“So how long will you be in Toronto?” I sigh at this question, turning to look out the window at the people passing by. Some days I wish I were human, being able to enjoy a mundane life without the hassle of a brother who has tried to kill me as an infant and who is actively wanting me dead. To have to prepare myself for a war and take back my rightful inheritance.

“A couple of years. I have to work on making allies andtrain a little longer before I can return to the north to claim my throne.” A gentle hand on mine has me turning to face Atticus, his burgundy eyes warm and inviting and reminding me I am not alone here in my temporary home.

“Well, when you decide to move, let me know. I want to be a part of your life from now on.” His warm words has tears filling my eyes and I squeeze his hand as a response, too emotional to express my gratitude to this uncle of mine. Thankfully, our waitress has the perfect timing and places an eighteen ounce steak in front of me. Grinning like the Cheshire cat, I dig into the perfectly cooked beef while Atticus brings up the topic of school for the pups.

We both agreed that a human school will be perfect for them, a place with children their age without the werewolf community around them. After years of abuse, I will have to work on easing Alice and Blake back into the werewolf community with hopes of training the two to control their emotions and their shifts when the time comes.

We talk about Nightmare Moon and what Geminie, Amberle, and the Temple of the Moon Goddess are doing about it as the Royal Pack refuses to step in, which led to a spiralling list of illegal activities coming to surface that have been hidden because of Alexander.

By the end of the meal, I felt angry for not paying attention to the forced mating, the trafficking of she-wolves to human Hunters, and the many Rogues being captured and sold as slaves.

“When the time comes, will you help me change the werewolf laws? I need to provide a safe space for my people, including a way to quickly put the Soulless out of their misery so that they can reincarnate to a better life.” Voicing out my thoughts, I close my eyes to calm the rage inside me. The need to kill Alexander so strong that I feel myself on the vergeof shifting.

“Of course, Crystalline. We can work together while you are in Toronto to piece together those laws and how to execute them once you become Queen.” With a sigh of relief, I open my eyes to see my uncle staring at me with pride, the feeling of the shift receding as my anger settles.

“Why don’t we get going? I am sure Alice and Blake are on their way home and will want to see their rooms.” Atticus suggests, flagging down our waitress and settling the bill before we head out and make our way to the parking garage. The streets are crowded, the bustling city full of life with different people, leaving me in awe. I feel like a tourist, still in disbelief that Toronto is my home now. And then the scent of blood—werewolf blood—hits me, causing me to stumble. Atticus is quick to catch me, his fangs slightly showing as he too smells it in the air.

“Rogue?” He asks and I nod, closing my eyes to focus on the scent and locate where the smell of blood is coming from. There are multiples of victims, the scents of at least three Rogues being so strong it makes my eyes water.

“We need to see where the blood is coming from. Can you drive while I direct us?” I ask, Atticus nodding in agreement as he does his best to hide his fangs from the view of the humans. In silence, we rush to the garage, me throwing my keys to Atticus and climbing into the passenger seat as he puts the vehicle into drive.

“Right at the exit.” I state, making sure all windows are open. Eyes closed, I cling to my moonstone, feeling the magic strengthening my senses.

“Left in three hundred metres.”

“Right at the next turn then straight for five hundred.”

“Left, right here.” I continue to navigate, the smell growing stronger until a scent trail appears in my mind.Sometimes it will fade away and we will have to wait a few minutes until the scent reappears again, until finally we find ourselves parked behind a shady looking warehouse. The scent of blood, wolves and dogs is so strong that I have to cover my nose with a bandana to breathe.

“Where are we?” I ask, seeing a grim look on Atticus’ face as we climb out of the vehicle.

“The heart of Little Portugal. Most of the Hunters hide in small communities like Little Italy, Little Portugal and Chinatown. I have a feeling we have just arrived at one of their hideouts.” I frown, the scent that has been haunting me strengthening once again as a warehouse garage door opens and a body is thrown out onto the hard pavement.

“Just leave this mutt out there. He is going to be dead anyway.” A voice shouts from inside, ordering the two that just threw out what looks to be a large dog.

“I mean, we can always skin his pelt and sell it on the black market.” One of the men chuckles, the trailer door closing right away. Without a second thought, I rush towards the body, the scent of rogue wolf strong. Before me lays a black wolf, his body covered in wounds both old and new and a collar burning into his throat. I gasp, ready to kneel beside him and assess his injuries when Atticus pulls me back, keeping his body between me and this Rogue.

“You can’t just rush in!” He hisses, his eyes trained on the barely breathing body.

“He needs my help, Uncle!” I argue back, trying to move around the unmoving immortal.

“And you need to learn not to be so reckless!” He growls, placing his hands on my shoulders and stopping me in my place.

“Then help me help him!” My eyes are trained on the wolf as I plead with the vampire before me. I know he isscared to lose me, the daughter his best friend never got to raise, the niece he has been searching for all these centuries, but I cannot just stand there while a werewolf slowly dies.

“Fine. I will go fold the back seats down and we can shove this Rogue in through the trunk. But do not go near him!” Finally, my Uncle concedes before zipping away to where we left the Hummer. I count to five, making sure he is busy before turning back to the wolf and rushing to his side

“I’m here to help!” I coo softly, kneeling behind him so that if this injured wolf were to attack, I can doge quickly. The black wolf lets out a growl, his deep brown eyes glaring at me as blood seeps out from the corner of his lips.

“Oh shush. You’re going to die if I don’t help.” I sigh, placing my hand gently on his flank. He snaps at me, but I am quick to move my hands and grab his muzzle with ease, the anger and hatred evident in the wolf before me.

“Either I help you or you die. Choose.” I growl back, allowing my eyes to glow silver. I watch as he thinks over my words, realizing that I only have a moment before Atticus returns when I hear the start of the engine to my Hummer. But finally the growls subside and the wolf lowers his head some what submissively, allowing me to do what I can to save him.

With a sigh of relief, I gently smooth the fur away from some of the wounds, bending down to gently sniff at them and feeling confident that I can help this wolf heal when no scent of poison is present. Now onto the biggest problem, the silver collar.

The skin below it is burned away, the scarring unable to heal with constant contact. Without a second thought, I rush to find a way to remove it, jumping back when the wolf winces and snarls.

“I’m sorry, but try to relax, please. Silver doesn’t burnme and I can remove it quickly from you.” I explain, slowly moving around so that the wolf can see me. Kneeling once again, this time by his muzzle, I wait for the wolf to trust me and quickly get to work on removing the collar when he gives a slight nod. He growls as I work my fingers around the metal but does not attempt to attack me anymore.