I feel complete, like nothing in this world will take me down with this man by my side.

After a moment of silence, with nothing but our heavy breathing between us, I feel my fangs retract, his neck now sporting my mark for all to see. I smile, turning to see Albot looking at me with such overwhelming love and devotion. My energy now spent, I close my eyes and fall asleep safe and secured in my mate’s arms.

?Chapter 31-Allies’ Arrival?

The scent of my mate wrapped around me is something I have yet to get used to as Albot and I find ourselves once again in the council room. Everyone now knows he is my mate, seeing as four days have passed since we claimed each other. Four days spent finding a moment hidden away in the shadows of the palace halls just for the two of us between training, planning, and preparing for the war that is to come.

I proudly sport my mark, wearing necklines that reveals I am taken for all to see. Suppressing a yawn, I focus on what Lester is saying, how the Guards, Warriors and Soldiers are training under Daniel. I smile at the pack mate of mine, happy that he took the position when offered it.

“I have some news of our allies.” Narin sighs out once Lester finishes. Today is an update on which packs being able to fight with us and their estimated arrival to the palace as well as which packs are unable to send aid, having to rebuild their own packs from Soulless attacks. Coro is doing his best to sabotage me. To prevent any allies from coming to help take him down.

“Dominic and Ariven said their respective packs will be joining us. There arrival is estimated to be within a few days. Matrix already said Pack Astraea are on their way as well, the wolves there wanting to help their former Alpha in ridding the world of Coro.” Pride swells inside me knowing that Astraea is willing to still fight, even if we are no longer pack mates. Blood Moon and Silver Crystal Crescent have wanted to kill Coro for over five years now. With this war coming, neither will miss the chance to rip him and his wolves to shred.

“Any other packs?” I ask, clutching Albot’s hand under the table.

“Geminie says she knows one that might help. I think it is her old pack Hidden Claws. Their Alpha, Lace, says she owes Geminie a favour, and her Beta Mika agrees.” Narin answers, a smile on his face.

“Lace and Mika are good wolves. They were misguided by the previous Betas that were under Coro’s control, but the siblings have proven to want to change the bad reputation the Blakes caused.” He continues and I chuckle.

“I know they are good wolves. Geminie went to Lace’s wedding last year. I am excited to meet them.” I retort, leaning my head on Albot’s shoulder. The meeting continues, Narin giving a tally on how many wolves will fight per pack and how may in our own pack are ready in case of a surprise attack by Coro.

Abbigail is next, her excitement lifting the mood of this sombre meeting. She starts by explaining the status of the safe rooms, the supplies per room and how everything is now ready. This information lifts a weight off of my shoulder, knowing that there is a safe place for my pack members who are unable to fight.

With this, the meeting ends on a good note and everyone but Narin, Albot, and I leave the room.

“Do you think we can win this war?” Narin asks after a moment of silence passes between us.

“With Bloodmoon, Astraea, and Silver Crystal Crescent yes. Add on Hidden Claws as well as our own wolves, and we will be unstoppable.” I answer quietly, a smirk on my face. Everything is falling into place. The strongest packs are our allies, the wolves that I have trained with for years now coming to my aid, even if they also have their own motives for wanting my brother dead.

Suddenly, the doors to the council room are thrown open, causing the three of us to go into alert mode and jump to our feet. Ready to fight off any intruders, I take a step towards the doors, only to see two familiar faces, one with hair as red as fire and the other with hair that reflects light like a prism.

“You two are so lucky I didn’t tear you apart.” I groan, relaxing when I realize it is only Geminie and Amberle. The two girls laugh, taking the few steps needed to close the distance between us and wrap me in a group hug.

“Blame Amberle, she thought it would be fun just bursting in.” Dominic retorts, rolling his eyes as he comes up beside the table, Ariven chuckling at his mate’s behavior.

“Why does that not surprise me?” Albot sighs, moving to where his two friends stand to give them each a hug. The girls and I pull away, their eyes zeroing in on the mark on my neck before they turn their attention to Albot’s neck where a similar mark resides.

“Crystalline, do you have something to tell us?” Amberle asks, her tone the same one she uses when one of her twins gets into something.

“Not really.” I chuckle, wanting to annoy the older she-wolf. Her eyes snap back to mine as she gives me a pointed look. I smile innocently at her, Geminie backing away as she notices the playfulness in my demeanor.

“Hmm really, because someone is sporting a fresh mark on her neck.” Dominic and Ariven chuckle at her remark, keeping silent as they watch this interaction play on.

“Oh, this!” I feign surprise, pointing to my mark as I see annoyance growing in my friend.

“Albot and I are actually true mates. So we mated when the bond kicked in,” I continue with my nonchalant attitude. Amberle growls in annoyance, causing Geminie and I tochuckle. Of course I will pay for this when we spar in training later, but annoying someone I consider a sister is refreshing after days of dealing with readying my pack for war.

[Queen Crystalline, there are two visiting Alphas looking to form an alliance with you and aid you in the war.] Lilac links me. I frown, mentioning this news to everyone in the room, then exit the council room with the other five wolves following me.

[Tell them I am on my way.] I reply to Lilac. The walk is quick, the six of us reaching the throne room within a few minutes where I see Blake and Alice peering in, their curiosity getting the better of them.

“Mom never told us she had guests today.” Blake states to Alice, not realizing I can hear them.

“Two of those people look like Matrix and Marcie. But we left them in Astraea.” Alice adds, her head tilting to the side. She is right, and as I take a look at a pair of mates cuddling by the large bay window, excitement builds inside me and I rush past my pups.

“Marcie!” I call out, happy to see the Latina again. She turns around at the sound of her name, her face breaking into a grin as she leaves Matrix’s arms and brings me in for a hug.

“Girl, I missed you! Being a Luna is hard work.” Is the first thing she says, making me chuckle. I realizes now that something is different about her and look down to her stomach.