Page 43 of The Spice Play

I shimmied them apart and sat back on my heels, tryingto control the slightly erratic rise and fall of my chest as he lifted himself back up to his full height. On instinct, my mouth opened, eager for whatever he’d give me to put in it — but all he did was smirk and gently tap the side of my face before turning his attention to the bed.

And what he’d put on it.

“Have you used these two together?” he asked, picking up the little C-shaped vibrator and inspecting the end that clearly went inside. It wasn’t thick — it was enough to hold it in place, but not so much that it would get in the way.

The smallest, slowest-moving rivulet of moisture moved along my vulva, sending a shiver up my spine. I almost didn’t want to answer him, almost didn’t want to admit it. “Yeah,” I croaked.

He held it out to me as an offering, one brow raising almost as if he weredaringme. I took it. “Put it in for me,” he said, picking up the clear silicone with his other hand.What is he going to have me do?“And don’t turn it on yet.”

My trembling hands struggled to get a firm enough grasp on the little vibrating toy, but I slid the insertable portion between my thighs, shuddering as it passed over my clit. I needed to be touched so goddamn badly, and even as I slipped it inside of me, the temptation to ignore his request and press the little power button raged. The inner hook held it in place, and I took a moment while Seb settled in front of me to make sure the best part of it sat directly on top of my clit.

His fingers pushed the hair from my face, coming to rest on the top of my head as he forced it back gently. He looked sotallfrom down here — he was tall to begin with, but this was just another level. “Open your mouth again,” he said, his digits tightening around the silicone in his right hand.

My lips popped open, and on instinct, my tonguedarted out to cover my bottom teeth. I wrapped my hands around the back of his thighs, eager to show him what I knew damn well I could do, but the moment his hand moved and I thought he was going for the waistband of his joggers, the clear dildo appeared in front of my eyes.

“Turn the other one on, Penelope. Lowest setting,” Seb said, his voice far deeper than it was before. I glanced up at him, and those wide eyes had softened exceptionally, and all that was left in its place were half-lidded, barely visible blue irises that watched me with bated breath. “And show me, withthis, exactly what you want to do to me.”

Dear God. He wants a fucking show.

My heart pounded in my chest as I removed my hands from him. One slipped between my thighs to press the button, and I didn’t dare to turn up the intensity — he wanted it low to tease me, that much was clear. I wrapped the other around the base of the silicone cock, my fingers brushing against his as he held it in place just in front of my face.

I did exactly what he asked. Within reason.

He wanted a show, so I gave him a show. Instead of taking it fully in my mouth and moving my tongue, I dragged my tongue along the underside of the fake tip instead, displaying to him what I wanted to do with it inside of my mouth. I swirled it, stroked the length with my hand, andrefusedto close my lips over it so he could see exactly what I was doing.

“God,” he grunted, closing his fist in the hair at the top of my head. His cheeks turned pink, and behind the hand that held his pseudo-cock, the bulge in his joggers was becoming impossible not to notice. “Right there, where your tongue is.Thatfeels the best for me.”

“Right here?” I rolled my tongue against it, teasing itwith the tip and softening the intensity with the flattest part after.

“Yeah,” he rasped.

Courage hissed at me to go further. “What about this?” I asked, closing my lips around it and removing my hand, wrapping it around his wrist instead. I raised up a little on my knees, giving myself a bit more space to work, and moved my mouth down, down,downthe silicone, feeling it press against the back of my throat. It wasn’t quite as easy with something less malleable, but I closed my eyes and focused, extending my neck. One little swallow and my throat opened, and the second it slid in further, a choked little noise rang out from Sebastian.

“Fucking hell, Nelly,” he croaked, his hand holding painfully still on both my head and the toy. “Yes, that.That.”

I couldn’t get all the way to the base, not with that one, and I probably couldn’t with him either, but I could get damn far. I looked up at him, my eyes beginning to water, and pulled back on a choked gag, freeing myself from it entirely. Little strings of saliva connected me to it, but I didn’t care — I grinned up at him. I’d trained that over the years for Morris and had barely tried since, and the satisfaction of knowing I could still do it was enough to give me confidence in this specifically.

“Up on your knees.Now,” he ordered. There was a shift in him, something more urgent, more primal, taking hold and stirring within. His erection was impossible to hide, now, pressing angrily against the left leg of his joggers, and my mouth watered more at the thought of getting to do what I’d just done to him instead.

I rocked forward off my heels and lifted to the full height my knees would allow, digging them into the carpet.Seb squatted down again, his lips parted, his mouth just an inch from mine, and something damp and room temperature pressed against my entrance.

“Sit back, baby,” he rasped. His eyes held mine, daring me,demandingme, and I lowered my hips enough for the bottom of the dildo to sit on the carpet, the tip of it just barely inside of me. His nostrils flared. “That’s it. Sink down on it.”

He released it beneath me as I sunk half an inch, my mouth opening just enough to release a high-pitched little moan. The sensation was almost overwhelming — the size of it coupled with the little bit of sensation I was already receiving inside and out set my nerves on fire, but then I felt him, felt the ghost of his fingertips across sensitive skin, felt the brief extra pressure of the vibrator against my clit.

He turned it up.

And up.


God, I wouldn’t last long like that. Not when I was sinking further onto the dildo, taking half of it, two-thirds,shit, all of it. I couldn’t stop the moans, couldn’t stop myself from reaching for him, kissing him, needing him.

“Seb, I can’t?—”

“You can,” he said, tightening his grip on my hair once again as he pushed himself to stand upright again. His free hand dipped into his joggers and pulled the waistband down, freeing his length in one quick motion as the elastic fell to his thighs. I almost reached out and pulled them the rest of the way down, the need to drag my fingers along those bare trunks of muscle almost maddening. “I want you full from both ends, Penelope.”

I nodded my agreement.