“Wouldn’t this one be perfect considering the situation?” He asks, Amberle chuckling as she shoves a bar of chocolate in her mouth.

“I vote yes!” Alice agrees instantly, Amberle raising her hand in agreement as well. I shrug, not really caring what we watch since I just want to spend time with everyone here. After tomorrow, Marcie, Blake, Alice, Destiny, Aster, Saphira, Esmerald and Brent will be in the shelters while we go off to fight.

“I thinkMulanis perfect. It even has a sequel we can watch.” Marcie chimes in, already curled up in Matrix’s lap with a plate of food in her hands.

“So,Mulanit is.” Dominic chuckles, eyeing his mate as she looks at the chocolate cupcakes and hands one to her. I smile, realizing how lucky I am to have met so many wolves that genuinely care about me. The palace I once hated now isa home I adore because of these nine wolves in this room.

“Are we late?” A voice chimes in through the open door. Cassandra, Mika, and Lace soon comes into view, their own set of pajamas on as they make themselves at home. Make that eleven wolves and one witch.

“No, we just decided onMulan.” Blake answers, Mika nodding in agreement as he sits next to my pup with Alice pointing to the other armchair beside her for Lace. With everyone now here and the night just beginning, Albot and I take the only remaining loveseat while Cassandra makes a bed of blankets and pillows to lay on. Just before the movie begins, a knock on the door sounds and I sigh, climbing from my comfortable seat to see who is showing up.

“Hey. I, uh, heard there was a movie night.” Narin sheepishly says as I open the door. I chuckle and step aside, inviting my Beta to join us, which he happily accepts. With everyone finally settled and Narin comfortably sitting on the floor with Cassandra, movie night commences.

?Chapter 34-The Dawn of War?

Standing in the throne room, in a white suit with a white cape draped over my shoulders, I look outside the window as worry settles in. The stars are still out, but as soon as the sun rises, all the moonflowers will bloom and the final battle in this war will begin.

“You okay, darling?” Albot asks, walking forward with a mug of what smells like peppermint tea in his hand. I take it from him, thanking my mate before taking a sip of the much-needed drink.

“I’m nervous.” I sigh, leaning into his touch as he wraps his arms around me.

“I know. But we have been preparing for this moment, Crystalline. We will win this.” Albot reassure me. Taking in his scent, I continue drinking the tea as we enjoy this final moment of calmness. Our scouts have already linked us that Coro is on the move, with an army of Rogues and Soulless following behind him. It is only a matter of time before we have to leave and meet him just outside the pack line in the moonflower meadow.

[Everyone is in formation. We are just waiting on you, Crystalline.] Narin links me, his voice calm. I smile, placing my empty mug on the table beside my throne and take Albot’s hand.

“It’s showtime.” I state, his brown eyes hardening as he looks out the window.

“Promise me that no matter what happens, you will live.” He pulls me against him, his gaze returning to look atme. I gulp, not knowing how to answer him. I have a duty to fight with my people. To see things through to the end. I can’t just abandon them when things go wrong.

“Albot—” I start, only to be cut off.

“No, I know what you are going to say. But even if it’s a lie, I need to know that you will promise me you will live.” I see the worry in his eyes and smile softly at my mate, standing on my toes and pressing a soft kiss against his lips.

“I promise that I will do everything I can to make it back alive to you.” I whisper when the kiss ends, feeling his arms tighten around me as he breathes in my scent.

“I promise to do the same too, darling.” With this, he pulls away and takes my hand as the two of us walk towards the palace entrance. We can hear the soft chatter of our army, the wolves from our allies blending in with our pack, all dressed in black. Everyone has a somber face, their eyes filled with every emotion imaginable as they turn to salute me the moment I step onto the top step. Taken aback, I look to find Amberle, Dominic, Geminie, Ariven, Mika, Lace, and Narin standing at the front, my friends looking at me with hope and trust in their eyes.

[Make a speech.] Albot links me, squeezing my hand. I nod, taking in the faces of all the wolves once more before taking a deep breath.

“I first want to start with thanking everyone here for offering their assistance in this war. Know you all have different reasons for fighting, but we share the same end goal and for that, I thank you all.” I say, feeling more confident with each word uttered.

“Today will be a long battle as we face Coro and his army of Rogues and Soulless. Normally, I would say that if they surrender, capture them. But today, we cannot show any mercy. These wolves showed no mercy to their victims foryears. They have raped, killed, and stolen for Coro with no regard to anyone. Anyone who sides with Coro is the enemy today. We will send all who stands with Coro to the other side and let Goddess Lisandra decide their fate from there.” Geminie nods in agreement, the Future Moon Goddess knowing that her mother has already agreed to this. The pool of reincarnation will be working hard after today, the souls repenting for the horrible deeds they have committed while under Coro’s leadership.

“Finally, I ask that you consider your own life. I don’t wish for anyone to die today, so be as ruthless as you can. You all have loved ones waiting for your safe return, I am waiting for your safe return. So fight like your life depends on it, until Coro is dead and his army defeated.” Roars of cheering fill the air as the fighting spirit of these wolves is ignited, and I smile. With a nod to the leaders below, I take the lead and start the trek to the moonflower meadow. The sun will rise in an hour and then the white blooms will be dyed with the blood of our enemies.

?Chapter 35-The Final Battle?

The sounds of muffled footsteps behind me both in wolf and human form reminds me that the final battle is only moments away. The sky is fading from the indigo of night to a darker blue, with hues of red, purple, and pink on the horizon.

[Remember to keep the link open to receive orders.] I hear Albot state through the open link, a resounding “Yes, sir” from the hundreds of wolves joining us in this battle replying back. I smile, already seeing how great a King Albot makes. Once this war is over, I can plan his coronation and then together we can plan a wedding.

It isn’t long until we make it to the meadow, the flower buds still closed, waiting for the right time to bloom. I think back to the first time I met my father, watching the scene of my adoptive mother finding me in this very field, as well as the memories I have of the two of us running around and picking these flowers to decorate the palace halls.

Now, on the edge of the meadow, I can see Coro on the other side, his wolves—both Rogues, some still containing their sanity as well as some on the verge of turning Soulless, mixed with Soulless in various stages of their beast side taking over—spread out along the edge, the stench of filth and rot blowing towards us on the wind.

“Hello, Little Sister.” Coro calls out with a cackle, his sky-blue eyes staring at me.

“Cut the crap, Coro. You know I do not view you as family.” I retort, standing straighter and holding my head high. His smirk drops as he eyes me, and I can only imagine what is going through his mind.