[The fact that you can easily kick my ass in a fight.] He laughs, swiping his tongue affectionately across my cheek. With wolfish grin, I stretch up to nuzzle his face before trotting towards the house.
[Come on, we have work to do.] I sigh
“So what do we need to do to grow this pack?” Marcie asks as we all settle into the boardroom. I frown, looking down at my laptop with a list I had made with Geminie and Amberle the first day I created Astraea.
“For one, we need to train our wolves. We only have a small pack of sixty but that doesn’t mean we should be skimping on training.” I begin, connecting the laptop to the screen behind me so everyone can see the to-do list.
“We should also accept Rogues into our pack. Most Rogues are just looking for a home and running away from their old one.” Albot adds and I agree, pulling up a list of names Atticus sent me.
“Lately, Ira and Atticus have been working together to bring down the Hunter’s dog fighting rings. This is a list of wolves looking for a pack they can call their own and with Albot being a victim of one he can help settle them in.” I suggest, looking around the room to see approval in everyone’s expression.
“Some of these wolves look like they will make great Hunters.” Matrix chimes in, his eyes filled with excitement at training new wolves.
“Don’t forget we also need teachers and doctors in the pack.” I remind him, getting a dismissive wave.
“We have a hospital and a school just outside the border.” He retorts with and I frown.
“It’s a human hospital. Atticus and I have been in contact with a few packs in the area to create a small tourist town by the large lake in unclaimed territory and make it aneutral place for all.” I begin, bringing up a large piece of land situated by a lake. With the birds-eye-view on display, I begin talking about the plan to open local businesses for packs to work in, a bed and breakfast by the lake for travelers both human and supernatural to enjoy, with a school to be built and a hospital on the other side of the plans.
“This could work.” Marcie smiles excited, asking for control of the mouse as she maps out a town square and parks for children to play in.
“We would have a safe place for pups to learn that will be included in the Ontario Government database while also bringing in revenue to the town.” I turn to see Matrix looking at the plans with interest, his nonchalance gone as he observes the town layout.
“We would need a police force there.” He mumbles and I chuckle.
“Yes, we will. There will be a meeting with the three Alphas close by next month to discuss everything and I intend to bring all of you.” With everyone on board, I move to the next topic, creating a training schedule.
“We can do what Blood Moon and Silver Crystal Crescent does, train the Hunters and Trackers together and have set days and times depending on age.” Matrix suggests, pride swelling inside me at my best friend.
“That means you and I will have to come up with a training regimen.” Marcie sighs.
“You two can have a week to figure it out and bring the proposal to me next Monday.” With a chuckle, I give the two time to talk, deciding that having Marcie as my Head Tracker and Matrix as my Head Hunter was a great idea three months ago.
“Now we should probably talk about Crystalline takingback her throne.” Cassandra chimes in. The witch has become a resident here, having a small cottage close to the lake where she can pray to Morai and guide Alice and me.
The last three months with this witch by my side, telling me stories of my parents and sister as well as how Coro was trained before being banished has been great help in my training. She helped me to learn how to combat dark spells and how to protect my pack from hexes using moonflowers blessed under the full moon.
“Atticus has a few ideas he will be sharing when him and Heidi come for Christmas next week.” I explain, turning to look out the window. A light snow fall has begun and I smile, thinking about my first Christmas in Toronto. It was a mild snowfall back then, the city becoming quiet and cozy while Blake, Alice, Albot and I walked the streets to see the lights at the Christmas market. Maybe we should decorate the pack house, with this year being the first official Christmas in Astraea.
“Well then, I guess for now we work on growing the pack and training. I can see if Alexander will want to meet the new pack and Alpha. We can say Albot is the new Alpha looking to make an alliance.” Cassandra states, bringing my attention to her. Mulling over her words, I write this suggestion on my to do list before adjourning the meeting.
“Trix, can you stay back for a moment?” I ask as everyone begins to file out. Confused, my friend walks forward, taking the seat beside me that was vacated by Albot as we wait for the room to clear.
“What’s up, Crysta?” He asks.
“It’s about earlier when you attacked Albot.” I see the shame in his eyes instantly as his head droops. His fingers begin to fidget and I sigh, reaching out and clasping his hands.
“Trix, we aren’t the same wolves we were two years ago. We have been training and gaining experience outside the Royal Pack and becoming stronger.” With soft words, I try to show Matrix I am not mad but that this talk is necessary for the both of us.
“I know, Crysta, but every time I look at you, I see the wolf I trained and protected my whole life. I see the girl I grew up with, my best friend. But more importantly, I see the woman I fell for and wanted.” His eyes stares into my own, his confession shocking me as our fingers intertwine. To think we both fell for each other as we grew up. It was always us against the world, Matrix and I always having each other’s back while we trained and studied, even if he is two years older than me.
“Crystalline, I watched you turn eighteen and be rejected, watched as you crumbled in pain. If it weren’t for the fact you needed me, I would have killed Narin that day. It took everything in me to watch you leave for Toronto and not follow you. And now you come back with Albot. I can see the way you two look at each other and I hate it. Hate knowing he was by your side for two years protecting you—”
“Albot doesn’t protect me.” I cut him off. Sighing, I release our hands and lean back into my chair, running fingers through my hair as I look out the window.