“Please tell me you’re not dead!” I exclaim, looking at Geminie who shrugs.
“Nope. After we rushed you to the royal infirmary, my necklace glowed and I was called into the dream scape. Mother brought me here to meet the other Royals.” I sigh, relieved that Geminie had not died before rushing to my great-something niece and hugging her.
“So I am alive?” I ask, worried about my body.
“Alive and with Albot watching over you like a hawk, the last time I saw him. Everyone lived on our side.” I smile, feeling proud that I lost not one wolf to the war. Everyone is alive, although most likely injured, and not only do I have a mate to return to but I have been given this chance to meet my family.
With Geminie now here, we are ushered towards the log cabin mansion where I am met by many wolves. Some are royals that took on the throne, knowing the truth of what Coro did, others were Goddesses that ruled the moon and helped the wolves on earth.
Three days passed in a blink of an eye, with Geminie popping in and out to give reports to those still waiting for me to awaken and reassuring them that I am alright and will return as soon as my body is healed enough. I had learned through her that I had been poisoned with Coro’s blood and my own blood was using the power of the Moon to release Coro’s poison from my body.
Apparently, I was on the verge of turning Soulless myself because of this blood, confirming my theory that his blood was the answer we had all been searching as to why theSoulless were created.
“Why can’t I find Alexander here?” I ask my mother one day, watching her feed Coro a bottle.
“Because we have a separate realm for Royals that helped Coro destroy packs and create Soulless. Many are of course from Coro’s bloodline, but some came from Selene’s as well.” She answers, placing my brother into a bassinet and asking Hara, my great-great-niece from Coro’s bloodline to watch over him. She leads me out of the cabin and towards the water, where many of my family members are standing holding a moonflower in their hands as they all look at me with sad eyes. Something feels off, and I look to my mother for guidance.
"My brave girl, you did so good. I'm so proud of you." She starts, Father and Selene coming to stand with us.
“What is going on?” I ask, Selene resting her head on my shoulder, something that she has done a lot these last few days.
“It’s time to say goodbye, Sister. Your body managed to remove all of the poisonous blood, and you need to return home now.” Selene answers, taking a deep breath.
"Will I see you all again?" I ask, not wanting to leave my family again. Three days was not enough to get to know anyone, not enough to talk to them. But I don’t have the power like Geminie to go into the dreamscape and see them.
"We will see each other again when it's your time to cross the Moon. You have important things back on earth to take care of.” My father replies, a sad smile on his face as he holds back his own unshed tears. I sigh and look towards the lake as the wolves that are my family, my many nieces and nephews, wave goodbye to me before one by one, they disappear.
"I know. I have a nation to rule over and a mess to cleanup." My reply comes and I turn to look at each of my family members one by one, committing them to memory, so that when the time comes and we are reunited, I can rush into their arms and spend eternity with them.
"Your something important, Sister, is the little one growing inside of you.” Selene chuckles, poking my cheek. Shock and disbelief fills me as I look at my parents, silently asking them if what she said was true. They both nod, My mother wiping away tears as she looks at me with loving eyes.
"It’s your turn to add to my grandchildren, young lady." My mother says enthusiastically, pulling me in for another hug. I couldn't believe what they were saying as the notion of being pregnant seems absurd. I had never gone into heat, so there could be no way I am pregnant. Besides my body was savagely beaten from the battle. How could any child survive the wounds Coro gave me?
"All answers will be revealed later. For now, our time is up." Spirit's voice breaks me away from my thoughts as I stare at my father, a proud smile on his lips. I can’t help but be sad at the notion that I would not be able to see them again until it was time for me to pass away. I smile back at my father and nod as my mother pulls away from our hug, only for my father to pull me into his embrace.
"Now, close your eyes. When you wake up, you'll be home with everyone." He whispers, his fingers running through my hair and lulling me into sleep.
?Chapter 38-A Date with Destiny?
I open my eyes to find myself in a room filled with books. Light filters in from above and I look to see an endless sky. Looking around confused, I wonder if my father sent my soul in the wrong place.
"Sorry, little wolf but I intervened for a moment." A childish voice has me turning to face a girl about fourteen years old as she carefully writes in an old leather-bound book. Her hand flies over the pages, her face filled with focus on her task and I wait silently for her to be finished. With the slam of her book closing, I take a few steps forward.
"Who are you?" I ask, watching the girl tentatively. Her violet eyes are soft and all-knowing, as if this girl is someone who has lived many adventures. She stares at me with a serene smile, her little body slowly walking towards me until we are standing just a foot apart. She takes in my appearance from head to toe.
"I'm glad I saved you as a baby. You deserve to live with how you saved everyone." She giggles as she takes my hand before leading me down the hall and past rows and rows of books. With astonishment, I turn to read every title I can, realizing they were names of wolves and other beings alike that have lived, with dates of their birth and death on the spines. All of these books are destinies lived and completed, and I itch to read just one.
“If you open them, your soul with be transported into the body of that destiny and whatever you do there, will change the book. So I advise you to stay away.” The little girlstates with a sly smile, her words keeping me far away from those books now.
"I haven't thanked you yet for saving the children, Alice and Blake. As I'm sure you've noticed, Alice has a gift. The truth is, I intervened when she was born. She should have died.” The girl changes the topic, her body nearly tripping over a stack of nameless books before I pull her into my arms and I look her over for any injuries.
“Whoops, forgot those were there. Anyway, when I saved her I left a small amount of my power inside her. She's used it for the greater good, and for you to take care of her and her brother makes me proud." The answer to my question of how Alice obtained her power of reading and sensing auras is answered and I turn to stare once again at the teenage girl. A sense of familiarity fills me as I look at her, the girl continuing our journey to wherever she is taking me until we are in front of another field of moonflowers. Just inside sits a desk with two new books, their pages open to just the beginning. I want to read them, but the girl beside me keeps me from walking forward.
"If you haven't guessed who I am yet, I am the Goddess of Destiny, Morai.” She says quietly, her violet eyes looking at me as her smile slowly fades.
“I always wanted to meet the little wolf pup I had saved all those years ago, and you are everything I hope you would live up to be. Crystalline, your destiny is not over and these two stories before me are a brand new beginning to your life. Take care of the little ones growing inside you, because I can’t wait to read their destinies as they grow. You'll make an amazing mother." The Goddess smiles at me as she sits me in a chair. I had already known I am pregnant thanks to my sister, but to know that I am pregnant, and with twins at that, has me smiling. My hand unconsciously rests on my flatstomach, and the idea of it growing with mine and Albot's pups fills me with happiness.
Morai asks me to stay with her for some time before my soul returns to my body, the little Goddess wanting to get to know me. With tea now placed before us and a plate of cookies, we chat about everything from what paths I could have led on my destiny leading up until now, to why she chose that moment when my adoptive mother found me to release me from my stasis.