Then there is Matrix. We grew up together and wanted each other as mates. I don’t know how I will be able to be without him on this journey but I will have to try.

An hour passes and my emotions settle. I know I can visit everyone, and I can’t wait to be settled in the city and have them come visit. With a smile, I start walking back to my car. It’ll get late soon, and part of me doesn’t want to camp in the woods.


My foot steps pause at the sounds of a howl, one every wolf hates to hear. Soulless were near and that spells trouble. Rushing towards the direction the howl came from, I head deeper into the forest and off the hiking trail. The farther into the trees, the closer the stench of death and decay become. I realize that this stench is that of Soulless and inwardly curse. They are migrating closer to the Temple and I cannot allow any of them to attack the sacred place.

“Stay back, Alice!” A childish voice calls out, making me run faster. Children were in trouble, and a rush of fear that the Soulless is after them hits me. Scenting the air, I frown and realize two other wolves were near, meaning two children are facing off with the Soulless, and if I don’t hurry soon, these two will become minced meat.

“Be careful, Blake!” a little girl cries out in warning. Thankfully, I am close by, and with a burst of energy, I find myself jumping off of a small cliff and landing in front of the two children, dagger at the ready as I take in the two Soulless baring their putrid fangs at two kids and now me.

“Who… Who are you?” The boy asks as soon as I straighten, deciding which Soulless to kill first.

“A friend. We can talk later.” I reassure the twofrightened kids. Without a second to spare, I race towards the Soulless on the left—an ex-Beta who had lost the majority of their weight—dodging a swipe of their claws and slashing at their paw with the dagger. I watch as it recoils in pain, the silver burning its flesh and giving me a moment to quickly slit their throat, inflicting a quick and painless death. Now, I cast my attention to the second Soulless.

This one eyes me carefully, as if its humanity is not too far gone. I have a feeling they are watching, waiting to see what the results would be. Something inside me tells me that I need to kill this wolf seeing as it holds the slight scent of a Tracker, and that instinct turns out to be correct. The wolf slowly backs away, watching me warily before turning tail and running off. Making sure the children are safe and that no predators are about, I rush after the Soulless, using the trees the way Amberle trained me to, and quickly catch up to the Soulless. Within moments, I had taken the lead and waited patiently before finally jumping off the branch and landing directly on its back. Although this won’t kill the Soulless, it slows it down and gives me a chance to back away before they can sink their teeth into me.

“Coro sent you, didn’t he?” I speculate, seeing a flash of recognition in the Soulless’ eyes.

“Tell my brother I will find him and kill him, then.” I chuckle, watching as the wolf’s eyes glaze over in the way it does when a link is activated. Slowly stalking towards the wolf before me, I wait for its focus to return to me and when it does, I watch as fear clouds its face just as I sink my dagger into its neck, not bothering to dodge the attack and earning a wound on my arm. It’s the price I have to pay to send the message to my brother. After making sure this Soulless has a painless and quick death, I rush back to where I left the children, shocked to see them still against the cliffs walls andwaiting patiently for me.

“Thank you for saving us.” The little girl smiles, the boy standing in front of her protectively.

“You’re welcome. Why are you two out here alone?” I watch the two closely, deciding to lean against a tree a few feet away to give them their space while I clean and sheath my dagger now that there is no immediate threat.

“Why should we tell you?” The boy asks defiantly. Ah, the teenager attitude. Goodie.

“Because it’s not normal for pups to be out alone without pack mates while carrying backpacks.” I point out, nodding towards their packs on the floor just behind them.

“We ran away from our pack.” The little one answers. Looking closely, I notice how gaunt their features are, realizing they were underweight.

“Alice, shut up!”

“No, Blake. She saved us, so she must be good!” I watch the two bicker and I sigh, pushing myself off from the tree and walking towards them, scooping their backpacks onto my shoulders.

“I am Crystalline Thorn. If you want, I am heading to Toronto and could use the company. I was even thinking about heading to McDonald’s for some food.” I smile at the two pups, seeing their eyes widen when they realize I am offering them a ride and some food.

“You won’t take us back to our packs?” The boy asks.

“You ran away for a reason. So did I. Why don’t you tell me all about it on the way to the city and we can stick together while we are at it?” I answer, jumping in surprise when someone takes my hand and notice the little girl beside me, a smile on her face.

“Can we go to one with a Play Place?” She sheepishly asks and I chuckle, bending down and lifting her into myarms, doing everything to keep the smile on my face when I realize just how light she is. I really need to get some food into her little body and get her and the boy healthy.

“We can definitely go to one with a playroom for you.” With that, I carry her towards my Hummer, knowing the boy will follow me no matter what.

“I’m Alice Skylarke, and that’s my older brother Blake.” With a smile, Alice introduces herself and her brother Blake as well. I have a feeling these two have a story to tell, and when they are ready, I am all ears.

?Chapter 13-A Lawful Vampire?

“Is this the place?” Blake asks as we pull into a parking lot. I smile at the pup turning to see his sister Alice fast asleep in the back seat, her golden hair shinning after our night in the motel room and having access to a proper bath.

“Yes. We can talk to the lawyer about making me your legal guardian.” I answer, seeing the hope in the thirteen year old’s eyes. With a chuckle, I climb out of the vehicle and make my way to Alice’s side, opening the door and gently shaking her.

“Alice, we are here.” I coo to the nine year old, watching her slowly open her eyes. She yawns as Blake joins us, still a little weary of me even after three days on the road getting to know one another. I know in time he will warm up to me, and I think that by taking care of his sister, he will see that I am no threat to them.

“Are we here?” The little pup mumbles as she wakes from her nap, rubbing her eyes. I chuckle, helping her unbuckle her seatbelt and lifting her into my arms. She is still so thin and I hope that with a few good meals, she will be able to grow to a healthy weight.

“Yes, we are here.” I answer, tucking her hair out of the way before closing her door and locking the car. Making my way to the entrance of the building with the pups, I reach out and take Blake’s hand to make sure the crowd of humans don’t whisk him away from me, only releasing his hand once we make it safely in front of the doors. As soon as we enter the lobby to the fourteen-story office building, Blake shufflescloser to my side, his eyes wide yet cautious of all the humans mingling around us and going about their day.