“You okay, mama?” Alice calls out, causing me to turn and look at the twelve year old.
“I’m fine. Marcie is just being a brat to me.” I reassure her, giving a playful glare to my friend who nudges me with he elbow.
“A brat, huh?” She growls out playfully and I smile, bumping my shoulder with hers. I chuckle, leaning into her and resting my head on her shoulder.
“Yes, a brat.” With that, we continue eating our breakfast before I announce to Blake and Alice that we will be heading to their favourite place today, and rush to get dressed before we miss out on apple picking.
“So, do I need to get the moving company called in?” Atticus calls out once the pups are out of ear shot. I shudder, thinking back to the nightmare of having to put furniture together two years ago. Thankfully, I had my uncle, and then Albot, to help put all the furniture together within a few days.
“Not yet. We still have a week before we need to leave.” Sitting next to my Uncle, I lean into his arm and close myeyes. I have gotten so used to his scent of mint and raspberry with a hint of iron that I will end up missing it when we leave Toronto. But all things change and I cannot be a city Rogue forever if I am to take down Coro and Alexander and take the throne back.
“That and we still need a place to come visit you, Atticus.” Albot chimes in, getting a chuckle out of my uncle.
“You know. As much as I hated my niece putting herself in danger to save you, I am glad she did.”
I chuckle while recording Blake trying his best to reach for a large apple above his head, the bright red fruit looking enticing to all of us. But my pup seems to have forgotten that even though he is sixteen and has shifted, he is still in need of a growth spurt. With a frustrated growl, I watch as he slowly backs up before taking a running leap and finally manages to grab the fruit in triumph.
We all cheer and chuckle while I turn to see Albot lifting Alice to help her pick a yellow golden delicious apple that has caught her eye. It seems like taking the pups here to enjoy some fresh country air mixed with the sweet scent coming off of the fruit and pick apples from our favourite spot was the right thing to do.
“So, what are we going to do with all these apples?” Marcie asks and I shrug, accepting the hot apple cider my friend brings me from the bar to the left of the property.
“Apple pie, apple bread, applesauce. Just depends on what we can make before we leave.” I answer, sipping on the hot drink while I show the video of Blake’s success in grabbing the apple minutes earlier. We walk around theorchard, Albot becoming Alice’s helper in gathering the apples up high that catches the twelve year old’s eyes while Marcie and I enjoy the comfortable silence between us.
“Are we getting pizza?” Alice asks as she bounds over with a smile, Albot trailing behind her with arms full of bags filled with different types of apples.
“Did Albot say we are getting pizza?” I ask in return, seeing the grin growing on her face.
“Yes!” She shouts, making me wince as I chuckle.
“Then I guess we are getting pizza.” I confirm, getting a squeal of delight. Blake bounds over soon after, his two bags filled as well and I inform him of dinner plans, getting a fist bump in return. With our apples picked, we head back towards the farm shoppe and pay for the apples. Albot and Blake bring the bags to my Hummer while Alice, Marcie and I head inside, the smell of the wood fire oven hitting us the moment we step inside.
“Hey Crys, did you get some apples?” Cara calls out from the cash as soon as she sees us, a smile on my friend’s face.
“Yeah, Albot is bringing them to the car now with Blake. What’s the featured pizza today?” I smile as the blonde-haired person comes to join us, an order form and a pen in hand as Marcie and Alice takes a cart, ready to fill it with goodies and cider.
“ABC Pizza. It has Apples, Bacon and Cheddar on it.” She answer. I smile, the feature sounding like a great idea.
“I will take three of those, plus two Spirit Trees extra goat cheese, and a Wise Guy then.” She takes down my order and began taking it to the kitchen just as Albot and Blake walk in, Albot wrapping his arms around me and placing a kiss on my temple.
“Are the pizzas ordered?” Albot asks, followed by the sounds of Cara yelling “Ordering” from the kitchen entrance.
“Does that answer your question.” I chuckle, the two of us walking around slowly. Marcie comes by with the cart, the poor thing already filled with granola, cheese, cider and fresh produce. We quickly make our way to the freezers, deciding to buy a few packs of burgers and entrees while we wait for four ’o’clock to come around and we can get our pizza. Alice is attracted by a bracelet made with moonstone and opal; her bright eyes unable to look away from it. Taking it off the display, I bring it to the cash register, adding it to our haul and paying. The moment the bracelet is paid for, I hand it to the little pup, seeing her happily place it on her left wrist before hugging and thanking me for the gift. The order is called and I Albot goes to grab the six pizzas while Marcie takes the pups to the car to store our goods in the trunk.
“This might be our last time visiting for a while. We are moving up north next week.” I tell Cara as the two of us chat, getting a hug from my friend.
“Well, when you are down in this area, come by for a visit.” She sighs out, giving me a smile. I promise to visit when I am down in Toronto visiting my uncle before saying goodbye and heading to the car with Albot. The one thing I am really going to miss is this little farm shoppe. Climbing into the passenger side of my vehicle, I take the pizzas from Albot so that he can drive us home.
“After dinner, we have something to tell you pups.” Albot says, turning to look at Blake and Alice.
“Is it something bad?” Alice asks, worry in her little voice.
“No, it might be a good thing. But I promise we will all stay together.” I reassure the little girl. With that, the Hummer is put into drive and we make our way home.
?Chapter 18-Moving Back to Wolf Country?
“Are you sure everything is packed up?” Atticus asks, his burgundy eyes filled with concern as he looks over every detail of the house we are saying goodbye to. Today is the day we leave to where the new pack will be, Alice and Blake excited to return to the forest and be a part of a proper pack that will treat them with respect. These last two years in the city has been good for all of us, especially when we would leave for summers with Bloodmoon or Silver Crystal Crescent to train.