Page 37 of The Spice Play

Her heartbeat thrummed against my fingertips, thunderous and quick, and I couldn’t tell if she was holding her breath or just breathing so shallowly that it was hard to tell. But once our noses touched, once she was no more than an inch away from my mouth at best, I could hear the quick little breaths, the sound of her throat moving on a swallow. I didn’t believe for a second that she needed any teaching, but I was desperate, aching to find out.

“Do you want me to stop?” I breathed, hovering just above her lips, balancing myself on one knee. I cupped her cheek with my other hand, fixing her in place just in case she moved, and searched her gaze with blurry vision, my eyes too close to focus.

Her short little exhale warmed the air between our mouths. “No.”

I dragged my thumb across her lip, tempting her,daringher. “Then kiss me.”

She moved. God, did she move.

Her mouth met mine, and her hands met my chest, gripping and pulling at the fabric of my shirt. She pushed up onto her knees, forcing me back down on my rear, and it was as if every sensible thought in my mind evaporated at once — fuck being professional, fuck stability, fuck the unknown of it all, fuck the repercussions, fuck her, fuck her, fuck her,fuck her,God, I need to fuck her.

Wrapping my arm around her waist, I pulled her in, seating her firmly astride me. She let me into her mouth, let me taste her, the flavor familiar but missing that tinge of whiskey she’d had the last time she’d let me in like this. She was warm against me, her upper body practically flush against mine, andfuck, the heat between her thighs came down right on top of my hardening cock, nothing but two layers of thin cotton separating us.

I wanted to tear them to shreds.

I broke from her mouth with a gasp, kissing her chin, her jaw, her neck instead. “Do you want me to fuck you, Penelope?” I mumbled, balling the fabric of her shirt in my fist and forcing it up her back, my bare forearm slipping against her warm skin.

Her breathing was deep but unsteady as she slid her hand around the back of my neck, her fingers twisting between the little brown waves of hair at the base of my skull. “Yes. Please, yes.”

Those three words sent me into a goddamn spiral. I knew I shouldn’t do this, but I didn’t fucking care. “Tell me what you like,” I grunted, pulling my mouth from her for a fraction of a second while I lifted her shirt up and over her head. And, of course, there wasn’t a bra in sight beneath it.Fucking tease.“Or I swear to God, Nell, I’ll take you however I see fit.”

“I don’t… I don’t know.”

Her little gasp as my mouth met her breast was enough to send the rest of the blood in my body directly down below, making me so rigid that it physicallyhurt. At least it was enough to distract me from my knee, but I still found myself pulling at her hips, pushing her against me to create the smallest amount of friction. “That’s fine,” I rasped, nipping at her skin just barely with my teeth and eliciting a little moan from her. “We can figure it out as we go.”

She nodded hastily, her braids moving against her collarbones and the little strands brushing against my cheek.

“Now, refresh my memory,” I smirked. I cupped her breast with one hand, slipping my thumb over the hardened bud of flesh, and her mouth popped open on a beautiful, mesmerizing O. “You like having these played with. Right?”

“Yeah,” she squeaked, her hips pushing against me. The friction nearly turned me feral, but I kept my head, focusing on the inevitability of being inside her.

I hooked the fingers of my free hand on the band of her underwear, pulling just enough to get it over the crest of her ass. With her legs on either side of me, I wouldn’t be able to get them down far enough, but I neededsomething, needed to touch her, needed to feel the slick warmth between her thighs.

I took her nipple between the edges of my teeth, just barely pressing down, and thesoundshe made… I couldn’t think. Didn’t care to. I didn’t want her moving an inch away to get her underwear off, didn’t want her going anywhere that wasn’t right fucking here. “I’ll buy you new ones,” I said, and in one quick movement, I tuggedhardon thefabric, tearing it, shredding it, breaking through the elastic easily.

“Oh my God?—”

She cut herself off as my fingers slipped between us, gliding through thoroughly damp heat. I was working on instinct with this, specifically since I’d played with her with a vibrator last time. It took everything in me not to throw her down on the bed and take her right then, but I needed to learn how to touch her if I was going toteachher anything.

Even if I still wasn’t convinced she needed to be taught anything at all.

I pulled away from her breast, and she tightened her grip on the back of my neck, her head slumping forward until her forehead rested against mine. I circled her clit, just gently, just gliding along the smooth skin in time with her frantic breaths. “How’s that, baby?”

She nodded weakly between moans.

“Words,” I insisted. “Use your words. If you want me to change something, tell me.”

“Fuck, okay, uh, more pressure,” she croaked.

I followed her command, and her moans turned deeper, darker, louder. “Shh,” I urged. “Don’t wake him.”

Her panted breaths took center stage instead, and every second that I touched her, warmth and wetness seeped into the fabric of my boxers. I couldn’t wait. I couldn’t fucking wait. Ineededthis.

“Do you want me to be rough with you?” I asked, abandoning her breast with my hand entirely and using it to fist down the waistband of my boxers, desperate for freedom, desperate forher.

“You already know the answer to that,” she whispered.

God, I did. And it only made everything worse.