“The day I decided to give him the crown was the day before your mother was to ascend as the Moon Goddess.Luckily, or unluckily depending on the perspective, Goddess Morai came barging through the doors, anger radiating off of her small frame, with Witch Cassandra and many other trailing behind. There were stacks of books and the truth of your kidnapping mixed with the deeds Coro committed was revealed. A fight ensued and he escaped, killing his mate and the unborn pup as a way to prevent us from using them as leverage to capture him. Thankfully, his ten-year-old daughter was saved by Cassandra casting a protection barrier around her, and we were able to keep her safe. She created the current line of royals that now rule.” A tear slips down his face, the memories of losing me and the betrayal of his son must be too hard to deal with. I stay silent, allowing my father time to sort out his emotions that still seem to have a strong hold over him even after all these centuries later. I cannot even begin to imagine how he feels.

“What did Coro have planed for me?” I ask after some time has passed and I feel that my father has stabilized. Although I am unsure if I want to know the answer, I have to know in order to live as a Rogue for the time being.

“He made a pact with a Witch, a very dark Witch. You were supposed to be kidnapped then killed so that he would have no contest for the throne. But Morai intervened, and the carriage the Witch and you were in was hit with an accident. Moonflowers swallowed you, keeping you in a stasis, if you would. It wasn’t until eighteen years ago did the moonflowers let you free.” A soft breeze blows past us, the scenery shifting as if someone pressed fast-forward on a screen. I watched as a small town was formed, as houses, shops and farms were created. I watch the Palace age over time, the white brick slowly becoming discoloured with the elements.

One thing that never changed is the moonflower meadow that we sat in. Then things stopped, and my fatherand I remained the only ones on the hill looking at the familiar pack lands that I grew up with. I watch a familiar face walking along the river in a flowing gown, her tear-stained face one I both wished to see and never see again. The late Queen Clarice, the woman that raised me, sat in the middle of the moonflower meadow. I take a step forward, wanting to rush to her, but a hand stops me.

“We can’t interact with her. This is the memory of the moonflowers; I’m sorry.” Father whispers, and I nod, tears threatening to spill once more. We watched in silence until the sounds of crying could be heard and the late Queen jumps, turning towards the sound until the scene changes and she and the crying are gone.

"When the late Alpha Queen mated the current Alpha King, it turned out she was barren. She kept it to herself, knowing that Alexander would kill her in order to find a mate that will give him an heir. One day, she stumbled upon the moonflower meadow, one neither your mother nor I had found, and found you still a newborn. It was perfect timing because Alexander was going to war with the vampires and would be gone for years. She told him the day he left that she was pregnant, and knowing you were safe, she left you in the safety of the moonflowers. For the next few months, she was attended to by her maids, the very same ones who raised you and were sworn to secrecy of your origin. You still were kept as a newborn and only cried twice. The first time was when she stumbled upon the meadow, and the second time when she picked you up and took you home. No one noticed the moonstone had fallen or was left in the moonflower meadow until you found it and put it on. That must have been a shock to Clarice.” I smile, thinking back to the day she watched me find the necklace I treasure, her begging me to not go near the flowers with fear, but something called to me in the sea ofwhite and green. I always wondered why she was so terrified of me entering the moonflower meadow but knowing now that she found me there made sense. She probably thought I would disappear just as fast as I had appeared to her.

“She was so mad at me. But at the same time, I think she had a feeling of who I truly am.” I agree, turning away from the scenery behind me and looking to my father. Everything he has shown me proves I am his daughter and my instinct tells me to trust him. So with hope that this man will not abuse me the way Alexander had, I place my trust in him.

“So what do I do now?” I ask. A flame is ignited in me and revenge is what I wanted. I want revenge towards my brother, who took me away from our family. I want revenge for my mother, for Queen Clarice, against Alexander for how he treated Clarice and me. And finally, I want revenge against Narin for rejecting me and choosing Alexander.

“You train, build a pack of your own and take back the Royal Pack as the true heir. I will ask Luna and Selene to contact Geminie as she can stay in the dreamscape longer, but our time is up. Become strong, my daughter…”

?Chapter 8-Allies?

