“You father left me with some decent gold to play with for your inheritance. I got bored at one point and invested into a few things for you when you decided to re-emerge. I have been the lawyer for the wolves born from Luna’s and Spirit’s bloodline for centuries and have helped them to invest in business and real estate for years.” He explains, flipping the first page over to the next where the shock continues. I look at the ledger before me, noticing the list of assets.
“I own all of this?” I ask incredulous, catching Blake looking towards the papers as well and letting out a low whistle.
“Yes. This is a cosmetics business I opened up in your name. I mean, I used your money to create it but I own a few shares as well. This is a local gallery that was created a few hundred years ago and local artists sell their work. Of course, the gallery earns a commission to pay the five workers and utilities, but the rest of the money is profit for you.” I listen as he goes down the list, explaining the businesses and the profit, how each one came to be or how it was bought, and how some properties are rented out. I thought I was penniless when I left the Palace. Instead, it turns out I am richer than the Royal Pack.
“I have a feeling you also have a hand in the profit as well.” I chuckle, seeing a mischievous grin on the vampire’s face.
“I mean, I hope you don’t mind but I considered it payment for managing your assets. I still made you richer than the hundred gold left for you as the years passed by.” He says flippantly, making me laugh.
“That’s fine. I wonder why the Royal Pack is so poor if you could create amazing wealth like this.” I ponder, flipping through the papers once more.
“I tired to get Alexander to listen to me, but that fool has no idea what is good for him.” I chuckle at Atticus’ grumbling, realizing that I may have made a great friend and ally.
“Atticus—” I start, getting cut off before I can continue.
“Please Crystalline, I have waited centuries for this. Can you call me Uncle Atti? Your father was my best friend and I watched Selene grow into a powerful Moon Goddess. Now I get to finally watch you become a fair and just Queen.” His eyes holds familiar love at the mention of my family, the hope his words have that I will treat him the same way as my sister once did. Ira sending me here was a blessing in disguise, and when I get a cell phone and a home to settle into, I will have to call the Priestess to thank her.
“Uncle Atti, do you think you could help me keep investing and growing my funds? I also need a house while I live in Toronto for a few years.” I continue, my eyes tearing up as he gentle pulls me into a hug and takes a deep breath of my scent.
“Of course, Crystalline. You can always call me for anything, and I will be there for you, Little One.” He whispers. I came in needing a lawyer, and I will be leavingwith an uncle, two pups of my own, and more money than I can fathom. I cannot be any luckier.
?Chapter 14-Temporary Home?
I groan at the multiple boxes around the room, realizing that I should have paid for the moving crew to build the furniture for me. I am an idiot and thought it would be easy. Two weeks have passed since moving to Toronto and lucky for me, Uncle Atti let the pups and I live with him while I searched for a home of our own. Heidi helped me find a therapist—a witch name Hailey who is part of her coven—for Blake and Alice, the two needing help to process their experience within their old pack.
Five days ago after their first therapy session, Heidi called me to tell me about this large, six-bedroom, two-bathroom house with a finished basement. We were ecstatic and agreed to meet the realtor to see the house the next day. As soon as I saw the two-story building with a large backyard and a three-car garage, I knew instantly that it would be perfect. Without hesitation, I offered to buy the place outright with for two million dollars, an extra five-hundred thousand than the asking price.
“Crystalline!” A voice calls out as the front doors open.
“Upstairs, Uncle Atti.” With a sigh, I lean against the wall and call as I call out to him, the vampire appearing within second.
“Hello, Little O– what’s with all the boxes?” His greeting is cut off as he too scans the room with a multitude of boxes laying about.
“Furniture that needs to be built.” My grumbled response brings an amused smile to his lips as he ruffles myhair.
“I told you to let the movers do it.” He chuckles, pulling me to his side in a hug.
“I know. I should have listened but I wanted to try it on my own.” I sigh. I had maids and Omegas help build the furniture. Not once have I done much by myself.
“Besides, the pups are with Heidi right now shopping for decorations for their rooms. I thought I would have time to build everything, but I clearly underestimated how much work it would be.” With a groan, I look at the boxes in the room and think about the many others needing to be built. Luckily, the living room and kitchen had been set up by Uncle Atti. Without him, I would be worrying about organizing the first floor. Instead, I only have to focus on my room, Blake’s room and Alice’s room. Then we can add to the house as needed.
“Little One, you grew up in a Palace with maids. Why did you think it would be a good idea to try and build furniture—alone?” Atticus asks, amusement on his face.
“Because I thought it wouldn’t be hard.” With a growl of frustration, I pull away from him and make my way out of what is to be my bedroom and down the stairs. My destination is the kitchen for a glass of wine.
“Wine doesn’t fix everything, Crystalline.” Atticus states, trailing behind me as I reach the wine cooler built into the wall and take out a one-hundred-year-old red. Pouring two glasses, I hand one to the sassy vampire then take a sip from the other. Of course he is right, wine does not fix anything, but a drink does help calm me down.
“How about I help you build the furniture and then we can go out for dinner? I could use a rare steak.” He suggests, the idea tempting.
“Deal. But can we start with the kids’ rooms first? Iwould like them to come home to their own rooms completed after the life they have lived.” I agree, smiling as I think about what reactions Blake and Alice will have.
“Definitely.” With that, we clink our glasses together and head back upstairs, Atticus bringing the open bottle of wine with us. Next move, I will definitely pay for someone else to deal with all the furniture building.
“So, you have never been to The Keg?” Atticus chuckles, sipping on his third glass of wine mixed with blood. When he first ordered the drink upon arriving, I had been confused, unsure if this is a normal thing to order in the city. But then Atticus explained to me that this branch is owned by his friend, also a Vampire like him, and that his drink is a secret menu item made especially for vampires trying to blend in with the humans.
“I have only been to allied packs of Alexander’s. I spent most of my life in the palace.” I explain, munching on the warm bread the waitress left for us to enjoy. The scent of melted butter and cheese on a soft sourdough tantalizes me and causes my stomach to grumble. I cannot wait for my food to be brought to the table.