“Um… Alpha, you should take a look.” Someone in the crowd calls out with a chuckle. Looking away from Maya, I turn to see Marcie loosening her grip on the she-wolf as Matrix makes his way to her. It’s as if no one else but those two are on the porch. Like their worlds only involve the two of them.

“Clearly he feels a mate bond, but it’s not with Maya.” Albot chuckles, taking Maya’s other arm just as Marcie lets go and rushes to Matrix, wrapping herself in his embrace as he buries his face into her hair, inhaling her scent.

“Hey, M and M, can we finish with this traitor first before you go off to mate?” I call out laughing, watching as Marcie and Matrix jump away from each other, a blush on their faces.

“S-sorry, Crystalline…” Marcie mumbles breathlessly, causing me to laugh again. I wave a hand dismissively atthem, deciding not to give the two a hard time, considering they have spent a year unable to be with each other because of Maya and her dark charm.

“So, with Maya being proven as a traitor who used a dark charm on Matrix, the punishment is simple. She will be banished from the pack and turned Rogue.” I begin, taking a moment to see the anger on the crowds face growing.

“That’s it?!”

“Yeah, that’s a shitty punishment!”

“She should be beaten!”

“She should be killed!”

The crowd protests and I allow them to voice their frustrations, happy to know they too feel hurt by this betrayal.

“This is not it at all. If you remember I have all the pups kept to the training room it is because I do not want any of them to witness what is to happen.” Talking above the crowd and quieting them, I put the power in my blood into each word. Happy when their attention if focused onto me, I turn to Maya with a grin.

“Maya Alibass, you are hence forth banished from Astraea. You will be marked a traitor and upon Albot releasing you, have exactly two hours from leaving my pack lands. Be warned though. You are only allowed a ten-minute head start before my pack hunts you down, allowed to kill you as a Rogue and traitor.” With that, I motion for Albot to follow me, dragging Maya as we walk towards the crowd, intending to pass by them and allow Maya a clear head start.

The wolves before us part, giving us a pathway while they curse the now Rogue she-wolf who whimpers in pain from the mark of a traitor burning into her arm from the power of my words. With the crowd behind us, I nod to Albot who promptly releases her. Maya stumbles forward, turningto glare at me. I growl, something feral and powerful giving her a warning.

She can either fight me and die or run and have a chance to live.

She chooses to run, turning around and heading into the trees. It takes about two hours to reach the border in wolf form. Although in just a few minutes she will be hunted by my pack. A pack filled with wolves who came looking for a second chance after facing a betrayal do not take kindly to traitors. Maya will be dead in no time.

“You can hunt.” My words are a trigger as the wolves behind me surge forward, some shifting into their fur side while others take the challenge in their human form. I chuckle, looking around the now empty front lawn to see Marcie and Matrix leaning against the railing on the porch, making out like hormonal pups.

“Not going to join the hunt?” I ask, amused when the two separate with a look of shock and embarrassment.

“She isn’t worth it.” Matrix mumbles, his eyes never leaving Marcie. I chuckle, linking my arm through Albot’s and heading towards the pack house.

“How about you two head back to Matrix’s place and finish mating, then. She wasted a year of your time with one another.” I suggest, seeing the two nodding approvingly at this before Matrix scoops Marcie into his arms and runs off. I will be surprised if a pup isn’t born next year because of this.

“What are we going to do?” Albot asks, nuzzling my cheek with his lips. I shiver, looking at him with a pointed look before dragging him inside.

“We are going to raid the kitchen, find food and hide away in bed for the rest of the day. Link the pack to pick up their pups when they finish hunting.” My answer is met with a chuckle from him, his lips pressing a soft kiss on my cheekbefore his eyes glaze over. I know that me not accepting his advances hurt him, but the mate bond still hums weakly in my veins. I want it to be gone before I can enjoy anything with Albot.

?Chapter 23-Farewell, Astraea?

Filling my travel mug with coffee, I groan at the magic bean juice waking me up. Albot woke those who are traveling north to the Royal Pack at four in the morning, wanting everyone fully ready to leave by five thirty.

We plan to bring thirty wolves out of the two hundred that joined Astraea, these wolves already devoting their loyalty to me as the Princess and not as their Alpha. They know the risk, having been training with Matrix in the ways of the Royal Pack Warriors and know that any moment, they could possibly lose their lives.

“You okay, sunshine?” Marcie asks, her tired yet happy eyes running up and down my body.

“I. Want. Sleep.” With a groan between each word, I walk into her open arms and allow my friend to hug me. She will be here, taking care of Astraea while we are gone, and having the wolves train in case of any retaliation from Coro.

“I know, hun. Albot said he will drive your Hummer so you can get your beauty sleep.” She teases with a chuckle, pulling on my simple braid. I growl lightly, earning another chuckle from Marcie as she pulls away to look me in the eye.

“You got this, Crystalline. You go there, kill Alexander at that ball, and take the throne. Then we kill that brother of yours and work on eradicating the Soulless.” Her words are encouraging as we both smile at each other. If things go the way we want them to, I will be Queen and Marcie will be the Luna of Astraea.

“Crystalline, you ready to go?” Albot steps into theroom, leaning against the door frame as his smiling face finds mine. Marcie nudges me, a smirk on her own tanned face and I glare at her, already knowing the hidden meaning. She cannot wait for the day my mate bond breaks and I can be with Albot.

“Yes, are Alice and Blake in the Hummer already?” I ask with a yawn, Albot pushing himself off the door frame as I walk towards him, taking his outstretched hand.