“How do I do that?” His voice is a whisper, his fingers lacing through mine before his free hand pulls me in for a hug, holding me tight and taking in my scent.

“You go to her room and pretend to make up. The charm I give you will keep your mind clear enough to distinguish the charm.” We stand in silence after this, Matrix taking his time to calm himself.

Since our conversation nine months ago, our friendship has been rocky. Some days we end up fighting, other days it’slike nothing ever changed between us

Hopefully after today, things will get better and Matrix can find his true mate.


Sitting on the porch, I watch Alice running around with the pups her age, enjoying the simplicity of my pup after a hard morning. Matrix asked if he could take a few hours to settle before confronting Maya, and I agreed. If he were to confront her now with the news of her being a spy and using him still fresh in his mind, it could lead to the she-wolf bolting away.

“I have some news.” Albot says from behind me, causing me to groan. What situation do I have to deal with now.

“That reaction tells me you’ve had a bad day.” He comes to sit beside me, pulling me into his lap. I smile, leaning into his touch and allowing my stress to melt away while his left hand gently combs through my hair.

“More like a bad morning. The day isn’t over yet.” With a sigh, I turn my face into his chest, taking in his scent as we sit in silence for a moment. I just need to be held, even if it is just for a few minutes.

“Hopefully my news is good, then. Alexander wants to meet the Alpha of Astraea.” Bolting up right, my eyes scan his face and concluding that what he says is true. It is rare for Alexander to want to meet a new Alpha, believing that strength comes from established packs with hundreds of years already put into them. A new pack is nothing to him until they pass the one-hundred year mark of being established.

“How?” I ask in disbelief.

“A few of our allies don’t want to be allied to him and want the true ruler on the throne. They put in a good word for us saying I am the Alpha. The rumor of you being the Lost Princess has spread through the online forums thanks to Ira, Gem and Ams, and many want to see you succeed in getting rid of him.” Albot explains, a wide grin on his face. My own grin spreads across my face as I fling my arms around his shoulders, kissing his cheek in happiness.

He did it.

He found a way for us to sneak into the Royal pack and take back what is rightfully mine.

“I’ll take that I did an amazing job?” He asks with a smirk, his fingers pinching my chin gently as he looks into my eyes.

“You did an amazing job!”

“Good. He wants us to be there on the next full moon. He plans to sign a treaty with us at a masquerade ball.” A frown replaces my smile with this new information. The next full moon is in three weeks. Meaning we have three weeks to weed Maya out as a traitor and three weeks to prepare our pack for my leaving. If things go well, I will be crowned Queen. If things go wrong, I will be dead.

?Chapter 22-Weeding out a Spy?

“You excited to return up north?” Marcie asks as I check off what I would need for this trip on my list. I grimace, thinking about how I was treated growing up and look my friend in the eye.

“Honestly, no. That place was a nightmare. But if me taking the throne means bettering werewolf kind, then I will do it.” Marcie gives me a small smile before pulling me in for a hug, her comfort being something I need in this moment. We have a week to head up north, a week to see Alexander and Narin.

My heart clenches at the mention of my ex-mate, the reminder that the bond has not yet broken when last night Albot had to hold me once more through the pain of Narin fucking some she-wolf.

At one point, I thought about getting back at him, at allowing Narin to feel the pain I felt by giving in and allow Albot to swallow me in his touch.

But I want my first time to be special.

“I wish I can come with you; help take out that bastard and beat the crap out of that ex-mate of yours.” The Latina sighs out, causing me to laugh. To think one of he stupidest things Alexander did was send this spitfire of a she-wolf my way and allowing me to gain a trusted friend.

“Trust me, I need you to take care of Astraea. Besides, you’ll be there to help me kill off Coro.” I reassure her, the two of us deciding that I can finish packing tonight and that a break is much needed. We walk down the steps of the packhouse, intending on going to the kitchen and see what is for lunch, when a flustered Matrix comes running through the door with panic in his eyes.

Grabbing Marcie and I by the hand, he drags us to a quiet sitting room without warning and I link Albot to come join us. Something tells me this panic has to do with Maya.

“Matrix, calm down.” Marcie growls, ripping her wrist from his grip and glaring at the panicked wolf. I sigh, pulling my hand free from his grasp as well and taking a seat in an arm chair while I wait for Albot, who thankfully arrives minutes later with a look of concern on his face.

“I left Blake in charge of training the pups. What’s so urgent?” He asks, closing the door and leaning against the wooden object to prevent anyone from entering the room.

“Crysta was right. Maya has a charm on her. I finally got the courage to confront her, to make up.” Matrix begins, his pacing becoming faster. I look to Albot and frown. We knew she was a spy and thankfully we prevented any damaged this she-wolf could have caused after meeting her.

“Last night I talked to her, talked about having a mating ceremony on next month just to get her to warm up to me and I managed to kiss the hand with that ring she never takes off. I swear, the rancid smell and taste I got nearly made me throw up. I couldn’t believe just how horrible it was.” He runs his fingers through his hair, his eyes a little sunken in as if he hasn’t slept a wink in the last twenty-four hours.