“Give me your phone,” Kayleigh says, peeping her head around Alida’s shoulder. “I’ll cancel your Uber. Hey, Fox!”
“Hey, Kayleigh. How’s school?”
“You can ask me later. Once Alida gets her head out of her ass.”
“Bye!” Kayleigh disappears inside.
“Can I come in?”
Alida steps back, allowing me inside. I hear a familiar yowl from the living room, but Meatball seems to know his place right now and stays put as I close the door behind me.
“I’m sorry about this morning?—”
“It wasn’t your fault. I overreacted. And once I realized I did, I was too embarrassed to backpedal. Too proud to admit I was wrong.” Alida drops a hand to my chest, flickering her gaze up to mine. “I love you, Fox. And it scares the hell out of me. I’m used to being on my own?—”
“I love you too, Alida. And you’ll never be on your own again.” I comb a hand through her hair, dragging her face closer to mine. “I will never take your independence away, Alida. I love it too much. But I will take care of you like you deserve, whether you fucking like it or not. I will make you a priority, and you’re going to let me.”
“Okay,” she whispers seconds before my lips crash against hers. This kiss has nothing on any other. It’s a passionatepromise of everything to come. A cry of relief from almost having lost the woman I love over the stupidest thing.
“You want to know something, Alida?”
“What’s that?”
“I had a Christmas wish too.”
“You did?” she wriggles her eyebrows.
“Well, maybe two.”
She licks her lips, and I really wish we had the time and opportunity for me to push her up against her bedroom wall and pummel my cock into her. But we’re due back in Evergreen Pass. I don’t think my family will let me back into the cabin without her. And I’m certain they’ll love Kayleigh.
“What’s your first Christmas wish?” she asks.
“To be with you.”
It’s a cheesy answer, but her beaming smile promises she doesn’t mind. “And the second one? You know, the dirty one?”
“I want you to sit in Santa’s lap. And by Santa, I mean me.”
She snakes a hand up my neck. “Are you sure? Because Santa, I’ve been a very naughty girl this year.”
I pull the silk blindfold from my coat pocket, rubbing the material against her cheek. “And I intend to show you exactly what happens when you’re on my naughty list.”
“Isn’t this place amazing?” I say to my sister as we stroll down the main strip in Evergreen Pass. The downtown area is decorated within an inch of its life. It’s not just the lit-up candy canes dangling from light posts. It’s the full-sized trees outside every business. The holiday music drifting from the coffee stand. The ice skating rink next to Santa.
“I love it!”
“There’s a tree lighting tonight.”
“Are we going?” she asks.