“The time just felt right. You had wolves who could train you and I felt Coro’s power weaken. If I had woken you any earlier, he would have killed or corrupted you.” She answers honestly before taking a sip of her third cup of tea. I mull her words over, realizing that she is right. Coro was centuries old, his blood creating Soulless to control in his army. He had weakened himself to a state where my own power could overcome him.
“What about Albot? What happened to us meeting now?” I decided to ask, thinking about my mate, who is probably worried sick about me right now.
"Albot was originally your soulmate when you two were first born. Unfortunately, he was killed by a Rogue just after you were kidnapped when he was just two years old. I kept his soul close to me until he could be reborn and the two of you could meet properly. Everything that happened was supposed to happen." She answers patiently, a mischievous smile on her lips. I want to ask more, to learn more about the destinies of others and how her role works, but after a sip of my own tea, dizziness takes over me.
“What’s… What’s happening?” I ask, placing my hand on top of my forehead as the room slightly tilts.
"It's time for you to return to your body, Little One. I will be watching over you, so do not worry." Once again, Igrow drowsy, and a peaceful sleep soon welcomes me into its embrace before I can say goodbye to Morai.
?Chapter 39-Soul Returns Home?
A soft, steady beeping mixed with the soft steady hum of another machine floats into my ears, waking me from the deep sleep I had been put under after my visit with Morai. I groan, not wanting to be disturbed and feeling sore all over my body. Opening my eyes to see where the noise is coming from, I wince and quickly close them due to the bright light overhead.
"Crystalline, you're awake!" Albot's voice, although rough and hoarse, fills my ears and a small smile plays at my lips. My mate is here, but he sounds tired. I feel his hand clasp mine and a kiss on my forehead leaving tingles where we touch. He is definitely still my mate. I try to say something, my mouth opening and closing, but no sound comes out. My throat is sore and dry, as if I haven’t had a single drop of water in a long time.
[Lights are too bright, and I need a drink please.] I send to Albot through our link, squeezing his hand gently. There is so much I want to say to him about what happened after the war and where I went, but first I want to see him, to see the man who has been there for me for three years and who I love so much.
I feel his hand let go of mine and another kiss on my forehead before I feel his presence move away from my side. A small whimper leaves my dry throat and all I want is for him to be beside me again. A few minutes pass before Albot returns to my bedside, his hand once again taking mine as he places a kiss on my lips.
"You can open your eyes now, darling." Albot whispers, his voice sounding as if he is on the verge of tears. Slowly, my eyes peel open to be greeted by a dim room. Soft light from the lamp beside me is just enough to see that I am in the royal infirmary, my body in its own private room I know is reserved for the Alpha Queen and King. The beeping machine continues to beep at a steady pace and I turn to face a heart monitor next to an I.V., with the cord attached to my right arm. Finally I look to my left to see a weary Albot staring at me, a relieved smile on his face as tears fall from his eyes.
[Water, please.] I ask through our link, Albot nodding as he turns to the table on his right and brings a cup with a straw to my lips. I greedily drink in the cool liquid that quenches my dry throat, finishing two glasses before my throat feels better and not as dry as the Sahara Desert. With my third glass placed on the table beside a now empty water pitcher, Albot chuckles as I look longingly at the ice cold drink.
"You need to slow down on the water now, Crystalline. You haven't had anything in your stomach for a while, and I don't want you to puke up water." Albot chastises me with a relieved grin, scooting closer to the bed to hold my hand once again in his. The low amount of light does little to hide the exhaustion on his face and the shadow of a beard growing along his jaw. I frown and reach out to run my free hand along the stubble.
[Why haven't you slept?] I ask, doing my best to move to the side to make room on the bed, only to wince from the pain. Apparently my body is still wounded from the war with Coro, and I instantly regret trying to move at all.
"Because you have been in a coma for a week now.” Albot sighs out, his words followed by a yawn.
“Even with Geminie giving us updates that you are safe with your family while your body heals, I've been so worriedabout you that I barely slept a few hours a day." His voice cracks as he answers me, small tears falling down his face as his head lowers to rest on my stomach. My heart aches at my mate’s pain, my hand running through his messy hair to comfort him. He must have suffered knowing he couldn’t reach me, couldn’t wake me from my coma while I was off having fun with my family.
[I'm safe, baby, so please come here and cuddle with me.] I reassure him as best as I can, smiling gently at Albot as he straightens to look at me, his tears still falling from his eyes. Albot stands, his arms carefully lifting my small frame so as not to hurt me - even though I wince from the throbbing pain of my wounds - and moves me closer to the other side of the hospital bed.
He sets me down gently, making sure my I.V. and heart monitor are not tangled before climbing in beside me and pulling the blanket over us. His arms wrap around me with his head resting on top of mine as he takes deep breaths, inhaling my scent. The feeling of being safe and of being home in his arms washes over me as I yawn.
"Promise me you won't leave me." He whispers, his fingers running gently through my hair, causing me to grow drowsy.
"I promise we won't leave you." I manage to whisper, happy to be able to speak albeit a little croaky. I smile, thinking about the babies growing inside of me and how soon we will be a family of six.
"We?" He pulls away, looking down at me with confusion swirling in his eyes.
"Yes, we.” I chuckle out, tilting my head up to kiss his chin.
“I'm pregnant." Albot looks at me in surprise before his emotions changes to one of extreme happiness, a gently smileon his face as his hand moves to rest on top of my stomach.
"We are having a pup?” He asks in disbelief, his forehead pressed against mine as he takes in my words.
“Correction, we are having twins." I confess, Albot pulling away to look at me with shock. I giggle, instantly regretting it when I wince from pain. Albot quickly calls in a nurse, explaining the situation of me being pregnant and the nurses go into a panic, calling in a pack doctor to run some tests while removing the pain medicine from my I.V. poll. I glare at my mate for making such a big deal and order the staff to secrecy. I did not want anyone else to know I am pregnant until I am ready to.
“There seems to be no damages caused by the battle to your pups and they are on track to being healthy little royals.” The Doctor states, a smile on his face as he looks at me. I sigh with relief as Albot clings to my hand, his own relief clear on his face.
“I do want to keep you here for another week to make sure you heal properly. If by next Friday you are healing to my satisfaction and the pups are developing properly, then I will let you return to your Palace on bedrest.” He continues. Knowing that if I heal properly I can return home to the Palace and see my friends makes me happy, as the doctor takes his leave.
Albot climbs back into bed with me, his hand on my stomach as he gets me up to date with what happened to the pack after the war. Many have been working hard to clean up the mess left in the moonflower meadow, Cassandra and her coven are taking part in the cleaning.
A nationwide hunt to kill Soulless as effectively and quickly as possible was issued by Ira at the Temple of the Moon Goddess to help send their souls to Lisandra for reincarnation.
I slowly start to explain what happened to me while I was in my coma, how my soul was called to the dream-scape and how my father took me to meet my family. I hesitated to explain what the fate of Coro will be but ultimately told Albot. He is my mate, my King, and as such he needs to know what I know. I promise to never keep secrets from him as long as it does not involve a gift.