell the desire for me on her. Tonight just isn’t the night for me to bring her home with me. First, this piece of shit needs to take the ride he deserves.

“Come on. We’re leaving.” I say to the jackass with the blood covered face and dark hair, whom I really have no desire to learn anything else about.

He barely puts up a struggle as I grab his wrists and tie them together with the rope in my grasp. Not until I startdragging him through her apartment does he begin to fight, but by then it’s too late. His feet kick out from under him, throwing himself to her kitchen floor, and I simply drag him behind me, kicking and screaming, out her door, and down the wooden steps outside. His body bangs on each footing, tumbling downwards behind me with a clamor that could wake the dead, but thankfully no one is around besides the flower upstairs to see me drag him away.

“Help!” He hollers as I drag him across the pavement of her driveway, then the street towards my bike.

I didn’t think this out at all, and as I reach the bike, I stop,, and yank off my boot and pull off my sweaty sock, giving it a sniff for good measure. I can’t have him screaming the whole way back home. That would be so annoying.

“Ugh.” I laugh, then shove it in his mouth to shut him the fuck up.

A quick check of the maps on my phone and I find a back way home, full of quiet and private roads that I can lead, well drag, him through to his final resting place.

Chapter Twelve

“Oh shit. No more. Please no more.” He groans around his gag, his body coming to a rolling stop behind the bike when I yield at my front gate. There’s already a large amount of his flesh shredded from the drag home, and his arms hang limply from the back seat. He’s a bloody fucking mess, and it’s beautiful.

“Home sweet home.” I laugh, waiting for the wrought iron entrance to open wide like a hungry mouth. “My kids will just love you.”

The barking of the dogs fills the night air around us as they acknowledge our arrival, and it’s not long before they’re chasing behind us, snapping at his heels as we make our way up to the house. The pack is led by Magnolia who keeps them all in line and from beginning their feast until they are given the command.

The driveway with its deep grooves and hardened soil makes his body bounce behind the bike like a toy being drug by a small child. He twists and rolls along, his grunts and curses behind my dirty sock a comical narration to his pain and agony.

When I bring us up in front of the garage doors, instead of opening them and pulling inside, I shut off the bike and hop off, tapping the kickstand down into place and letting it settle securely before I swing my leg off and dismount. The dogs immediately surround me, waiting for their pets and pats, whilenever taking their eyes off the moaning form that flails on the ground, his blood seeping into the dirt and grass.

“Hello babies. I brought you a little present.” I say to them, untying the guys hands from the back of the motorcycle and hauling him up to his knees.

He’s wobbly, and barely conscious, but a quick slap to his face brings his eyes forward onto me. With a few blinks, he seems to focus on my dark visor, and since I know he’s never leaving here, I unsnap my chin strap and pull the helmet off my head.

“Ahhh, finally. It’s been way too long with this thing on.” I say, shaking the sweat off my head and running my hand through my cropped hair, pulling the little strands away from my damp forehead.

“Who are you?” He asks, watching me, unable to do much else other than sway back and forth on knees that are cut and bloodied.

“Hedeon, but you can call me H. Everybody else does.” I say matter of factly, like he’s supposed to know the name.

He’s barely over twenty years old. Not old enough to know who I am or the type of power I have in this area, both above ground and under. He does seem to recognize the crazy in me as he peers into my dark eyes, seeing the sinister gleam that lives permanently in my pupils that are as black as my soul.

“Why are you doing this?”

“You touched what’s mine. After she told you no.” I say, bending down, getting nose to nose with him, sniffing the fear on his breath.


“I know everything. Just like I know that this will be fun.” I laugh, flattening my tongue and licking up his cheek, tasting the iron in the blood that seeps from the abrasions and cuts from the drag here.

He winces and tries to pull away, but all he does is sway back a little with my hand keeping him from getting far.

“What will be fun? This is fun for you? Watching someone suffer?” He asks, his words laced with not only the fear of what’s coming, but also the hate towards me. It’s what he needs if he’s going to survive more than a minute in the garden with my dogs.


He startles when I lift him to his feet. He’s tall, but not quite as tall as me, and he’s definitely not built near as well as I am. He’s muscular, and must work out, but not to my level. Hopefully he has endurance though, because I’m really in the mood for a good chase.

“What will be fun?” He asks again, searching my face, his eyes bouncing back and forth, his pupils huge, with one being a little bigger than the other. He already has at least a concussion.

Poor thing.