[Relax, Blake. You are safe here.] I link the teen beside me, reaching out my hand for him to take. I am shocked yet extremely happy when his fingers interlock with mine, his trust in me protecting him and his sister making my heart melt. Hand in hand with Blake and Alice on my hip, we walk towards the reception desk where a woman sits. Scenting the air, I am surprised to see she is a witch, her hands moving on the keyboard before her while she converses with someone on the phone floating next to her ear. She holds up a finger to us, mouthing ‘One Moment’ to me and I nod, seeing how busy she is and decide to lead Blake to the sitting area just across from her desk.
“Can she be trusted?” Blake asks as we sit down, eyeing the witch. I chuckle, ruffling his blonde hair and settle into my chair, Alice already sleeping against my shoulder.
“Yes. Most witches can be trusted, especially ones that openly work with other supernaturals and around humans.” I reassure, seeing him nod and his posture relaxing. This must be a shock to the young boy, traveling to a big city after running from his pack. Hopefully, he and Alice can open up about why they ran away while I talk with this lawyer and apply to be their guardian.
“Sorry for the wait, ma’am, I was dealing with an idiot Alpha.” The witch apologizes, walking towards me with a smile and two large lollypops for the pups.
“It’s fine. My name is Crystalline, and I am here to see Mr. Atticus.” I stand, careful not to wake Alice as I release Blake’s hand to shake her free hand.
“Oh, I am shocked you made it here so early! Atti has been waiting for you and told me to clear his schedule the moment you arrived. I just didn’t expect you to bring pups.”She exclaims happily, motioning for us to follow her as she takes us behind her desk to a door that leads directly to an elevator that we all file into. Blake takes my hand once again and shuffles closer, the witch pressing a button and shutting us in.
“I sent a link to Atti, this elevator will take us right into his office.” She explains just as the floor begins to move and the feeling of us ascending higher makes my eyes widen in surprise. I have never been in an elevator before and judging by Blake’s similar reaction, neither has he. The elevator ride is short-lived and the doors open to reveal a lavish office. A large wooden table with six chairs tucked around it greets us as we walk into the room.
“Crystalline, it is so good to finally meet you.” A deep voice calls out, his accent a muted old English. Turning to face the source of the voice, I watch as a tall, tanned man walks towards me, his dark eyes holding fondness and something akin to pride and love. His scent is of mint and raspberry with a hint of iron, and I can’t help but wonder if the iron comes from his need for blood in order to stay alive and not become feral.
“You look just like Luna did and the exact carbon copy of Selene. But that is to be expected as you are the twin to the second Moon Goddess and daughter of the first.” He chuckles, giving me a hug on my right side, careful to not jostle the sleeping Alice before turning to look at the weary Blake hiding behind me.
“Are these your pups?”
“Uh no. I actually saved Blake and Alice from Soulless after leaving the Temple. Is it safe to assume you are Atticus?” I answer, asking my own question in the end as the witch bids us goodbye and leaves through the elevator. She must be busy, dealing with complaining customers and by thesounds of it, thick-headed Alphas. I do not envy the poor woman.
“Yes, I am. I have been your family’s lawyer for centuries now, and I am excited to finally hand you your inheritance, young wolf.” Atticus chuckles, motioning for me to take a seat at the table. Blake and I take the seat closest to us, the teen letting me place Alice on the couch first so that she can continue to sleep while Atticus walks towards his desk, rummages through a drawer and returns to the table with a file in hand.
“So first off, care to explain why you brought the pups?” Atticus begins.
“I am not a pup, I am thirteen!” Blake shouts, his eyes glaring at the vampire across from me. I sigh, placing a hand on the teen’s shoulder and telling him to settle down before he wakes his sister, which seems to calm him some. He really is an overprotective brother.
“Okay, not a pup, then.” The vampire concedes, sending me a wink and going along with Blake’s outburst. I smile, sending him a silent thank you as Blake settles back into the seat, still glaring at the vampire who gives him a friendly smile, his fangs peeking out just below his top lip.