“We need to start her training as soon as possible. With Prince Coro’s antics becoming even more dangerous than the next, who knows what can happen in the next few years.” A voice with a musical lilt floats through the air, reaching my ears as consciousness slowly returns.

“Trust me, Crysta can take anyone down.” Matrix retorts with a huff to this mysterious person.

“I believe she can, but her brother is a trickier person. He has ways of killing without a trace.” Another voice, one I recognize as Geminie, argues back.

“A year after we learned that Lupus was actually Coro, many smaller packs were taken over by Soulless. Not one person from the three packs he attacked survived.” A deeper voice chimes in. I frown, deciding that now is a good time to wake up if the wolves in the room decided to continue talking about me and my brother. I need to know what they know in order to prepare myself for whatever fate has in store for me.

With a sigh, I open my eyes and am met with a ceiling of red fabric above me, realizing I am laying on a canopy bed. The room smells like lavender and mint, the bedding holding the same scent. It both calmed and invigorated me, clearing the fog of leaving the dreamscape from my mind. Turning to the sounds of the voice, I notice Geminie with her mate sitting close together on a loveseat, her pup playing on the floor with Amberle's pups. On a separate couch, Dominic sits watching Amberle pace the floor, his mate’s movements full of agitation and anger.

“Fire, come sit. You can’t let what happened get to you.” The Alpha of Blood Moon sighs out, holding a hand out to hisfiery mate. Watching her pause her steps, Amberle runs a finger through her locks before joining her mate on the couch and curling into his side.

“I’m sorry, Ice. I just can’t understand how a father can treat his pup like the way Alexander treated Crystalline.” At her statement, I feel a pang in my chest and clutch my fingers around the necklace, taking a moment to calm myself before making my presence known. My eyes sting with unshed tears as I think back to what Spirit, my real father, told me.

“It’s because Alexander isn’t my father.” I state, the room growing silent as I push myself off of the bed and into a sitting position. Six pairs of eyes stare back at me. A woman with long black hair and pale skin sitting in an armchair watching me curiously captures my attention first.

“But I have a feeling you all knew this.” I state, the women before me each giving a slight nod.

“All but me, apparently! For Goddess’ sake, your mother said she was pregnant with you!” Matrix cuts in, practically throwing himself from the chair and running to my side, wrapping me safely in a hug. I take in his comforting scent, allowing a few tears to fall as my arms wrap around him. He had defended me, prepared for our escape and stayed loyal to me. If only he had been my soulmate and not Narin.

“I am so glad you are okay, Crystalline; you’ve been asleep for eight days.” He whispers, relief flowing through our bond. Hugging him back, I take a moment to collect my thoughts and just enjoy the embrace of my best friend and accept the fact I was asleep for eight days since the ball, since the rejection. I am happy that Matrix is here, keeping his promise to always be by my side, through thick and thin. He may not be my mate, but he is definitely someone I can rely on right now, someone I can trust wholeheartedly while we figure out the mess I got myself in.

“King Spirit, my real father and the first Alpha King, called my soul to him.” I answer, feeling Matrix gently wipe the tears from my cheeks.

“I had a feeling a Royal called you.” Geminie sighs, giving me a sympathetic look.

“How was your first trip to the dreamscape?”

“Enlightening. My father said he would have my mother Luna and your mother contact you for my training.” I answer, slightly confused.

“It has something to do with you being able to stay in the dreamscape longer than me.” I continue. Geminie groans, running a hand through her hair as she leans back against the love seat, turning to look at her mate who smiles at her amused.

“Sorry, love, but Goddess work will be taking my time away from you.” She tells him with a sigh, Ariven chuckling.

“I had a feeling that may happen. Alex already said he will handle the pack while we are away. Just make sure you and our unborn pup stay safe.” He reassure her, placing a soft kiss on Geminie’s forehead.

“You are the best, and so is Alex. We should definitely give him, Missy and Lizaria a vacation after this.” A pang of jealousy at their affection forces me to look away. They look so happy and in love and I wished I had that with my mate. Instead I am left to deal with this pain of rejection and being turned Rogue.

“The Queen lied, didn’t she.” A statement, not a question, pulls the conversation back on track and away from what Geminie and Ariven were discussing. Pulling away from Matrix, I look towards the owner of the voice and notice the black haired, pale skin woman staring at me with deep indigo eyes.