“His wounds are dirty and he needs to be cleaned up to heal. He trusts me and I trust him.” I state. Silence passes over us and I wait as my hard headed uncle stares between the rogue and I before finally sighing and backing away.

“Fine. But he uses the guest room down here, and I will be outside the door in case he tries anything.” Atticus relents and I smile, rushing forwards and giving him a hug.

“Thank you for trusting me, Uncle Atti.” He sighs,wrapping his arms around me and hugging me back, placing a quick kiss on my temple.

“Go help clean that Rogue. I will find some clothes for him.” With that, my uncle zips away and I motion for the black wolf to follow me to the guest room.

Opening the door, I walk towards the attached bath and for once am happy I have a large tub for this room, knowing that the wolf might have a hard time fitting into anything smaller than the jacuzzi in the guest room or in my room – I did not want him in my room.

The wolf watches my movements as I set the temperature, making sure to keep it warm before motioning him forward as I fill the tub for him to soak in.

“I am going to give you some privacy so that you can shift and take the time to clean yourself. I have some medicine that I can apply to your wounds when you are ready.” I see him staring at me, appreciation in his eyes as he walks forward and nuzzles my body in thanks.

I smile, gently running my fingers through his fur, wondering what this wolf will look like, happy that I had rescued him last night. With a gentle movements, I give the wolf a hug, mentioning that my uncle will be back with clothes soon, and make my way out of the room and to the kitchen where I get started on preparing food and taking out some medicinal tonics Ira sent me last week to help heal this wolf.

I listen intently to the room down the hall, wincing as the wolf shifts painfully and as he tries to hold back his screams. It seems like he has not shifted for years and my heart breaks for him.

“I thought you were going to help him bathe.” Atticus says quietly, leaning against the entrance with a bag in his hand.

“He needs some privacy and I am in no mood of cleaning a fully grown man.” I state, taking a cool bag of blood from the mini fridge and throwing it at my uncle. He chuckles, taking a straw and stabbing it into the bag like a juice box before taking a sip and looking down the hall.

“You just didn’t want to wash his man bits.” He teases, making me blush while I focus on making a medicinal meal with vegetables, rice and the tonics.

“You’re wrong.” Is the only argument I can come up with.

“I am right.” He counters before zipping away, most likely to bring the clothes to the rogue. I sigh, my hand reaching to clasp the moonstone around my neck as I think about what he said. How I did not want to touch the wolf intimately.

The truth is he is right. Being rejected made me realize I am not ready to face any males. Minutes pass, and with the meal ready, I make my way towards the guest room to see how my uncle and the Rogue are, making it to the door just as a stabbing pain runs through me.

Falling to my knees, I suppress a scream and tears run down my eyes and wonder what this is. Wonder how I can be feeling this pain when I have not been injured.

“What’s wrong with her?” Strong arms scoop me close to a sturdy chest, the scent of pine and snow calming my mind.

“She was rejected by her mate. That bastard must be fucking some whore.” Atticus replies with a hiss, tucking his hand under my chin and having me look into his eyes.

“Make it stop!” I plead through teary eyes, feeling like death is clawing at me.

“Rogue-” He starts, looking away.

“Albot. My name is Albot.”

“Fine, Albot. I am going to compel her. So don’t goattacking me.” Atticus sighs out before retuning his gaze to mine. I bite down on my lip, the pain growing and making me want to scream but I have the pups to worry about. I can’t scare them.

“Crystalline, look into my eyes.” His voice is smooth, silky and his burgundy eyes glow a bright red. He captures my attention, the scream dying as my mind goes blank.

“Good. You are going to sleep, Young One, allow your body to rest. When the pain is gone, you will awaken.” As if on cue, my eyes close and darkness takes over as the pain fades away.

?Chapter 16-Trust?

I groan as consciousness seeps in, my body sore for some unknown reason and the scent of pine and snow wrapping around me. I question if someone had slipped a drug in my drink until the events of last night flood into my mind. Panicking, I bolt upright, looking around to see that I am in the guest room and that a male with black hair and tanned skin lays beside me, his deep brown eyes watching my every move. Something about those eyes seem familiar until I remember that he was the Rogue I saved.

“Uh, hi.” I mumble. Running my hand through my hair.

“Good morning. How are you feeling?” His deep voice is captivating, holding the ruggedness of a man that should be living deep in the woods. I suppress the shiver that runs down my spine and stop myself from thinking of how attractive this man is.

“Sore. Did we—”

“No. While you were helping me, you almost collapsed in pain. That Vampire of yours said something about your mate being with another female.” The man answers and I nod. Amberle and Geminie warned me that if Narin messes around with another female or I with another male, then we would each feel a severe stabbing pain. I remember the pain from last night, the being held in this wolf’s arms and Uncle Atti compelling me. Then I woke up here.