“Thank you for doing this.” Mika states, sipping wine from his glass. I smile at the wolf, feeling like his destiny is not over yet, that he will soon return to being an Alpha in no time and Lace will have to find his replacement.

“Everyone earned it. We can’t just focus solely on training and tire ourselves out before the final battle.” I state, leaning against the wall. He lets out a hum of agreement, looking over the wolves and letting out a sad sigh before turning to me.

“I haven’t told Lace yet but I plan to go travelling after the war,” He begins, piquing my interest. I turn to give Mika my full attention, happy to know that my hunch is right.

“Something inside me is itching to leave Hidden Claws and as someone who has travelled, do you have any advice?” I smile, thinking back to my days as a Rogue and taking a sip of my own wine before answering.

“The best advice I will give is e-mail or call an Alpha in advance if you wish to enter their territory. Some don’t allow outsiders, while others are open to helping a wolf out in their travels. You may even spar with a few.”

“Duly noted. I already talked to a few wolf packs I knowpersonally and some have agreed to house me during my travels.” Mika cuts in.

“If you travel to the human cities, just know that it is loud, smelly, and full of other beings. Your best bet is to keep a low profile and just act like a tourist.” I add, getting a horrified look from Mika.

“Why would I go to human cities?” He nearly shouts and I chuckle, finding his outburst quite comical.

“Because you can learn a lot from humans, vampires, and witches, like I did.” I state.

“Also, you never know where you will meet your mate. I saved Albot from a dog fighting ring led by Hunters in Toronto.” I add before walking away in search of my mate. Walking around the ballroom, I watch as Alice runs around with the pups from the pack, Destiny and her little brother Aster, Esmerald, Saphira and Brent not to far behind, her smile so carefree that I can’t wait for the day where I can watch her play with her younger siblings when Albot and I have our own.

Unsurprisingly, Blake is in a heated debate with wolves from the other packs, my pup always looking to learn anything new. To think that three years ago they were scared of new people, never trusting anyone. Now, they have come so far from their past that I want nothing more than to give them a better future. The only way to do that is to kill Coro in six days.

“Penny for your thoughts, darling?” Strong familiar arms wrap around me, bringing me back into a sturdy chest.

“Maybe.” I smile out, turning to face Albot.

“Care to tell me what you were thinking about, my dear?”

“I was thinking, we win this war and give Blake and Alice some siblings.” My answer surprises Albot, his eyeswidening as he takes in my words.

“We can start that right now!” He growls possessively, scooping me into his arms while others watch on, laughing. Blushing, I hide my face in the crook of his neck, his quick strides taking us towards the exit.

“Albot, don’t overdo it. We still need Crystalline to fight with us in a few days!” Amberle calls out, the room erupting into laughter. She is so dead when we train tomorrow morning.

?Chapter 33-A Sense of Normalcy?

Throwing Amberle over my shoulder, I smile triumphantly as the fiery haired she-wolf lets out a wince. For the past two days of training and meetings, she has teased me about Albot and our mating, about how she expects to have her band of nieces and nephews grow soon after the war. This just has me fueled to want to kick her ass even more.

“Geez, Crysta, go easy on me.” She groans, pushing herself into a sitting position as she eyes me.

“Are you going to stop teasing me?” I ask instead.

“And ruin my fun, nope.”

“Then I guess you are going to have to get used to finally having your ass on the ground all the time.” I shrug, getting a playful growl from the Alpha wolf in response. I roll my eyes, holding out my hand and helping Amberle to stand. Although I have been besting the she-wolf, I still sport a few scrapes and bruises myself from sparring with her.

“So, two days until the war.” She sighs, looking at the still sparring wolves around us.

“Two days until I kill my brother.” I add, closing my eyes and taking a deep breath. Training ends an hour later and as the wolves gather around for their final instructions, I commit their faces to memory. All these wolves came to fight with me. Came to defeat Coro and usher in a new peaceful era with my brother gone. And it is my job to make sure they all return alive.

With an agreement to have tomorrow as a day of final preparation and rest, I dismiss everyone before headinginside. Tonight, I just want some time with my family.


“So, we are watching a movie and binging on junk food, right?” Geminie asks while barging into my room. I roll my eyes, chuckling at the fact that she too has a slight immunity to silver before returning to the table where all the snacks were placed out.

“Yes! Mom said we could watch Disney tonight.” Alice answers, already in her pajamas and curled up on the armchair she claimed.

“Good. Let’s start withMoanaorBrave. No need to have a prince involved.” Geminie suggests. Blake scrunches his nose, already rummaging through the movie list and landing onMulan.