“On one condition.”

“You’re not exactly in a position to be calling the shots,” I tease, flashing her a half smile before returning my focus to the road.

“Kayleigh is never to know about any of this. Not the auction. Not the money. And not about the fake girlfriend thing.”

“That’s your one condition?”

“Swear to me, Fox.”

I expected her to set some ground rules for the fake relationship. Set parameters for public displays of affection or demand separate bedrooms or insist there won’t be any sex. But it’s clear Kayleigh is not only her number one priority, but her only priority.

“I swear.”

The primal side of me yearns to be set loose so I can show her what it means to makehera priority. To take her to heights of pleasure she’s only dreamed of so she can experience what it’s like to be the sole focus.

It’s possible this fake relationship proposal was a bad idea.

Averybad idea.




“What thehell, Fox?” I hiss as he pulls into my driveway beside a mangled car I know all too well.

His right brow quirks upward, the corner of his mouth mimicking the gesture. “Would you have rather I left it on the side of the road?”

I want to argue with the man, but I’m too exhausted. Never mind that I had no idea how I was paying for a tow with the balance of my checking account lower than the frigid winter temperatures. Would it be so terrible to be grateful, just this once?

“I’ll just be a few minutes,” I say, pushing open my door.

“Oh, I’m coming with you.”

“What? Why?”

“In case you try to sneak out your bedroom window.”

“You really think—” I lock my gaze with his, and for the briefest moment, I’m tempted to smile. It takes an incredible amount of restraint to make my lips behave. “You make a valid point. Iama flight risk.”

I trudge through the snow-covered sidewalk to the front door, certain my neighbors will hate me for not shoveling like the rest of them. At least I won’t be here through Christmas to endure their disapproving looks.

My heart races as I unlock the door, wondering if this is all a terrible idea. It’s certainly a better alternative than being some sleazy rich man’s sex slave in a dungeon of horrors for a night. But a fake relationship for three whole days poses its own set of problems.

“Where exactly is this family gathering?” I ask, pushing open the door. Meatball lets out a loud yowl from his perch on the top of the couch, followed by a hiss.

“Evergreen Pass.”


“It’s a small town near the mountains.”

Dread whooshes through me at the thought of being anywhere near that sex mansion.

“Couple hours in the opposite direction,” Fox adds, one corner of his mouth lifting in another half smirk. As if the jerk knows exactly what I’d been fearing. I’m still confused why he was at that auction. Though I’ve had plenty of reasons to dislike him, I never would’ve pegged him for the type of man to pay for the company of a woman. Unless he’s into all that BDSM stuff. And why does that intrigue me so much?

“Don’t mind Meatball,” I say about the cat, trying to shove away the confusing thoughts giving me a hell of a headache.