“As I mentioned, I saved them from Soulless and offered to bring them here with me. I want to be their guardian.” I explain, running my hand through Blake’s hair and watching the pup visibly relax with my touch. My heart breaks, seeing how a basic touch brought such comfort to him and wonder just what the siblings are hiding.
“I can help with that, but I need to know more to their story.” Atticus agrees. I sigh, realizing that becoming their guardian might be a little difficult if Blake refuses to tell us why he and his sister were alone. But to my surprise, the teen looks at me, then at the couch where his sister slept, beforelooking at Atticus.
“If I tell you, will you promise not to send us back to our old pack?” He asks Atticus, his small features carrying a look of seriousness. I hold my breath, the sibling already knowing I would not send them back, but I can’t say the same about this lawyer before us.
“Considering you are here with the Lost Princess; I can guarantee that I will never let you return to whatever pack you came from. I promise.” Atticus’s words seems to appease Blake as he takes a deep breath and looks out the window, staring out at Lake Ontario as he thinks over his words.
“Alice and I were orphaned when Alice turned three. Soulless snuck into the pack and killed our parents. I was seven at the time. We became Omega’s instantly and because my sister is the only golden-haired wolf with blue eyes, she was put into a special class.” I watch as his fists clench in anger at the mention of the class, wondering just what the two went through.
“If I wasn’t at school, I was cleaning the pack house with other Omegas, barely able to see my sister. A week ago, I was lucky enough to work near the class Alice was in and that’s when I learned what that class was about.” Rage is simmering off of Blake by this point and something inside me tells me I am not going to like this answer. Without hesitation, I wrap my arms around him, running my fingers through his hair to help calm the furious pup, feeling angry myself at the pack they ran away from.
“What is that class about, Blake?” Atticus asks, reaching over to gently hold his clenched hand.
“They take orphaned girls with unique looks and train them to be bed warmers. When the girl turns twelve, they are used for sex by the top pack members.” Blake whispers, a tearrunning down his face. I look to Atticus whose face is set in a grim look. Quickly, he stands and rushes to his desk, taking a laptop and bringing it to the table, promptly opening it.
“Blake, I need to ask. Is this pack called Nightmare Moon?” Atticus asks, turning the laptop to face Blake with the pack mentioned on display, the layout of every building easily recognizable. I shudder, realizing that Nightmare Moon is an ally pack of Alexander, and the unease I felt each time I had to visit the pack and meet the Alpha is finally explained.
“Yes. That’s where the class is and where they keep the girls.” Pointing to a building just on the edge of the territory. I frown, watching as Atticus turns the laptop around and type for a moment, Blake clinging to me and breathing in my scent. No wonder they are so malnourished and tired all the time, and why Blake has trouble trusting others.
“I just sent this information to Ira. We have had she-wolves escape from that pack and take refuge at the Temple. Geminie will take care of this issue, and I have a feeling Nightmare Moon will be no more now that we have two children who have escaped from there.” Atticus explains as he closes the laptop, his flawless looking face holding a weariness I did not expect from someone who does not age.
“Blake, you are a very brave wolf for running away with your sister, and I promise that Crystalline will be your guardian now that we know you two are orphans and were abused. I have Heidi, the witch you met, getting the paperwork ready. I just need your last name.”
“It’s Skylarke. Blake and Alice Skylarke.” Atticus nods, his eyes glazing over and I smile. Knowing that this vampire is helping these siblings stay together and letting me keep them by my side makes me happy.
“Okay. Heidi has the information and will bring the papers up after we deal with Crystalline.” With that, Atticusopens the folder he brought to the table earlier, turning the contents to face me. Curious, I ask if it okay for me to look and once I see the vampire nod, I pull the folder towards me, taking a look at the first page and looking up in shock.
“Five billion?!” Blake winces as I shout in shock shushing me and reminding me his sister is sleeping. I apologize before looking down at the paper then back to Atticus who chuckles, getting up from his seat and moving to sit beside me, his manicured fingers taking the folder from my hand.