“So, how did we end up in the same bed?” I ask, getting a chuckle from the one beside me.

“Well, some little unconscious she-wolf wouldn’t let go of her death grip on me even in her sleep so the vampire—”

“His name is Atticus.” I correct, not liking how this wolf calls my uncle Vampire.

“Atticus conceded in allowing you to sleep in this room with me. I have a feeling he may be listening in right now.”

“That he is.” The door opens and Atticus walks in, a glass of orange juice in hand as he comes and settles on my side of the bed, a look of concern on his face.

“Are you okay, Little One?” He asks, handing me the cold drink and cupping my cheek.

“I am.” I reassure him, taking a long sip of the much-needed cool orange juice. I can feel a pair of eyes on me as I look from the corner of my eyes to see this wolf staring at Atticus and I with confusion.

“To think a wolf can be in the same room as a vampire without him taking a drink.” He mumbled under his breath. I pause my sipping, bringing the glass down and stare at this wolf in confusion.

“What do you mean?” I ask, worried about what he said. If vampires are part of the reason he was in a state of near death, then Atticus and I need to put a stop to the Hunter’s den.

“What I mean is I have seen plenty of vampires come and go in that warehouse you found me in. All men.” He answers, his brown eyes becoming hard with anger as he sits up and looks out the window.

“They make a deal with the Hunters and bring in Rogues they capture in exchange to get the chance to fuck a she-wolf and drink from her. Most times, the raped she-wolf is bled dry.” He continues, horror filling me. I look to Uncle Atticus, seeing his own dark eyes darken further as his fangs protrude. I can feel his anger and watch as he gets up and start pacing.

“I heard rumors. But I never thought it was this bad. I need to contact Ira.” My uncle states. Feeling left out, I climb to my feet and step into my uncle’s path, stopping his pacing.

“Rumors about what?” I demand, my eyes glowing silver with anger at what I just heard.

“A werewolf’s blood is like acid to a vampire. Add in pleasure, and it’s like steroids.” The Rogue answers instead. I gasp, looking back to my uncle who nods confirming that what was just said is true.

“How has no one stopped this before?” I ask, finding my legs growing weak with shock as I sit back on the bed.

“Blame the Royals. King Alexander has his hand in this.” The Rogue scoffs. I stiffen, my eyes meeting my uncle’s who motions me to come to him. I can feel the hate for the Royals rolling off of this rogue and part of me is scared. He is weak from the wounds but I know that in a fight, it will be hard to tell who will come out alive.

[Crystalline, we need to get you away from him.] My uncle links me. I close my eyes and think about this, think about if this Rogue will turn on me if I tell him the truth. But if I lie, I may lose a potential ally.

[Can you let me explain things to him first? If he attacks, I won’t blame you for killing him.] I link back, opening my eyes to silently plead with Atticus. I see the turmoil in his eyes as he begins pacing again. I know that he is considering my words and when he lets out a sigh, I smile.

[Fine. But one hostile move, and I end him.]

[Thank you.] I slowly turn in the bed, looking at the wolf only to find him looking at me. He eyes me, but the distrust from before is gone and I am happy for that. But now comes the hard part.

“Can I know your name?” I ask, wanting to break the icebetween us.

“Albot Everrette. And may I know yours?” Albot answers, a soft smile on his face. I take a deep breath, feeling nervous and looking back to Atticus. He nods, letting me know he trusts me and has my back before I look back at Albot.

“It’s Crystalline.” I state quietly.

“Crystalline Thorn.” I watch as shock, then disbelief and anger fill Albot’s handsome face. I shrink, trying to make myself look smaller than I am as the Rogue jumps off the bed and away from me.

“You’re HIS daughter?” He growls accusingly. I look up, angry at the accusation and ready to yell back, but Atticus places a hand on my shoulder and stops me.

“Actually, she is the Lost Princess and the true heir to the throne.” Atticus states. Albot scoffs, crossing his arms over his chest and I look away, not wanting to gawk at the muscles that ripple under the black cotton t-shirt he is wearing.

“You expect me to believe that? Everyone knows that the Lost Princess is most likely dead.” Albot retorts, his anger towards me - towards royals - crashing into my body like waves and making me shiver.

“Well, I am not. I was saved by Goddess Morai, and it wasn’t until eighteen years ago that the protective magic faded and my adoptive mother Queen Clarice found me.” I yell back, unable to stay silent. I glare at Albot, not wanting to back down from this wolf who I just saved. He can be mad at Alexander for having a hand with the Hunters, but he cannot be mad at me when I risked my own life to save him two nights ago.

“If this is true, then prove it. Royals can share memories, so share yours with me.” Albot challenges. Takenaback, I think about his words for a moment before climbing over the bed and marching to him. Without hesitation, I grab the back of his head and pull his forehead to mine until they touch and close my eyes. I allow the power in my blood to flow out and with it, my memories of the last two months flood into Albot’s mind.

Everything from the rejection to the dreamscape with my father, to the chat with Amberle, Geminie, Ira, Dominic and Ariven. How I trained with everyone and read books. I even showed him the memory of the restricted area and what happened when I touched the moonstone. When all the memories have been sent, including how I found and saved him, I back away and fall onto the bed, my energy spent.