
“You have to do exactly as you are told. I know that’s a problem area for you.”

“Then don’t tell me to do anything stupid.”


“Just this once, I’ll promise to do what you say. But don’t get used to it.”

The blindfold returns, the anticipation doubling.

“Oh, thereisone more thing,” he says, pulling the blindfold away again.

“Fox, I swear?—”

“Just kidding,” he whispers against my ear, his breath tickling as he replaces the blindfold and finally ties the damn thing behind my head. “All you need to do now is relax, enjoy, and try not to be too loud.”

Thankfully our room is upstairs and on the opposite side of the cabin as all the others, but that doesn’t mean sound doesn’t travel. I make a mental note to keep the moans to a minimum. If therearemoans. I’m still skeptical about this one flick of the tongue thing. How could that possibly be enough?—

“Alida, turn your brain off, m’kay?”

“I’m trying.”

I feel the absence of Fox’s heat behind me. I ball my fists at my sides, forcing myself to leave the blindfold in place. He told me to trust him. I can trust him. Several agonizing seconds go by, only the creaking of the floorboards alerting me to his nearby presence.

The hair on the back of my neck is lifted, and warm breath teases my sensitive skin. The simple sensation causes a ripple of electricity from my neck clear to my toes.

Fox takes his time, caressing me with his breath—on the back of my neck, the shell of my ear, my cheek. There’s nothing rushed as he switches sides, sweeping my hair away from my neck again as though by magic.

“Take a step back,” he instructs.

I expect my back to collide with his chest, but there’s only cool air.

Suddenly he’s in front of me, teasing me with his breath from my cheeks down to the hollow of my neck.

I feel a tug on the tie of my robe. I’m hyper aware when it falls open and suck in a breath. I can’t see Fox’s reaction to my nakedness. What if he’s repulsed? I’ve been known to stress eat donuts like they’re being discontinued.Knock it off, Alida. Youhave a rocking curvy body. You fucking love it. That’s all that matters.

“Fuck, Alida,” Fox hisses, the intonation of his voice proof that he doesn’t give one fuck about the donuts.

He continues to tease me with that wickedly delicious breath, the sensation slowly dropping between my breasts. The robe covers my boobs, and I itch to shrug out of it. I want to feel that damn seductive breathing on my nipples.

“Alida,” Fox says in warning. “You need to stand perfectly still. I’ll take your robe all the way off whenI’mready.”

Wetness that’s been pooling between my legs threatens to drip down my leg. How can words and breath bethismuch of a turn on? Or maybe it’s the blindfold heightening all my other senses. I gasp as hot breath trails down to my belly button. God, he’s so fucking close to my center.

But before he teases me there, the breath trails upward.

“Dammit,” I grumble.

Fox laughs, a low quiet rumble, sending a quiver straight to my core. This blindfold is wild. Maybe these sex auction BDSM fans know a thing or two I don’t.

One shoulder of my robe slips away, and I swear I can damn near feel his lips against the invisible hairs of my skin. He catches the silk at my elbow, refusing to let it fall all the way off. But enough has dropped to expose one tit to him.

Though I’m certain that one flick of the tongue comment is reserved for my pussy, I’m willing to bet he could make me come with one flick of the tongue to my nipple right now. It’s all so fucking sensitive. Hot breath hovers over my nipple. Are those teeth scraping the very tip? The sensation is too light to pin down, but fuck if it doesn’t make me wetter.

Silk slips across my skin, falling away from the opposite shoulder, and Fox gives the other side the same treatment. Before he reaches my nipple, however, I feel a tug that pulls thesleeves of the robe taught against my elbows. As though he’s holding it in place.

“Fuck, Alida. Your tits are amazing.”