“Believe me now, asshole?” I growl out, Atticus coming to support me and hand me my half-finished glass of orange juice that I happily chug.

“I… Wow… A princess saved me.” In awe of what he has just been shown, Albot slides down the wall and onto the floor. I chuckle and nod, the hostility in the room disappearing.

“That’s right, this idiot I call my niece risked herself to save you. She plans to take back her throne and fix the shitshow Alexander has created the last hundred years.” Atticus agrees, a smirk on his lips.

“Then count me in. I would love to see that smug bastard’s face when his heart is ripped out.” I smile, the soft look in Albot’s eyes returning as he looks at me. I can see that Atticus is warming up to the rogue and for some reason I get the feeling that Albot will be someone special to me.

“How about we order in breakfast? I bet the pups would love to meet Albot over Denny’s breakfast.” I suggest, looking up at Atticus who smiles.

“I will call Heidi and have her make a stop at Denny’s onher way over. She has the files you asked her to look into about the Witch Avilla.” Atticus agrees, placing a kiss on my forehead before zipping away. Now left in the room alone with Albot, I can see his curious gaze on me.

“Pups? As in the ones you saved?”

“Yes, Alice and Blake. Blake might be standoffish, but he will warm up to you eventually. Alice… she has this ability to sense the good in people. I plan to ask Ira about it when I go to the Temple with them before school.” Albot nods at my answer, pushing himself off the ground and walking towards me. When he comes to stand before me, he holds out his hand. Hesitating, I look up at his eyes, the brown orbs full of trust and loyalty, something I did not expect after three days. With a smile, I place my hand in his and feel his fingers wrap around mine. My hand is so small in his but it feel so natural, like they were meant to fit in his grasp.

“It’s nice to meet you, darling.” He whispers, his husky voice low and deep. I shiver, letting his scent wrap around me as I feel a connection, a pack connect, build between us.

“It’s nice to meet you too Albot.”

?Chapter 17-City Rogues?

“Alice, Blake, time for breakfast.” I yell up the stairs for the two pups. Two years have passed since we have made this house our home. Since we came to Toronto and met Atticus. Two years of them slowly working on shedding their past and looking to their future working with Hailey every week and reminding the siblings that they are safe. With a smile, I make my way back to the kitchen, Albot sitting at the breakfast bar reading the paper as Atticus works on his laptop as usual.

“When are we going to tell them?” Albot asks, setting the paper down and joining me at the stove to swipe a piece of bacon from the plate.

“Later tonight. I want to take them out today to go apple picking like we always do.” I sigh, swatting away his hand as Albot tries to sneak another bacon off of the plate. I glare at him in warning, evading his out stretched hand as I move towards the breakfast bar where a spread of food is waiting just in time for a now-sixteen-year-old Blake and a twelve-year-old Alice to run in. I chuckle, watching the two put together plates of food before joining Atticus, eyeing his cup full of red liquid.

“Blood as usual, Uncle Atti?” Alice asks before taking a bite of her pancake.

“Nope, cranberry juice this time.” He chuckles out a reply, turning the laptop towards the children.

“Blake, since you just turned sixteen four months ago and got your G1 driver’s licence, Crystalline gave me permission to take you car shopping.” He exclaims, a look of pride in the vampire’s eyes.

[A car, really?] I smile at Albot as he links me, nodding my head in response. Turning my attention back to my pups, I watch as Blake rushes around the table to Atticus, giving the man a hug as he thanks him happily and begins to look at the laptop with him. It seems like these two will have a fun day planned.

“I hope you saved some food for me!” Turning to the opened back door, I smile at Marcie as she kicks off her sneakers and places a basket I have no doubt is filled with fruits and berries from our garden. To think a year ago this she-wolf was sent to capture me by Alexander. She had managed to track me down out in the Altona Forest as I took a chance to run through the trees one night. Marcie had managed to catch me off guard, her brown wolf blending in with nature when she tackled me.

Of course, I won the fight and every so often when I needed a run, I would run into her. We became rivals, my small form and training with Amberle giving me an edge over her slightly larger brown wolf form. With respect, we soon started communicating in human form when she could track me down in the city, knowing full well she could not attack me in plain views of human due to the secrecy laws.

It wasn’t until she was captured by Hunters that we became friends. I had gotten used to seeing this Latina every few days that when I went two weeks without seeing her, I began to worry and asked Atticus to help locate the she-wolf who was sent to take me back to the Royal Pack.

Within moments, we located her in the same Hunters’ den we saved Albot from. It was all the evidence Uncle Atti needed to take this place down, and with the help of Geminie, Amberle and the Acolytes from the Temple of the Goddess, we were able to take down the Hunters and save many Rogues from the horrors of the illegal dogfighting ring.

Sadly, Marcie was found by me and Albot barely breathing. I spent days tending to her comatose form, trying to keep this she-wolf alive, until one day she woke up. After realizing her target had found and saved her, she devoted her loyalty to me as the next Queen and cut contact with Alexander, joining my misfit family here in Toronto.

“There is always breakfast for you, Marcie.” I laugh, the Latina coming in and giving me a hug before rushing to fill her own plate, just as Albot hands me a plate filled with pancakes and bacon, his brown eyes looking at me warmly. I thank him, deciding to lean on the counter while Alice chimes in about what Blake’s car should have including heated seats and Bluetooth on the list and I enjoy the small happy atmosphere.

“You guys tell them yet?” Marcie asks, joining Albot and I by the counter.

“Not yet. I want to take them apple picking at Spirit Tree first, let them enjoy the day before they have to be told.” I answer before taking a bite of bacon.

“Are you nervous? It’s been two years since you left wolf country. Now you’ll be forming a pack of your own to take down the Royal Pack.” She continues after my answer, giving me a small smile. I sigh, placing my plate still half full on the counter, my mood shifting with this conversation.

“Albot and I have been training for two years with Atticus, the wolves of Bloodmoon and the wolves from Silver Crystal Crescent. I have even gone to see Ira alone at the temple to get some personal training. The only other step now is to form a pack and take back my throne.” I answer Marcie, feeling Albot wrap his arm around me and pull me to his side. Since the first night I felt the disrespect to the mate bond and Narin fucked another wolf, Albot has become my confidant and best friend.

It did take a small argument between us to come to an understanding the morning after being compelled to sleep by my uncle and weeks of getting used to another wolf with Alpha blood in the house, but we soon became inseparable, almost like a couple to the humans who we deal with in our lives here in the city. Albot may be six years older than me, but the care he has given to me even after the years he spent abused by Hunters makes me appreciate this heavily tattooed six-foot-seven wolf.

“So, you are nervous.” Marcie teases and I groan, turning to hide my face into Albot’s chest with a mumbled ‘yes.’ A deep chuckle comes from the chest I am hiding in, Albot rubbing my back gently as Marcie gags, probably sick of the public display of affection in front of her.