Page 38 of The Spice Play

Her hips shifted back just enough for me to free my cock, and with nowhere to go but a millimeter up, it pressed against her bare heat and the back of my hand. It tookeverythingin me not to pull her forward and push my way inside.

Instead, I slid two fingers down over her clit, sinking them inside of her with ease. She shuddered as I hooked them deep, pressing on the little rougher patch a few inches inside, and I used my grip on her to bring her hips back to mine.

Slowly, achingly, with my knee screaming at me, I stretched out my legs beneath her and leaned back, pulling her body down with me in a desperate attempt to not be too far from her. “You want to be filled, right? Stretched?” I teased, grabbing her by the base of her neck and knotting my fingers in the loose strands that had slipped from her braids. I slipped my fingers out from her, gripped her hip, and lifted her rear just enough that she was poised just above the aching, leaking tip of my cock.

Wide eyes locked on to the space between our bodies, to the length and thickness that sat beneath her. “Holy shit, Sebastian. How am I?—”

“You took four fingers like a goddamn champ,” I smirked and tugged on that handful of hair, forcing her gaze to snap back to mine. “You can handle more than that.”

One shaky, deep breath later, with parted lips and heavy-lidded eyes, she sunk down enough to press the tip of my cock against her entrance, and then a little further, just enough to coat an inch of me in her heat.

“Fuck,” I seethed. I wanted to push her down onto it, wanted to take up every bit of space inside of her, but I used every bit of self-control I had to keep myself at bay. This was still for her. All of it.

She stopped, her gaze flicking from me to somewhere off to my right. “Is your knee okay?”

“Christ, Nelly, don’t ask me about my knee right now,” I laughed.

She bit back a chuckle and adjusted herself again, sinking just a little lower, a little deeper, her hands shaking as she laid them on my lower stomach. She pushed my shirt up, fingernails dragging over my muscles, leaving little fires in their wake. I wanted her to do it again, and again, and again, I wanted to feel her sink them in, wanted them to dig into my skin.

A long, hefty groan dragged from my chest as she sunk further, further, further, her little gasps marking each inch, until finally, she opened enough for her hips to meet mine, wrapping me entirely withher.

Shit. This was a horrible, terrible, ferociously bad idea.

I never wanted to fuckingleave.

She fit me so perfectly, so tightly, so impossibly mind-numbingly well that for just a moment, as neither of us moved except the erratic rising and falling of our chests, there was nothing else. There was no pain in my knee, no practice in the morning, no threat of a five-year-old hearing us, no Bryan Addaway — there was this, there was her, and that was it.

Howanyonecould choose to be inside anyone else over her was just… unfathomable.

She leaned forward, pushing my shirt up more and dragging her nails again, and the movement of her hips as she did it, mixed with the sensation across my chest, nearly had me coming undone already. Reluctantly, I released my hold on her and used every bit of concentration I had left to get my shirt up and over my head.

But I needed her to move, and based on the way herhands were still shaking and her breathing came and went too quickly, she needed that too.

I reached up, gripping her by the chin, my palm beneath her jaw and my thumb and forefingers on either side of her cheeks, and pulled her down to me. “Show me how you move,” I ordered. “Show me what feels good for you, baby, and I’ll reward you.”

She fuckingclenchedaround me.

Finding her purchase with her hands just beneath my pecs, she slowly moved her hips forward, dragging her clit across the short stubble I’d failed to shave down before rotating back into her starting position.

She bit back her moans on each thrust, struggling to keep her little sounds at bay. She pushed her hips forward further and further with each one, driving me maddeningly deeper as she angled herself a little more upright — and she kept that position.Deep. She likes it deep.

“That’s it, isn’t it?” I rasped, releasing my hold on her face so I could free my hand up. I took her in, every centimeter of skin, every little divot and crease and mark, and burned it into my brain. “Fuck, you look so pretty riding my cock.”

Her hips stuttered from the compliment, her movements going choppy as she struggled to concentrate.

“But you’d look so much prettier beneath me.”

She clenched again, harder, and I nearly lost my mind.

I didn’t care that it physically hurt, didn’t care that I’d probably get a shit night’s sleep over it — I wrapped a single arm around her waist and pushed down on the mattress with my foot, rolling us over in one quick, easy motion. My pain from my knee rippled horribly, but I blocked it out as best as I could, forcing it to take weight.

“This okay?” I asked through clenched teeth, grabbingher by the hips and lifting her enough that my waist would take the weight of her lower half. I sunk further than I’d been before, and her desperate, too-loud moan was enough of an answer before she spoke.

“God, yes,” she mewled, her voice shaking on the words.

She reached up for me, but I took her hands, bringing her wrists together in one palm. I found my balance as I pinned them behind her head, bent over her body, just inches from her mouth — leaving one hand free to doexactlywhat I wanted to, and what I hoped would give her what she needed.

I slipped it between our bodies, quickly finding that spot that made her back arch, and her eyes widen, and somehow, some way, I sunk in further. She squeaked something incoherent, her irises rolling back the moment I started to move, andyes, that was it.