Page 17 of Run

“Fuck. I need to take you in my shower.”

When she re-emerges, her body wrapped up in a fluffy white towel, water dripping off her soaked hair, my cock jumps in my hand.

Drop the towel.

I don’t need to command her, because she complies like she can hear my thoughts. The towel falls to the floor, and I’m rewarded with a full nude view of her standing there, squeezing her hair of the excess water, her tits raising and bouncing with her movement. She’s primal beauty with that hourglass figure that I want to run my hands over while taking her in every way possible.

I’ve never jerked off in my office before. No one has ever turned me on to the point that I can’t be professional at work, but fuck, this woman is going to be the death of me. She’s too beautiful, too innocent, too precious, and I can’t get my mind and eyes off her. My new obsession is just that, a goddamned obsession, and I can’t wait until the day she’s mine in body, heart, and soul.

“H! Open the door!” Kendra’s voice screeching at me breaks the trance I’m in, and I slam the laptop closed again,pinching my thumb in it, cursing as I shove my aching dick back in my pants.


To be continued, princess.


I’m beyond irritated on my way home from the office. Even the wind whipping around me and the road speeding by under my two wheels doesn’t calm my internal ire. Every time I settled down to watch Lily, something came up and had I to pull my attention away from her. I didn’t get to see her get dressed or go about her day like I wanted to. And now as I streak back to the house to get changed and ready for another visit to her place, my anger bubbles inside of me like a cauldron ready to overflow.

I need something to cool me off before I see her. I don’t want to take anything out on her just yet. She needs to want me, to trust me, to come with me willingly when it’s time, because I really don’t want to have to fight her. I don’t want to have to drug her, or force her, or do anything that will delay her acceptance of the inevitable, that’s she’s mine forever. Whether she wants it or not.

“Please princess, want it. Make it easy on me. Life has been hard. You need to be my salvation.”

My words get whipped away from my lips as I lift my visor and let the air blast my face. The coolness burns as I kick the throttle up into fourth gear and take the bike past a hundred. I want the wind to blow everything off me, but it doesn’t.

“A play thing? Would that help H?” I ask myself, leaning into a corner on the country road, my gear covered knee touching the blacktop. “I could take a night and have some fun.”

No, that won’t do.

Chapter Eleven

The lights are on in her apartment, in fact every light she has is on, and loud industrial music blares from the closed windows loud enough that I can hear it over the idling of the bike. It sounds like she’s having a party up there, and I am slightly and irrationally miffed that I wasn’t invited.

The ride home took a detour, and here I sit as dusk approaches, on my motorcycle across the street from her place, looking up into the second story abode where she is. She’s so close, yet so far away.

“What are you doing up there princess?” I ask, hearing my words echo back to my ears through the musicless speakers in my helmet. “Are you having fun?”

The bike shifts between my legs as I flick down the kickstand and sit back, pulling my phone off the magnetic mount on the gas tank. With a swipe of my finger, I pull up the feed from her bedroom camera, hoping to catch a glimpse of her and am immediately enraged at what I see.

In the middle of her room, with an open bottle of liquor dangling from her hand, she has her arms wrapped around some shirtless guy. They’re dancing and grinding together, their bodies pressed against each other tightly. Heat floods through my face, and my hand grips my phone so hard that it squeaks against the leather of my glove. I can feel my heart poundingin my chest, and the vibration of it against my sternum has me twitching.

“What the fuck?” I spit out. “Oh, no, this will not do. Not at all, baby. You’re mine, and mine alone.”

Everything in me wants to go up there, rip them apart, kill whoever the dude is, and spank the shit out of her for her transgressions. I know it’s irrational and shit, but I don’t care. The only thing holding me back is the scrap of daylight that’s left, and the amount of traffic that still drives by. There is the potential of too many witnesses.

“You’re lucky, for now asshole. But when night falls, you’re mine.” I growl, aggressively pushing on the screen to enlarge the images of them, watching his hands roam all over her, then cup her ample ass.

She winces at the touch, and it brings a satisfied smile to my face that his touch causes her pain. My touch didn’t. It didn’t even wake her. But his does. Her cane marks must not be healed enough yet, and that just might be the grace that keeps him from taking her, if she’s smart.

Come on baby, make the right choice here.

The minutes, then hours drag by so slowly as I watch through the little lens. They dance and drink. He touches and she moans, but she doesn’t allow it any further, turning him down with each pass he makes at touching her more intimate parts.

“Such a good girl.” I croon when she finally flops down on her bed, pushing him away when he tries to kneel between her thighs.

She shakes her head no, and mumbles something I can’t understand, but her body language is all I need to see. She’s done, but he’s not. He advances, sliding his hands up her thighs, pushing her skirt up. She leans forward and pushes against him playfully at first, then harder when he tries to drag her closer to the edge of the mattress with a yank from behind her knees.

Her smiles and laughter turn to a serious look on her freckled face, then her eyes open wide in shock as his hand disappears underneath her. Her lips curl up and her little hands ball up into fists, and I’ve seen enough.