“When will it break, Crystalline?” He asks, a whimper in his voice as his lips kiss the nape of my neck. I shiver, mulling over his question before turning to face him, cupping his cheeks in my hands and smiling gently at the man before me.

“Tonight. Either it breaks willingly or I break it by killing him. It all depends on how loyal Narin is to Alexander.” I see the look of shock he has to my statement. No wolf has ever willingly killed their mate, but I don’t care. Narin is the wolf I rejected, the wolf I did not want in my life. If the Deity above did not break our bond the moment I kill Alexander, then I will do it for them.

I want Albot, I want the love and respect he has for me, the partnership we have grown since the first night I savedhim. I do not want any other wolf but him and the only thing standing in our way is the stupid mate bond.

“You sure about this?” Albot asks, worry in his eyes at the potential killing of my rejected mate.

“Positive. Not only did he reject me for being a runt, but he is Alexander’s current Beta. I refuse to keep those loyal to him and Coro alive. They will only bring destruction to our kind.” My answer seems to settle his worry, as Albot leans forward, his lips consuming mine in a gentle kiss. The world seems to fade away in this short brief moment before we need to leave, and I relish the feeling of love and adoration radiating off of Albot.

But the kiss is cut short as the clock chimes the hour. We only have an hour left before the ball and everyone needs to be ready.

Three quick knocks followed by one long one tells me my pack mates are ready and I link them to come in and to be careful not to be seen. The she-wolves already have their makeup and hair done, a mask on their face. They frown when they see me, hair still a mess and face still clean.

“Alpha, on the chair, we need to prepare you.” A she-wolf, Lilac, mock orders, three other she-wolves following her to where I stand as they usher me into the vanity chair. I look to Albot for help, but he just backs away, hands up in surrender as he joins the others, an amused look on everyone’s face.

“I need to talk about the plan!” I protest, getting a pointed look from the brunet Heather before she grabs a brush and starts to deal with my hair.

[I have a feeling I won’t be able to talk while these ladies do their work so let’s get this meeting going.] I send out through the link, making sure that all thirty wolves that joined me on this mission are in.

Only fifteen chosen wolves will be at the ball, the other fifteen already geared and waiting to fight with Blake and Alice hiding in Albot’s room. I will not allow anyone to harm my pups.

[The alliance ceremony will not take place until midnight, which is three hours away. This means we have an hour to finish preparing to fight.] I begin, motioning for Albot to continue when Lilac pulls on my chin and forces me to turn my face in her direction as she begins my makeup.

[We already have a list of who is truly devoted to Alexander thanks to Atticus and his spies. This means while we are mingling with the crowd at the ball, the rest of you in your rooms will be sneaking through the halls, finding those loyal to Alexander and Coro, and eliminating them.] Albot continues, his eyes never looking away as the women basically torture me.

[Understood, Beta. What do we do if we come across pups?] Someone asks and I sigh.

[Use the sleep powder Cassandra gave us. If they are with their parents, use it on all of them and tie the parents up. We can have Cassandra and her coven dream walk them to see where their loyalties lie. We do not kill the innocents.] I answer. This results in aYes, Alphathrough the link and I smile, only to be scolded by Heather for ruining my lipstick and having some of my makeup wiped away.

I decide to sit still, allowing the girls to finish their work while Albot reminds everyone to be casual and friendly towards the others attending today, to not put their drinks down and if they do, immediately get a new drink in case someone tries to drug them. We cannot be too careful when it comes to our safety.

[Has anyone realized Crystalline is with us?] Harry asks, his blue eyes directed at me.

[Thankfully, no. My only concern is my ex-mate, Narin. The bond hasn’t broken yet so not only are you mingling with guests, but your job is also to keep Narin away from me before we can enact our plan.] Is my response, Harry giving me a nod of understanding. With fifteen minutes to spare, my makeup and hair is complete and the ladies spin the chair to allow me a chance to see their work.

I gasp in shock, the light makeup using peach and blue tones around my eyes making the prismatic colour pop. My hair is carefully curled, left to cascade down my back with a small white gold clip used to keep some from falling into my face.

Finally, Albot walks towards me with a simple wooden box in hand, a sly smile on his face.

“Atticus told me this is for you.” He says softly, opening the box to reveal a delicately crafted mask. The mask is shaped like a crescent moon, the lower portion will be covering my eyes while the upper portion will be slightly above my hair line.

What surprises me the most is that it is made with silver threads with a small delicate chain holding a pearl-sized moonstone falling from the tip of the top peak. A mask only I can wear, a piece of silver that could be used as a weapon, and a moonstone that I have a feeling Cassandra enchanted with another charm to keep my identity a secret.

With a smile, I gently place the delicate mask onto my face and fasten the straps at the back. Taking the offered hand Albot holds out to me, I stand and allow Lilac to carefully hand my dagger to me, slipping it through the hidden pocket of my gown and securing it into the thigh holster for it. Satisfied with our plan, I turn to look at my pack mates - the wolves I gave a second chance too and who whole heartedly support me - and take a deep breath. Tonightwill change our lives either for the best or for worst depending on if this mission succeeds.

“Lets not keep Alexander waiting, this will be a ball to die for.”

?Chapter 25-Royal Ball?

Once again, I find myself standing before the grand doorway to the ballroom, my pack being one of the earlier guests to arrive. I swallow nervously, the memories of that happened last time I stood here flooding through my mind like a movie set to fast forward. I feel dizzy, worried with a slight unease settling in my stomach. With so many wolves around, I realize in this moment that we have only one option and that is to kill Alexander or die trying.

My pack is already mingling with those who came to witness a new pack make an alliance with their King, their curious gazes on Albot and I as I cling to his arm and try my best to steady my frantically beating heart. Thankfully, no one has recognized me but that can change drastically if Narin ever gets close to me.

[You okay Crystalline?] Albot asks, his eyes searching mine.

[No but I will be.] I admit, snuggling closer to his side and eyeing all the wolves around us. All are chatting away nonchalantly, asking about their pack and how they have been combatting Rogues and Soulless. It sickens me to hear how one wolf had his pack capture the Rogues that trespassed onto his lands and allowed his Hunters to hunt them down and rip them apart. His pack will be first to go when I claim the throne.

“Ladies and gentlemen.” A voice calls out over the crowd. I smile, realizing that Butler Loki is still alive. At least I will have one ally tonight inside the Royal Pack. When every one settles, their attention on the butler, he continues with a smile.