"Shift, Little Sister. This fight isn't over." He yells outracing towards me. I growl, dodging to the right to avoid his punch and shift. He turns on his feet fast using the momentum of his turn to land a kick but I quickly drop to the ground, my legs swiping his out from under him. His face holds a look of shock as he crashes to the ground with a loud thud and I smirk. He may be taller than me, but being small means I am faster.

Before I let Coro regain his bearings, I climb on top of him, landing punch after punch to his body. The satisfying crunch of bones against my next punch makes me happy. Suddenly, claws dig into my hip making me wince from the pain and missing a punch.

My mistake is fatal as I am thrown off of Coro and hit the ground on my back hard, the air once again being force from my lungs. Coro is quick to climb on top of me, His hands wrapping around my throat before I can take a breath of air.

"This it the end for you, Little Sister." His voice is filled with triumph as his grip tightens and black dots fill my vision. I know both of us are on our last stand. With determination, one hand grasps Coro’s neck while the other reaches towards his chest as I dig my claws into him. I hear his pained gasps as he tries his best to strangle me.

With my body deprived of the precious oxygen that I need, I dig and search for his heart, surprised to know it is still beating.

My clawed hand clasps the organ tightly, feeling the heart beating against my skin. He growls, wincing while tightening his hold on me. My vision starts to fade, my strength leaving with it. With the last ounce of power inside me I have left, I pull my hand back and as darkness takes over my vision I pray to the Moon Goddess that I have finally killed Coro.

?Chapter 37-The Royal Family?

Bright light forces the darkness to fade, and I find myself standing in the field of moonflowers I had just fought in. There is no signs of war before me, and I wonder if what happened was a dream.

“I see you are awake.” A voice I have longed to hear once more calls out. Turning around, I find my father leaning against a tree, his eyes filled with warmth. I rush to his side, my father pushing off from the tree to catch me in his arms as he hugs me tightly to him. The scent of the moon is on him and I smile, feeling the comforting embrace of a parent calm me.

“You did good, my pup. I am proud of you.” He whispers, stroking my hair. All I can do is nod, my voice constricted as I allow the tears to flow down my face.

“Am I dead?” I finally am able to ask after some time has passed.

“No. You are just in the dream-scape right now as your body heals. Now you have some people that want to meet you.” My father answers, pulling away from me. The scene changes in a blur and I look around watching the trees shift from coniferous trees to deciduous. The blurry scene soon becomes clear and I am no longer in the moonflower meadow.

"Where are we now?" I ask confusion laced in my voice. In the distance a mansion log cabin sits by a lake and wolves lay lazily about, keeping their eyes on us. One wolf in particular catches my eyes—a she-wolf with long, flowing,pure white hair with a slight iridescent sheen to it. In her arms is a newborn wrapped in a white blanket, his black hair short and fuzzy as he sleeps in her embrace.

My father says nothing but places his hand on the small of my back and leads me to the woman. As I grow closer, I can see the shimmer of tears on her face, her prism-like eyes looking over me before turning to look at my father.

“Spirit, is this our Crystalline?” She asks, holding back sobs.

“It is, Luna. Our daughter is here for a visit.” Father answers her, his voice soft as he looks down at me. Tears flow in my own eyes as I take in my mother, my true mother. How I wondered what she looked like and if I took after her in any way; it seems I have her eyes.

“Grand Mother, let me hold the pup.” A woman speaks up, walking over and taking the baby in my mother’s arms. My father pushes me forward and the scent of moonflowers and magic wraps around me while soft arms that I used to dream of hold me tight. Tears spill once again and I take in my mother’s scent, not wanting this moment to end.

“Mother, where am I?” I ask through sobs as we are reunited for the first time in centuries.

"You're in the domain of the Royal Court." She answers, pulling away to caress my face.

“You and Selene look so much alike.” She sighs, a soft smile on her lips.

“Am I stuck here?” I ask, getting a chuckle in response from those around me.

“Unfortunately for us, Sister, you will have to return to your body. Your soul was called here as Morai allowed us to meet with you.” Turning to the sound of a voice so similar to mine, I find myself face to face with what I can only describe as a clone of me. He hair is just like Geminie, shimmering inthe light as if filtering through a prism on a white wall with pure white eyes that hold a hint of mischief.

“Selene?” I ask, unsure if what I am seeing is true.

“It’s so finally nice to meet my other half.” She sobs out, rushing to join in the hug. Sandwiched between her and our mother’s embrace, I bask in the glow of love I have always wanted.

To finally meet the twin I lost long ago and the mother whose arms I was ripped out of made my heart burst with happiness. I soon learn that the lady who took the pup from my mother is Celeste, Selene’s daughter and my niece. She became the third Moon Goddess and carried on the Moon Goddess legacy after Selene.

“Is this your pup?” I ask her, smiling down at the innocent baby in her arms. An awkward silence falls between the four wolves as my mother and father look at each other in apprehension before turning to me.

“This might sound strange, but the pup is Coro.” Father states. Shocked, I back away from the pup, from Coro, the battle still fresh in my mind. He had done so many horrible things, how could he be alive.

“Don’t be alarmed, Crystalline. Morai and the Goddess of Fate helped to erase his memories. As far as this pup knows, he has done nothing wrong. He will be raised as the youngest of the three of you and will spend his second life here helping the souls he hurt to cross over, under Lisandra’s orders.” Mother reassures me. I frown but turn and look at the pup to see that the scars of his life are gone. His eyes open and reveal white eyes similar to Selene and father. Gone are his sky-blue and blood-red eyes. He is nothing but a pure soul now.

“Will he gain a chance to be reincarnated?” I ask, wondering what the previous Goddesses have decided.

“No. Coro will become a member of the Moon Goddess’ Court and do what is asked of him.” Another voice calls out. Turning, I find Lisandra standing with Geminie beside her, my friend looking around just as curiously as I had.