Ishouldn’twant Fox.

So why do you?

Ugh, shut up brain!

I clear my throat, shoulders squaring of their own accord as my chin tilts upward. “Then what do you want from me, Fox?”

“A favor.”

The sparkly red dress suddenly feels itchy. A lump forms in my throat but I clear it before asking, “What kind of favor?”

“Why don’t you change—take a shower if you want—and we’ll talk afterward.”

Another layer of my composure returns at the suggestion of ridding myself of this god-awful dress. “Why do I have the feeling I won’t enjoy this favor very much?”

“I’d promise you that you won’t hate it, but I don’t like to lie.” The sly barely-there grin does funny things to my already misbehaving insides as I move toward the bathroom door in the corner of the room, reaching behind my back for the elusive zipper of this sparkly red prison.

As my fingers fail to reach it, I remember Janelle zipping me up in the dressing room.


“Need a little help?” He’s suddenly close, his breath tickling the back of my neck, causing very naughty shivers to travel throughout my body. For a moment, I almost forget he basically rejected the very idea of touching me—almost.

I’ve done a lot of stupid things today, but the stupidest one I do is look over my shoulder at him. Because when my gaze locks with his, I forget all about this shitty situation. I forget where I’m at. I forget that I’m supposed to hate this man who reminds me of losing by brother. I forget my damn name when his knuckle brushes my skin as he gently tugs my zipper down.

“Fox?” When I say his name this time, my voice is raspy. It’s not a question so much as an invitation.

“No, Alida.”

I turn away to hide my reddening cheeks, refusing to feel the full brunt of embarrassment as I shoot back, “Because you can’t get it up?”

He leans closer, his lips brushing the shell of my ear as he says, “This isn’t a game you’re going to win, Alida. But make no mistake. I could make you come apart with one single flick of my tongue.”




I’ve been hard since the moment I shoved Alida into the bathroom and closed the door behind her. My knuckle still tingles with the memory of her soft skin grazing against it. What I wouldn’t have given to have helped her the rest of the way out of that dress. But the last fucking thing I should be entertaining is messing around with Brett’s sister. There’s always been a spark between us, but even if she didn’t blame me for her brother’s death, it’s not something we should explore.

My dick does not approve of that logic, however.

“You’re clearly not going to chain me to that dungeon bed,” Alida says as the mansion disappears in the rearview mirror of my truck. “So what’s this favor?”

No sense in beating around the bush. “You’re going to be my fake girlfriend for Christmas.”

“Excuse me?”

“I didn’t stutter.”

“Doesn’t mean you aren’t speaking fucking Greek.”

“We’ll stop by your house so you can pack a bag.”

“Christmas isn’t for three more days.”

“We’re heading out tonight.”