“For fuck’s sake.” I grumble, hopping off the bike and grabbing my keys, stuffing them in my pocket.
I’m across the now empty street before I can even consider the consequences of my actions. I don’t have my truck here. I have nothing to conceal his body, and there’s no way to hide the fact that he is now absolutely going home with me.
“Fuck!” I yell at myself for my rashness as I climb the steps to her apartment three at a time, with my long legs taking me up them as fast as they can go.
The door swings in with one hefty kick, the single small lock doing nothing once again to keep me from gaining access to her. It crashes on the wall behind it, shaking the pictures on the wall of the front of the room, but I don’t care. My princess is in danger, albeit one she so stupidly put herself in.
“What the fuck?” The asshole yelps when I grab him by the dark hair, pulling him off her. His limbs flail uselessly trying to break free from my hold.
In the seconds it took me to cross the street and break down the door he got her on her back and climbed on top of her.
“Do not touch her.” I yell inside my helmet, my voice filling the small space loudly, and my spittle hitting the tinted visor.
She scrambles across the bed away from him as I set him on his feet in front of me, whipping him around to face the monster that he could only dream to be as bad as.
“Who the hell are you?” He spits out, his hand forming a fist at his side.
“Go ahead, take a swing, I bet all you do is break your hand, you stupid prick.”
I can see him considering it as he looks at me, his head tilting to the side like a dog hearing the word “walk”. His brown eyes scan me up and down, taking in the black leather, and blackened helmet. How intimidating I must look.
“Who…who are you?” Lily cries out from the bed, her back pressed against the pile of pillows, her legs pulled up to cover her body and protect herself.
“The one who has to save you for a second time this week.” I say lowly, turning to face her, ignoring the prick with the urge to swing at me.
It’s humorous to watch as she lifts her chin and stares at me, her little nose twitching just like it did at the café. She can smell me, she recognizes me, and she visibly relaxes at the memory of just days ago when I carried her from a scenario even worse than this one. At least this time I got to her before any more marks could be left on her pretty flesh.
“Yes, princess.Me.”
“That doesn’t tell…” The guy starts to say, interrupting my words with Lily, pissing me off even more.
He drops to the floor like a sack of bricks on a pained cry with a single jab to the face.
“Shut the fuck up.” I growl, stepping over him as he writhes on the ground, cupping his nose that gushes blood like a faucet.
Kneeling on the bed, and crawling across it, I approach her, and she freezes. I lean over her, my hand on the headboard trapping her under me, and look down at her. She trembles, but at the same time she looks at me with those stormy grey eyes in something other than fear. It’s softer, almost welcoming.
Sliding my hand up her leg to her thigh, I push it down, opening her up. She looks at where my crotch settles against her, the erection building under my leathers growing hard against her, and she bites her bottom lip.
“Such a needy little thing. So much so, you keep getting yourself in trouble.” I say, tracing my gloved finger down her cheek, watching her gaze fix on my visor. “But princess, if I have to rescue you again, I’m not going to be so nice next time.”
“What if I don’t want you to be?” She purrs, obviously still feeling the effects of the alcohol. Why else would she challenge the killer hovering over her, where he could ruin her before she could cry out.
“Be careful what you wish for, baby.”
With a quick slap to her cheek, just hard enough to get her absolute attention, I chuckle menacingly, push myself off her, and step off the bed.
“But who are you?” She asks as I walk over to the window and pull the decorative rope tying the curtain back from its hook, wrapping it around my hands while she watches in morbid curiosity.
“Shhh. You’ll know soon enough.”
She watches silently as I loom over the bleeding guy on the floor who curses under his breath, his hand reaching out for me when I grab his hair again and lift him to his feet. He clumsily gets up, his bloody hand grabbing the edge of the bed to help relieve the tension from my grip, leaving a perfect red handprint on her otherwise clean sheets.
“You broke my nose.” He complains, trying to decide what to do, continue holding his broken face, or reach out for me.
“Yeah I know. But that’s the least of your worries. You’ve touched what’s mine. You tried to defile her. For that, a broken nose is just the appetizer.”